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Homeschool Name


What should our homeschool be named?  

  1. 1. What should our homeschool be named?

    • Kingsley Academy
    • 79th Street Schoolhouse
    • Other?

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Think about your transcripts - what would sound professional to someone who doesn't know you? Here we only get one chance to name our school - the state will not let us change it once it is named (I have no idea why they are that way, but they are so we live with it).

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I love the 79th Street Schoolhouse. :thumbup1: It's different! Seems everyone has "academy" this or that. Academy is actually for later levels.


So if you're starting out, I love 79th Street Schoolhouse. When middle or high school hits and transcripts are needed then you can change to an academy.

Edited by alilac
assuming you can change it later....
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I love the 79th Street Schoolhouse. :thumbup1: It's different! Seems everyone has "academy" this or that. Academy is actually for later levels.


So if you're starting out, I love 79th Street Schoolhouse. When middle or high school hits and transcripts are needed then you can change to an academy.

:iagree:I love 79th Street Schoolhouse!

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Are there really states that require homeschools to be named? Or do you do it for college entry? I guess I better rethink our Happy Hamster Homeschool!:lol:




NC requires it, and does not allow changes once the school is registered. My older boys and I chose our school name when they were 5 and barely 7, and have often wished we could change it to something else. It isn't too bad, but sounds more like an elementary school than a high school.

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Guest RecumbentHeart

I wouldn't do 79th Street due to the simple inability to predict the future with all certainty - what if you move? Kingsley sounds good but I'm not sure on the Academy part. My vote is "other" but without any other suggestions. .. sorry, I'm not very creative. lol

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I'm going to be a party pooper and vote "other". As another PP said, you could move, although since it isn't an official name registered anywhere, you could just choose a new name in that case.


I would be more worried about "Kingsley" since dogs have a much shorter life expectancy than people, and I would hate to have my school name be a sad reminder of a lost pet at some point down the road. The kids might not have the heart to change it, out of respect for their pet, but it would certainly add a somber tone to the name. So, I would choose something less temporal.


Sorry for the downer...

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Well... ya'll aren't much help. LOL.


The name is either too academic or has the potential to be named after a dead dog. Or, we might move. Hhhmmm.... Liking that Happy Hamster Homeschool name. :D


:lol: Nan, Headmistress of the Happy Hamster Homeschool!

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