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Does anyone have any magazine suggestions for 13yo DD?

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My DD is just turning 13 and loves to read. She has recently shown an interest in the magazines available at the checkout counters, and needless to say, most (all?) of the 'teen' selections are not what I consider appropriate for her.


I think she likes the idea of being stylish and wearing makeup, and I don't have a problem with that as long as it's modest. We talked about the articles about the celebrities and why it's a waste of time to read about them and she gets that idea.


She did say that although she liked the one magazine-style book I bought her, she doesn't really want to have every article be about faith and God. I can respect that and agree that there is a time for each sort of reading. I just don't want it to be 'fluff' that she's reading.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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It has been a million years since I've read it, but Seventeen magazine isn't too bad. Fashion. Make up. Hair styles. Misc articles of interest to teens. Nothing too trashy. But I would buy a copy of any magazine you are considering at a bookstore to check it out.

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My dd enjoyed Kiki though she's decided to let it lapse now.


You can get a good sense of it online. It is fashion but it's very sensibly done, not trashy at all & has good messages for young girls.


Calliope, Muse, Odyssey and Yes Mag are also popular in my house.


We also have a subscription to The Economist & dd will usually read the obit, the book reviews, some of the science & technology & at least one current events article each week.


The other one we get on & off - & this is a cheapie - is Martha Stewart Living. If your dd enjoys cooking, baking or crafts, this one is fun to get.

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I wonder if she might do better with a more grown-up magazine like Real Simple or Ladies' Home Journal or Good Housekeeping. Those all have bits about fashion and hair and make-up (though those often feel like long ads to me), but they don't have the frenetic feel of the teen magazines. You might have to watch some of the content sometimes in the essays, but I actually think it might be less worrisome than the content of the teen magazines.

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I don't know which would be good about style or make-up (and if you saw me, you'd see that is obvious!).


However, for *other* magazine options....what about interest based ones. If she's into cats, there are a number of ones about cats. If she's interested in being a teacher, there are a number of teacher specific ones. If she is interested in a particular kind of science, get that. And it goes on and on, of course. There are magazines about things you'd NEVER dream there were magazines about (collectible/showable buttons for example).


Anyway, that is the direction *I* would go.

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My DD likes Good Housekeeping, National Geographic, Woman's Day, Family Circle, and Reader's Digest. IOW, she reads my mags, plus NG.


After DD outgrew American Girl, I could not find any magazines that are marketed to teenage girls that have appropriate content, IMO. I looked at the tables of contents in Glamour and Seventeen magazines, and they are a lot different than they were 40 years ago when I read them. I haven't seen a Teen magazine in years, which is another one I used to read.



Edited by RoughCollie
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Thank you for all of the ideas! I went to the Kiki website and that looks promising; I'll stop at the bookstore here that carries it and take a look at it.


I had forgotten about Reader's Digest and National Geographic. I actually just received a special offer for a year of NG for $16.00 so that's ready to go off in the mail on Tuesday!


I do get several magazines for myself (also on special offers - if you respond to one, you get dozens more!) such as Better Homes and Gardens, Consumer Reports, Ladies Home Journal, Sunset, and Bead Style. She likes to look through those, but I think she'd like something to call her own. She loves ballet, so maybe I can find something appropriate along those lines.


Has anyone read Susie, the magazine that was supposed to sort of replace Brio?


BTW, I don't ask many questions because I can usually do a search and find what I'm looking for, so I've never needed to post until now. Thanks again!

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Seventeen magazine is WAY different. The one I picked up at the ortho office had an article titled "Hookup ettiquette: Do you call him after?" and a poll about whether "friends with benefits" were good or bad.:blink:


My DD11 loves American Girl and National Geographic Kids.

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