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Annoying misspellings?

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The way I taught myself to spell separate correctly was to say "separation" out loud when I was trying to remember -- to me the "uh" sound for the first "a" is much more clear than if you just say "separate."

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The way I taught myself to spell separate correctly was to say "separation" out loud when I was trying to remember -- to me the "uh" sound for the first "a" is much more clear than if you just say "separate."


I read that somewhere when I was a kid, and it stuck with me.

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"Definite" is another one that is commonly misspelled. I have to think "de" "finite" to myself--two words--in order to spell it correctly. :-)


This results in an awesome spellcheck error, since if you spell it definate the first word spellcheck comes up with is 'defiant', so all sorts of students turn in papers stating 'I defiantly believe that ...'

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I've never been sure of separate since I missed it in a district spelling bee, 4th grade, I think it was. I also have difficulty with several, the word I missed in 3rd grade.


I'm not too bad at spelling, but I always got so nervous in front of all those parents. You'd think missing a word would make it stand out forever, but in my case it has only made me remember to look it up every time I use it.


Julie D.

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