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IEW or Writeshop...pick one!

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My quick 2 cents - We have used both and actually like both programs. I don't think you can go wrong with either one. WriteShop is easy to implement with everything spelled out and scheduled for you. My older dd used this in middle school and really enjoyed it. We have since moved on to IEW. I had purchased it a few years ago and finally found the time to watch the DVDs. I really like the theme-based books that you can use along with whatever history you happen to be studying.

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Hmm...Tough call. They are similar. We loved them both. I loved the assignments from writeshop. I also loved all the examples of how to grade and give helpful editing advice. I think WriteShop helped me become a better teacher. It also has writing skills practice. (things like taking one sentence and replacing it with stronger verbs)


IEW had great videos. There are some lesson plans, but not as many as Writeshop. Writeshop is more pick up and go. But IEW gives you teaching with differant types of writing. ANd my son loved the DVD's!


I guess I would go with Writeshop, mainly because of how much it taught me on how to help my son. But either one I think you will be happy with.

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I pick IEW---the Structure and Style program for mom coupled with the theme based books. I have really liked having the kids write about what they are learning or have learned in history. It seems to be more relevant to them and easier for me to implement. We just got tired of the "Personal Narrative" type assignments or other types of assignments that were geared more towards kids going to an actual school. I have watched about 2 of the DVDs from the program----but that was enough to get me hooked and truly understanding the program and how to make it work. Also, the theme based books are so easy to implement once you understand the whole 'system' AND they are step by step instruction. Grading is SO easy too.

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I used both for 7th grade ds. We did IEW first and then WS. Ds thought Andrew Pudewa was funny and quirky, but I couldn't grasp the idea that ds was learning. It felt like busywork. Maybe if I continued with the program? Or maybe if I had a kid who doesn't do the least amount of work possible. He never THOUGHT while using IEW.


Speaking of thinking, I'll throw out another idea - Lost Tools of Writing. Now THAT teaches thinking and writing.

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My daughter has used the IEW teaching structure and style DVDs. I do not teach her from it but rather she and I watch the section that goes with her TRISMS assignment together and then she implements it herself. She is already a good writer, so most of the what she has done with it so far is review for her. Although I often hear that people find Pudewa entertaining, both she and I find him rather irritating. I wish he'd just get to the point and quit wasting our time with chatter. But, we will keep using the program and hopefully it will be less of a review for her next year.

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Have not used WriteShop..I looked at it but ended up going with IEW...I really do like it even though I was opposed to such a formulaic approach to writing (I'm much more bent towards creative writing)...but after some deeper searching, I realized IEW does help creative writers as well as reluctant ones.


One of the greatest resources I can comment on are the yahoo groups for IEW..there is one for teachers in a co-op setting and one for families...both have oodles of additional resources that former/present teachers share....I think I have printed out over 200 resource sheets this weekend alone! I used SWI B and TWSS with my own children last year and now am teaching in a co-op this year using it..I'll move on to the Elegant Essay for the high school kids and one of the literature packs for the middle schoolers...


I highly recommend it but spend some hours/days at the yahoo groups and it will give you a great idea of the support available..Writeshop may have these discussion groups as well, I'm just not aware of any.



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My daughter has used the IEW teaching structure and style DVDs. I do not teach her from it but rather she and I watch the section that goes with her TRISMS assignment together and then she implements it herself.


This is a really good idea. I've never made it past the second disk, and don't know why this did not occur to me. :001_huh:



She is already a good writer, so most of the what she has done with it so far is review for her.
This would be the case for my 13 yo as well--and he did seem to like watching Mr. Pudewa when I was watching it myself (way back when). I didn't require him to watch it though and will definitely try that. I keep thinking I've got to watch all nine of these disks.... :sleep:



Although I often hear that people find Pudewa entertaining, both she and I find him rather irritating. I wish he'd just get to the point and quit wasting our time with chatter.
This would be why I've not watched them all. When I did watch, I would get bored and start doing something else and I'd miss something. :tongue_smilie:


Now don't get me wrong--he IS a great speaker. I'm just way too easily distracted, and he does tend to go on a bit. I bet I could get more out of an actual seminar.

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Although I often hear that people find Pudewa entertaining, both she and I find him rather irritating. I wish he'd just get to the point and quit wasting our time with chatter. But, we will keep using the program and hopefully it will be less of a review for her next year.


Ha---this is funny! My ds could not STAND watching the SWI DVDs---that's why I went with the theme based writing and ME watching the TWSS. :tongue_smilie:

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