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Please help me pack!

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Well, I'm not expecting anyone to come to my house with boxes and bubble wrap :). Really, advice is what is needed.


We are moving in a month, and I'm looking around my itty bitty house that is crammed full and feeling slightly overwhelmed. My husband has been raiding the grocery store and hardware store for boxes. I have the leaning tower of (empty) cardboard on the front porch. It threatens anyone who comes to the front door. My two year old and the four year old are covering each other in packing tape. The two oldest boys are fighting over what would be the best way to pack the Legos and K'nex. I think I may need to tape my mouth shut so that no one will hear my screams. :lol:


Anyone have any tips, suggestions, techniques to offer?

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I'm right there with you! We're moving too and I'm feeling overwhelmed...the place we're moving to is just across town so I don't have to bubble wrap everything. How far are you guys going? Last year we moved across the country and then i really did have to bubble wrap it all :tongue_smilie:

Sounds like your dh is on the right track with the boxes...we've done the same. I've used towels and crib sheets to wrap up breakables. I heard good tips like - label ALL the sides of the box wiht what's in there so you don't have to spin it all around, pack up one box with all the stuff you'll need to make up beds for your first night in the new place - you'll be too tired to play "where's the box with all the sheets?", make sure you have any medicine you or the kids need in a separate box too...have a list of all the places yo need to call to change your address, tape the remote to the TV so you don't lose it...my brain is tired! I hope these tips were useful and have a safe move! Hang in there with the kids...mine are about those ages. It's not easy but it'll get done ;)



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We've moved... a lot (military....)

Here are my best tips:


Have a ton of newspaper on hand, and label EVERYTHING that goes into a box on the outside in Sharpie along with the room it goes in. This takes a bit of extra time, but is well worth it :)


Pack all the chochzkes (sp?) now. Anything decorative and non-necesarry, dust as you pack them... Also include any books you don't need.

Next, pack all the clothes you will not need until you move in and unpack (coats, ski clothes, whatever).

Step 3 - all the paintings/pictures on the walls

Step 4 - anything in the kitchen you can live without

Now the attic and any storage stuff.

Starting about two weeks before the move, start on the kids' toys, other books, non-essentials in the garage, office, etc.

A week before - everything that you won't need for the next few days...

Kitchen is always last and takes me two days to pack...


Lastly - determine the need for shower curtains, hooks, etc - and have that ready to move in. Keep a seperate box with towells, TP, and other bathroom stuff in it and readily available.

Also - have a "last box" that really doesn't even need closed and will stay with you - for things like game station remotes, dog leashes, phone chargers, etc.

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Have something for the kids to pack, especially if you are just going across town.


Let the oldest boys pack the k'nex and the legos - one pack each unless they can finally decide on how to pack them. :)


Let the littles pack something too. When we moved I have a 3 yo and a 1 yo. They packed my tupperware. I gave them a big box and yes they just threw it in and yes it could have been done much better and more efficiently and in a smaller box, but they did it and they were thrilled to help.

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My best tip is to be OVERLY specific when you label the boxes. It is beyond frustrating to need my muffin tin and have to wade through 20 boxes marked "kitchen"! :confused: It would have been worth the extra time and bother to have a box marked "utensils, knives, toaster, cutting boards", for example.

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Just moved with a little one. My advice - let the littles color the boxes. Seriously. A little crayon won't hurt anything and it makes them feel part of the process. Tell them they're "labeling" the boxes.


The olders can pack one type each, just like PPs have recommended. If Fidget doesn't like what Widget is doing, then Fidget needs to be sure his own packing is beyond reproach. Same way other way 'round. :)

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