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How would you handle this insurance check

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Last October my daughter had her wisdom teeth removed. The dentist's office handled the billing. They sent it to our health insurance first and then it was sent to our dental insurance as a secondary insurance. From the beginning everything has been messed up. The dentist's office billed for 4 teeth even though only 3 teeth were removed. The medical insurance covered some of the expense but the dental insurance should have covered the rest.


A few months after the surgery we received a large check from the dental insurance. I knew it was in error so I called the insurance company. They said that they would get back to me and I finally had to call back a few months later. At that point another person at the insurance said that they didn't owe me anything. It's confusing but has to do with how much the dentist should have charged being in network and the health insurance had already paid more than that amount even though we were charged more. I called the dentist again since it seemed that they were in error but they never got back to me. It's such a confusing mess so I ended up never calling back since we have had so many other things going on.


Today I received a letter from the dental insurance asking me why I hadn't cashed my check since it was over 6 months old. They gave me two options to mark off 1) I never received the check or 2) I received the check and will cash it shortly. The check was for over $1000. If my calculations are correct they owe us more like $400.


I don't feel right cashing the check yet I don't know how to get this straightened out. Any suggestions?

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I used to do billing for Dr's and have had this problem come up before. If you push too much, you will confuse everyone and most likely cause a review that could REALLY mess things up by involving people that doen't have a clue as the company's procedures. I would suggest that you cash the check, put it into a savings account and never touch it. They most likely will do an internal review in the next yr and discover the mistake for themselves, then they will ask for the money back. After 2 yrs, I guess the money is yours.



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I think you did all you could do to set it right. If you mark that you never received the check, they will probably just send another in the same amount. I say cash the check. Perhaps, put the windfall amount aside just in case they ever find the error.

:iagree:I think that I would reply that you will cash it shortly, and then make a copy of the letter. You have done what you can do.

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We had a hospital, YEARS after my son had an MRI, send us a check for $650!!!! I called and was told that they did owe us that. Hubby, a lawyer who spends most of his day dealing with insurance companies for clients, said to just cash the thing. So we did. This was a few years back and no one ever raised a peep about it.

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My hubby is also a lawyer. Recently, he had a client with a similar situation. This person had cashed the check, knowing it was in error, and--like someone else just posted--the company realized the error several months later and demanded the money back. Hubby said there was no remedy except to repay it. The client had already spent the money. It was recommended he contact the company to make a suitable payment plan.

So, as someone else suggested, I would cash it but hang onto it for at least a year.

Also, keep a copy of EVERY correspondence you possibly can, even handwritten notes of phone calls with date, time, name of contact person, and nature of conversation.

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If I was confident of what they owed me, I would cash it, then send them a check for the overpayment.

I just would not want to wait around for them to figure it out and come looking for it...plus, it's their money.

They sound disorganzed enough that they'll cash it before asking questions.

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I would take that letter they sent and send it back saying you will cash it and make a copy of it and send it to them certified so you know they get it. Then cash it.

I would find out the laws regarding collections from them as well. Hold the money for that long and then it is yours.

It isn't like it is only $10... :) Cash it, sit on it and then it is yours.

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