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Not a proud mommy moment, but UGH!

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You know them....the ones where you want to send your children off to boarding school!


DD was doing her math. She writes a "3" that looks like an "M". I point it out and give her the I'm ashamed, you know better look. She says "that's just how I make my 3's". The sass upsets me, so I set out to prove a point. I write 3,672 on the white board with a 3 that looks like an "M". I proceed to ask DH what it says. He says "three thousand six hundred seventy two". UGH! Way to help me out here. So, DD busts out laughing. I'm clearly getting increasingly frustrated but allow myself to laugh to avoid the eruption of frustration I feel coming. DD points out that I'm laughing too and I say "I'm laughing, because it's either that or I get angry and start yelling". I sit on the couch. She sits on her knees in front of my and laughs in my FACE!!!!!!!!!


I lose it. I get angry. I send her away from me before I say too much. She runs off to the basement.


So, here I sit. Sigh.

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-sigh- We have some of that going on over here too.


DD has been able to write her name since she was 2. However her e looked remarkable similar to her a, but if you asked her what letter they were she would say "e" or "a" (and could also point out an e/a in other words)


Lowercase e is a tough letter. So I just let it go. A couple months ago I started making her write the e correctly, and she usually does. But when she's getting lazy she'll say "Can I just write it my way?" even with words other than her name. lol. Or if she just does it and I catch it... "Well you KNOW that's how I write my e!"


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My daughter does that too with various numbers and letters. When I point it out that she can do way better she says, "No Mom, that's my fancy way of writing". I have been in the habit of banishing her momentarily from the room as well, or else I may get loud. Unfortunately our apartment isn't that big so the banishing is usually within visual distance :glare:. I feel your pain.

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I have a daughter that is like this too. The laughing in your face seems to me like a direct challenge, as well as flat out disrespect....but maybe that's just me. I don't know if you grade her math, and make her correct her answers before moving on...but I do. And to fix this problem for the both of you, I would circle every m looking 3 wrong, and make her correct them. I may sound a bit harsh, but she can't continue to write her 3's like this, the correction needs to be made now, before she starts paying her bills with checks in the amount of $m14.04. The bank won't know what she means. I can see how this needs to be corrected. I would keep correcting her. And ask you husband if he wants to be paid with M's. LOL! :)

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I'd have lost it when she laughed in my face, too. That's not okay in my book. My son is still reversing a lot of letters and numbers and I make him correct them every. single. time. He hates it, but I've told him that's the way it is till he learns to do it right. I understand the frustration and the fact that he thinks it's fine to do it "his way," but that doesn't give him - or your daughter - the right to be disrespectful.

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