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Who's itching to have another baby?

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Yes! After swearing this was my last baby during the whole pregnancy, he hit two months old and I'm already wanting #5 & #6. It's strange. I just have really cute babies, what can I say?


Now we are in the process of buying a house that happens to be double the square footage of what we currently own. WAY too big actually. Now I feel the desire to fill it with children. :001_huh:


Will I survive motherhood?


When will I stop wanting more kids???

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Me too! I had an only child for 11 years. We tried and tried for #2 and finally gave up and moved on, then she was a surprise! Now I don't want to raise 2 only children. 1 only child was hard, but 2 only children?!!! Hopefully the 3rd (and maybe even 4th & 5th :tongue_smilie:) wont take so long. :D

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I'm good. :lol:


Me too. I thought I really wanted another one until my best friend had a baby in November. Now, I am reminded of all the reasons why I don't want to go down that road again. My pregnancies were also very difficult and I just can't put myself or my family through that again. I don't think it would be fair to the children I have now. I have also experienced two miscarriages and don't care to go down that road again either. I'll play with my friend's baby and give him back when it is time.

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Well we just adopted our baby girl 6 months ago but the orphangae just called and they have another baby girl available. I actually hesitated...thought maybe we can take this one too...then my dh looked at me like I have 4 heads so I guess that's a no. :D he would like another but would like to get this one a little older first.

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Well we just adopted our baby girl 6 months ago but the orphangae just called and they have another baby girl available. I actually hesitated...thought maybe we can take this one too...then my dh looked at me like I have 4 heads so I guess that's a no. :D he would like another but would like to get this one a little older first.


I would have found it impossible to resist.


In fact, I am sure if I was living over there, and came from a country that allowed overseas adoption, that my house would end up looking like an orphanage.

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Well, I'm not really the "itching for babies" type. I loved my own, and think other people's are cute, but I'm not one of those people who melts when they see a baby and wants one as soon as theirs becomes a toddler. My favorite age is actually 3-5. Babies are exhausting, and I have been smuggly content that mine are old enough to behave, be self-sufficient and stay home alone. I was blessed with one of each, and saw no reason not to be "done".


All that said, it has recently hit me how quickly my kids have grown, and how soon they will be gone and my child-rearing days will be over. I have started to imagine them as adults, and only having one sibling. I never intended to have more kids, but always knew I could if I wanted to, at the drop of a hat. Weight gain, white hairs and reduced energy have brought it to my attention that, very soon, that option will close, and we may well regret not having taken fuller advantage of my reproductive years.


So, in November, our family will have a new, "second-round" addition! It has taken some time to sink in, and am just now getting used to the idea that our lifestyle and 20-year plan will totally change. But, dc are thrilled, and I am looking forward to doing this over again, with many years of parenting experience and mellowing behind me (not to mention built-in babysitters)!


No not really an itch, but more like a biological clock ticking ;).

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I am ALWAYS itching to have another! But, I can't....after the complications of the last two pregnancies and the near infarction my OBGYN had when I turned up pregnant the last time, I'm pretty certain he, his collegues, and the mid-wives would all be frozen in terror and unable to continue their jobs due to P.T.S.D. LOL or at least that is what the dear doctor told me they would all suffer from if he saw me in his office again for prenatal care! So, no baby...sigh.


Heather, get that baby! If you don't want her, bring her here and sign her over to us. Last year we finally came up with enough funds to get in line for an overseas adoption only to find out that since dh had turned 45, he had aged out of the system for getting a child under five from just about every country we could afford to adopt from. The only one that would consider us was Guatamala and that would have been fine but their adoptions were on hold at the time pending the investigation of some underhanded baby dealing within their borders. So, he was definitely going to be officially "too old" once the mess was sorted out. Some friends of ours eventually gave up on getting their little boy out of Guatamala.


Dh and I make due by going to church and hoarding all of the babies into our pew. He begs moms to let him "give them a break" and when I look over from the piano, it's not uncommon to see him holding one in his lap and rocking one in a carrier, grinning from ear to ear! I swear he hasn't "heard" a sermon in years. One time our senior pastor looked over to see DH with his three month old baby girl and they were having a grand time. He announced from the pulpit, "Darling baby girl of mine, please stop being so adorable so our dear church treasurer can actually worship! Then he winked at dh!" Everyone laughed because they know what a babyaholic dh is.


As long as your healthy, get at the baby having everyone! Dh and I will live vicariously through you.



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Although I'm not the kind of gal who really enjoyed being pregnant, I sure do love my kids. Unfortunately due to a hasty decision my DH had a vasectomy and now I want more.

I struggle daily with the decision we made, I could never ask him for a reversal, it just wouldn't be fair. So alas, I want more but can't. I have looked into foster/adopt but just don't know if it will work for our family. It's in Gods hands now.

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