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Needing help Peace hill press books for the WTM


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My DS will be starting 1st grade soon. For K I purchased SL the whole package. I ended up not using alot of it and spending alot of money. This year we will be starting CC so I still need a phonics, reading, writing, math curiculum. I have saxon 1 and OPGTR. Then I came across this website and the peace hill press books site. Their 1st grade cur. consists of the following:

Story of the World Volume 1: Ancient Times-Paperback

Activity Book 1 (Ancient Times) [Revised Edition]-Paperback

Tests for The Story of the World, Vol. 1

The Story of the World, Vol. 1 (Revised) Audiobook

First Language Lessons Level 1&2 Paperback

Audio Companion - First Language Lessons

Writing With Ease Instructor Text

Writing With Ease Workbook Level 1

The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading Paperback

Audio Companion - Ordinary Parent's Guide

Magnetic Boards

Flashcards for the Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading


someone who has used this 1st grade bundle, can you tell me did you use all of it or find some of it not nessasary to have. I want to buy the bundle but not all of it if I don't or won't use it. Any info would be great. Also I see alot about SOTW, does everyone love this?

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I tried to teach using every single resource for a while. Now I've whittled it down to Saxon math, Saxon phonics, FLL, MCT Spelling workout, (gee, I guess you could read my list below). For 1st grade, I would follow KISS principle. Math, phonics, spelling, handwriting. I'd do the SOTW and Activity book. But you can skip the tests for now and the audiobook. Read easy history & science books and talk about them. Bake lots of cookies. Do art/craft stuff. Plant some seeds.

I didn't use FLL audio, either. Or OPGTR (I love Saxon Phonics but I skip some parts in each lesson--or it would take 1 hour a day.) And I haven't tried WWE but it looks really good. (Already spent a lot of money on another program!)

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My DS will be starting 1st grade soon. For K I purchased SL the whole package. I ended up not using alot of it and spending alot of money. This year we will be starting CC so I still need a phonics, reading, writing, math curiculum. I have saxon 1 and OPGTR. Then I came across this website and the peace hill press books site. Their 1st grade cur. consists of the following:

Story of the World Volume 1: Ancient Times-Paperback

Activity Book 1 (Ancient Times) [Revised Edition]-Paperback

Tests for The Story of the World, Vol. 1

The Story of the World, Vol. 1 (Revised) Audiobook

First Language Lessons Level 1&2 Paperback

Audio Companion - First Language Lessons

Writing With Ease Instructor Text

Writing With Ease Workbook Level 1

The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading Paperback

Audio Companion - Ordinary Parent's Guide

Magnetic Boards

Flashcards for the Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading


someone who has used this 1st grade bundle, can you tell me did you use all of it or find some of it not nessasary to have. I want to buy the bundle but not all of it if I don't or won't use it. Any info would be great. Also I see alot about SOTW, does everyone love this?


For SOTW you only need the text and the activity guide. I would skip the tests for first grade. The audio book is nice to play in the car around town just to help with retention. I'd let my kids pick their favorite stories to listen.


Writing with Ease for First grade is primarily narrations and copywork. If you do narration with your history and use other selections for copywork you can get by without using WWE for first grade. The Instructor text is very helpful and I'd recommend you get it from the library to read before making a decision. I definitely recommend FLL. However, I had the audio companion and never used it. I did not use OPGTR, so I don't know the usefulness of the related resources.


You will probably want to add spelling. We have always used Spelling Workout.


And to answer your last question - We love, love, love SOTW! It happens to be a recommended resource for CC as well.

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For the Ordinary Guide to Teaching Reading, you don't really need the accompanying products. The audio is just in case you aren't confident pronouncing the words (which might be helpful if English is your second language, etc.). The flashcards are nice to have on hand, but it's just as easy make them yourself as you need them. The magnetic board is fun if you don't already have one. We have a chalkboard/ whiteboard that also happens to be magnetic, so we use that (although not as often as I had imagined we would). If you are trying to economize, you can CERTAINLY just go with the teaching book and do great!

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Story of the World Volume 1: Ancient Times-Paperback

Activity Book 1 (Ancient Times) [Revised Edition]-Paperback

Tests for The Story of the World, Vol. 1 I don't use these as they look too hard for DD. I have them (from EBAY) but will not use them.

The Story of the World, Vol. 1 (Revised) Audiobook I don't have this and so far so good. I just read the lessons to DD but you could get this to listen to the lessons in the car if you want

First Language Lessons Level 1&2 Paperback

Audio Companion - First Language Lessons don't have this either

Writing With Ease Instructor Text You don't need this and the workbook. The workbook is such that it has the instructor stuff in the front and kids stuff in the back. I have DD do her copy work on another sheet so I can use the book with youngest DD.

Writing With Ease Workbook Level 1

The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading Paperback

Audio Companion - Ordinary Parent's Guide I don't have this and don't think I am missing anything.

Magnetic Boards don't have this either DD uses a white board.

Flashcards for the Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading these are also optional since you can write them on index cards.




so if you are looking to save money you only need SOTW book and activity guide, WWE workbook, OPGTR and FLL 1-2. You can get all the extras if you want but we don't use them and are doing well. (since April anyways :001_smile:)

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For K-1, out of the above list, we are using most of these, I'll give my thoughts on each. (I'm a very thorough person and purchased it all.) Of these, the reading program, OPG, is great, does the job perfectly. We also totally love SOTW!





  • SOTW 1 Text
  • SOTW 1 Activity Book (I actually also like the PDF version of the Activity Guide in addition so I can print out more maps/coloring pages/etc...)
  • OPG Paperback



  • SOTW Audiobook
  • OPG Flashcards, although could be easily made at home, I ordered the PDF and printed them so I would use them (and I did halfway through the book)
  • WWE PDF Student pages (I like being able to print out unlimited copies if needed)



(just not sure they are enough for us, my daughter is an avid writer already, but I recommend them anyway)


  • First Language Lessons 1/2
  • Writing With Ease Workbook



  • Tests for SOTW
  • Writing With Ease Instructor Text (It's all more thoroughly covered in the workbook)

I have my own magnetic boards. I also never purchased the audio guides for OPG and FLL, didn't know they had them, and I'm not missing them.

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  • SOTW-1 thru SOTW-3 text: Excellent!
  • SOTW-1 thru SOTW-3 Activity Book: Excellent! I especially appreciate having the discussion stuff...review questions with answers, guided narrations with sample answers. This has been our main program for narrations.
  • SOTW-3 Tests: I probably wouldn't use any history tests with a 1st grader, but would likely wait until 3rd or 4th grade, or even later.
  • FLL1/2-FLL4: Loved FLL-3 and FLL-4. Okay with FLL-1/2, mainly because I'm not totally convinced about starting grammar in 1st grade. If I had a 3rd child, I might skip this and just start with FLL-3.



Whether everyone likes SOTW or not....certainly some don't care for it. However, I recently started working at a local homeschool store which has a huge selection of used books. The owner told me that the used copies SOTW texts and AG's consistently get snatched up right away by customers. So, apparently a lot of people like it!



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I left the stuff that you want to buy in bolded black and changed the stuff that I would skip to gray.


Story of the World Volume 1: Ancient Times-Paperback

Activity Book 1 (Ancient Times) [Revised Edition]-Paperback

Tests for The Story of the World, Vol. 1

The Story of the World, Vol. 1 (Revised) Audiobook

Audio books are very handy to have and a great way to review.

First Language Lessons Level 1&2 Paperback

Audio Companion - First Language Lessons

We love the audio companion. It helps with the memorization. The stories are fun to listen to again and again, and the songs are fabulous.

Writing With Ease Instructor Text Yes this is nice to have, but isn't needed this early in the game, just get the workbook.

Writing With Ease Workbook Level 1 Love it! It is so easy to expose DD to a variety of literature, and she is resistant to most read alouds, but loves this. It also makes teaching writing and grammar a snap.

The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading Paperback

Audio Companion - Ordinary Parent's Guide not really needed.

Magnetic Boards

Flashcards for the Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading Yes! The games in OPGTR are a great addition to the curriculum and you will never get to them if you don't buy these (well, I wouldn't anyway. :o )

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[*]Writing With Ease Instructor Text (It's all more thoroughly covered in the workbook)


Oh man, I just ordered the WWE instructor text. I thought I could get that and then NOT order the workbooks (I have both a 2nd grader and 4th grader).


Can I use her method and make up my own writing assignments with our reading? I think I was hoping to condense our study as much as possible. If I am already having the children narrate, etc. from the history book, then I would prefer not to add other writing assignments-.


Are the workbooks just easier?

Tell me true.

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I am a big fan of their products :)


We have OPGTR in paper back - LOVE it. I had a none reader in April, she is now reading beyond her grade level! (which is 1..lol) Don't have the cards, we use index cards.


FLL have the pdf - love it. DD loves it. She walks around telling her older sibling the grammar rules they never learned. Doesn't she understand them in a practical way? No, but she'll piece that together in the next few years.


WWE - We have the pdf and LOVE it. DD6 loves the passages from various stories used. It is lengthening our literature list. The copy work is simple short and the outcome is wonderful printing. The result of using the WWE as double duty for penmanship, our facilitator was shocked at the quality of her printing :) Loves that there is punctuation that dd copies as well.


SOTW - have both the volume 1 and activity guide. We are thoroughly enjoying it. DD6 is curious and loves all the activities.


We don't have the audio, but have borrowed it from the library. We have the audio for FLL as a download, forgot about it, I will use it for the poems and aiding in memorization.


Other than math(or did you mention it?) and maybe some fun science experiments(we sprouted beans, put some celery in food coloring, planted seedlings in hanging planters, watching found tadpoles grow) and a spelling program you have everything!

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Here's the page to order the PDFs:



I chose to get the workbook as then I don't have to worry about finding the reading passages and copywork for the weeks that the instructor text didn't cover. People could find passages on their own just as easily if they had the time/desire.


The instructor text has 36 pages of explanation in the beginning of the book, and at the end, a faq and resources that you will find handy. I just haven't read it since the day I got it, I forgot they were there.

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For K-1, out of the above list, we are using most of these, I'll give my thoughts on each. (I'm a very thorough person and purchased it all.) Of these, the reading program, OPG, is great, does the job perfectly. We also totally love SOTW!




  • SOTW 1 Text
  • SOTW 1 Activity Book (I actually also like the PDF version of the Activity Guide in addition so I can print out more maps/coloring pages/etc...)
  • OPG Paperback


  • SOTW Audiobook
  • OPG Flashcards, although could be easily made at home, I ordered the PDF and printed them so I would use them (and I did halfway through the book)
  • WWE PDF Student pages (I like being able to print out unlimited copies if needed)



(just not sure they are enough for us, my daughter is an avid writer already, but I recommend them anyway)

  • First Language Lessons 1/2
  • Writing With Ease Workbook


  • Tests for SOTW
  • Writing With Ease Instructor Text (It's all more thoroughly covered in the workbook)

I have my own magnetic boards. I also never purchased the audio guides for OPG and FLL, didn't know they had them, and I'm not missing them.


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FWIW, it was hard for me to use the WWE workbook correctly because I needed the text to explain the why behind things and the steps... I was expecting level 2 work out of my daughter when we started WWE 1. It is scripted, but I didn't follow the script. :o After reading the text I was teaching it better.

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[*]Writing With Ease Instructor Text (It's all more thoroughly covered in the workbook)


Oh man, I just ordered the WWE instructor text. I thought I could get that and then NOT order the workbooks (I have both a 2nd grader and 4th grader).


Can I use her method and make up my own writing assignments with our reading? I think I was hoping to condense our study as much as possible. If I am already having the children narrate, etc. from the history book, then I would prefer not to add other writing assignments-.


Are the workbooks just easier?

Tell me true.


I only use the instructor text. I loved the idea of a non-consumable book that we could use for several years and for each child. :) The Instructor's guide is great- it spells out specific copywork and narrations for a few weeks and then gives guidance for the following several weeks, with you selecting passages from your read alouds in other subjects. I bought the StartWrite computer program and make copywork sheets for our WWE lessons (and I save the sheets I make in the StartWrite program so I'll have them to use for subsequent kiddos ;)). It's worked well for us- it reinforces our other subjects and as a bonus, I can print the copywork in cursive, so it doubles as penmanship practice as well.

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That's why the PDF file can come in handy, you can print out as many sheets as needed for multiple kids.


I also used the StartWrite software, it does come in handy for a program like this! Up until last month, we didn't use the student pages at all, just used StartWrite and I typed in her dictations into our lesson plans. But I had all the pages so starting last month we've been just copying the sentence straight from the PDF workbook pages. (We no longer use StartWrite like we used to, her handwriting has gotten small and neat.)

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I only use the instructor text. I loved the idea of a non-consumable book that we could use for several years and for each child. :) The Instructor's guide is great- it spells out specific copywork and narrations for a few weeks and then gives guidance for the following several weeks, with you selecting passages from your read alouds in other subjects. I bought the StartWrite computer program and make copywork sheets for our WWE lessons (and I save the sheets I make in the StartWrite program so I'll have them to use for subsequent kiddos ;)). It's worked well for us- it reinforces our other subjects and as a bonus, I can print the copywork in cursive, so it doubles as penmanship practice as well.


:iagree:I do the same thing. I liked the idea of using selections from our own RAs/science better than the workbook and I make up my own worksheets in cursive for my ds. SWB does a great job of laying out the program in the text so its easy to come up with my own copywork and narrations selections.

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