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A sigh of relief has occurred.


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Today I had to meet with the school board, to show that I didn't pull the kids out in April for an extended vacation, typically, they come to the home, but since I was a late registration, they waived the fees if I was willing to come in. So I did.


She was impressed. The kids did way more than expected, and in a format she said takes families a few years to achieve what I had done. YAY! She loved their 'report cards' aka homeschooler meets scrapbooker..lol. The samples of work were great. And was very impressed with dd6 printing and spelling. She said her printing was quite advanced :lol: and her spelling above grade level. She was shocked to see 3 or 4 word dictation. She asked about writing, and I told her we were doing oral narrations, so she read a short passage to dd and dd narrated for her very well. She loved doing it for the facilitator.


We not only met the requirements we were above and beyond.


I am relieved.

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I'm happy that things went so well for you! My only question is this: Can you not pull your kids out of school in April and wait until the next school year to start??? Or, not do so much? What would have happened then?


Well, I imagine in my state they would be considered truant if you removed them from school two months before the end of the year and didn't teach anything. I doubt they'd pursue it beyond making you prove that you filed the online affidavit though.

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CONGRATS!! It sounds nerve wracking........


How old are your kids? And what fee is involved?




Here we have to register with a school board. I registered with a homeschool board, they are not affiliated with any school what so ever. We also get funding for homeschooling, a portion that is allocated for the facilitators. Since I was late registering, meant the school board was receiving nothing from the government, meaning that we'd have to pay a fee to pay the facilitator. They waived the fee since I was willing to come into the office, so they didn't need to pay anyone, as I met with the superintendent instead(nerve racking..lol)


I'm happy that things went so well for you! My only question is this: Can you not pull your kids out of school in April and wait until the next school year to start??? Or, not do so much? What would have happened then?


We have school until the end of June. When I pulled the kids out, I was already being threatened with truancy and being reported to the attendance board. It never happened, as I was indeed registered. Apparently I wasn't expected to do much..lol. But no one told me that :tongue_smilie:


That said, I let dd11 relax more than work, since she needed to unschool more...which in the school boards eyes was perfectly acceptable. She did math, reading, art and music. A little writing and history because SOTW was so much fun she felt left out.


However with dd6, she didn't need to unschool..lol. She fell right into it like a champ. We learned to read, we did math where she learned the concepts awesomely, we worked on penmanship, which the facilitator said she is extremely advanced... nicer printing than her sister(but her sister just doesn't try...lol), we did SOTW, WWE, FLL, OPGTR. AAS. RS4K. We did alot. No, it's not complete, I didn't expect it to be. But she is thriving.


The last 2 weeks however, she hasn't wanted to work a bunch.


Know what the facilitator told me this:


Don't plan your family around your schooling, plan your education around your family. It is acceptable to have days where you just do nothing but bond or read a book, or play games together.


Now I'm really reconsider leaving this board for another..lol. I am really leaning toward another that has more to offer in terms of group activities, workshops etc. So the kids are more involved in the homeschool community.


Time to meditate and pray over it and see what happens.

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WOW interesting! A HS school board!


Our province has numerous homeschool boards. Some are extensions of the schools and offer online academy, or blended, so that kids can earn highschool credits to graduate with and obtain a formal transcript to apply to university with. Or traditional homeschooling, where you have a set of general outcomes that you do what you chose to in order to achieve them. Others are ONLY traditional, but if you ask, they have ways for your kids to earn highschool credits, or try with only a portfolio. Unfortunately that is very hard to do here.


Our province is very accepting of homeschoolers in comparison to other provinces or states, even though our universities are not. Change is coming, but it takes time.

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