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Where do you store your VHS, DVD's, etc.?

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the videos fill a ceiling-high bookcase in the room of my son with autism - they are mostly "his" kid videos, anyway. I had to move them to make room for our ever-growing DVD collection, which has almost filled a tall Ikea bookcase in the living room. I have the DVDs arranged so adults and one teenage son only dvds live on the top shelf (stuff like Stripes, Terminator films, Lawrence of Arabia - stuff with content either raunchy or violence or adult in theme), then we have a shelf for all the Star Wars/LOTR/Spiderman etc., then a shelf for mostly live action comedy, then a shelf of mostly girl stuff and chick flicks (from Princess Diaries to Bollywood! andof course P&P with Firth!!!), then an animation shelf, then lastly a shelf for documentarys and boxed sets too big to fit elsewhere.


All open to view and used often!

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We have an armoire with doors and shelves. We keep the DVDs in baskets on the shelves. :) I've also heard of eliminating the cases altogether and storing them in those books with plastic sleeves. Dh is way to big of a movie fanatic for me to do that, though :(

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VHS goes in the office closet. Empty DVD cases go boxes in office closet, too. The actual DVDs are in little zip-up cases I buy from Walmart. Tons of the DVDs can fit into each case. We keep the cases (5 of them) on a shelf in the living room near the television.

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The actual DVDs are in little zip-up cases I buy from Walmart. Tons of the DVDs can fit into each case. We keep the cases (5 of them) on a shelf in the living room near the television.


Our DVDs are in DVD albums, too. Love those things! We also have 5 near the TV on a shelf. (We keep our game discs in one, too.) We ditch all but a few boxes, though. The ones we save are to put discs in when we lend them to people.


VHS tapes go in lidded baskets under our futon sofa. (We are trying to convert our movie collection to all DVD, though.... eventually.)

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We use the zip up binders for DVDs and CDs.


The DVD binder is quite large and we store it at the top of our master bedroom closet. Since it is nowhere near the television, there seems to be less of temptation to pull something out to watch if someone feels "bored". I keep the DVD cases in a storage bin in a crawlspace in one of the closets. I keep thinking I could just donate the cases and just store the labels in a file drawer which would take up so much less space, but I haven't decided.


The CD binders are smaller and I have a binder for each category (Religious Music, Audio Books, Classical, etc.). These are stored in built-in cabinetry in our living room. I keep the front labels (don't know what you call them :confused:) in each pocket with the disc. I donate the jewel cases.


We don't have any VHS anymore.

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I have this that I got at Target. It holds the kids DVDs (non-kid movies are in the closet in my room, my house has an obscene amount of storage and shelving in the closets). I like it a lot. I searched their website, (trying to find what I have), and Target has a lot of other, similar cabinet-type storage options.


I think a nice bench or ottoman would be great if you can find one you like.

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I use these cd storage boxes: http://www.amazon.com/Ideastream-CD-Storage-Box-SNS01521/dp/B00062UW5A


They also make bigger boxes for DVDs. They look nice on a open book shelf, so I have easy access. In addition, they are stackable, and I can label each box for easy reference.


Ditto. Only I got mine at a storage store (Storables).

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Originally Posted by Beth in Central TX viewpost.gif

I use these cd storage boxes: http://www.amazon.com/Ideastream-CD-.../dp/B00062UW5A


They also make bigger boxes for DVDs. They look nice on a open book shelf, so I have easy access. In addition, they are stackable, and I can label each box for easy reference.




Oh, wow, those are really neat! How durable are they?

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