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Ever heard the story of the tall poppy?

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Here's a link to the full explanation, but basically it's supposed to be a Canadian way of thinking.


If you see a field of poppies and one is taller than the rest, it's the one that gets snipped off. Therefore, (so it goes) Canadians like not to "stick out".


If that's true that explains soooooo much about my experience here. Dh and I are constantly baffled by how no one is ever excited about anything we get excited about. We're always striving to find something new and different to try or to get into. We're constantly surprised by either the apathy or downright rude comments we get if we do anything "different" than the norm.


I'd love to hear from Canadians if they think this does describe Canadians. Americans are supposedly too interested in the individual. But are Canadians too into the group?


I'd like to figure out how to use this new info to get along better with the people in my town, so any comments are sure appreciated.

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I wonder if it's more of a regional thing (like your town) than a Canadian thing? I'm Canadian and I don't mind sticking out (I think). Pretty much everything important that I do is not the "norm". I also come from a family that likes to try new things and definitely is not apathetic. (My parents immigrated from Europe though so maybe that has an impact.)


I'll have to mull this over a bit.

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I'd heard this same example, but it was about Australia. Maybe this is more universal than just Canada?
I'm Canadian and have only heard it applied to Australia. However, there is a tendency in Canada to renounce celebrities once they have achieved success south of the border.
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Well, it was such a revelation to hear someone else say it about Canada because I was assuming it was a small town thing. If you followed my link you'll see I heard it in a movie called "Blue State". I'd never heard anything like it before, but I laughed out loud because it made so much sense.

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What would they say? How is that a selling point?


Think about it in terms of "we can meet the needs of every student, even the (fill in the blank - nerd, outcast, etc." - IOW we can help your child to grow and thrive and learn even if they are a tall poppy.

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we can help your child to grow and thrive and learn even if they are a tall poppy.
If I were them, I'd choose another way to describe it as the only context in which I've heard "tall poppy" involved lopping their heads off.
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