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how to name my homeschool?

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I see that many of you have names for your homeschool, how did you come up with them? I want on, but I'm not even sure where to start!!!!


I went back to what focus we need to remember.


Pathway Ventures.

*We are Christian and so the "t" in Pathway can become a cross. Christ as center of our lives.

*Pathway -- reminds me of Pilgrim Progress. The basic idea that we're on "life's road". Learning involves books, but much more. Learning is a process.

*Ventures -- to get out there, try new things, explore. You never know what's around the bend. It's OK to be uncomfortable/stretched as part of the learning process. Also implies fun. (I can be too serious!) Learning as a lifestyle.

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We don't need one for reporting purposes, but sometimes I try to get teacher discounts at stores and the form requires a school name (you know, that's another good thread.. what stores offer teacher discounts?). We have been through several and none seem to fit. They sound too pretentious or something! I think I might have settled on one now, by picking an inspiring person and calling our school by that name. It will fit in with all the other "St. Something School" names, and won't sound like we are homeschoolers pretending to be an elite prep school (not that any of your names sound like that, it is just what my picks sounded like, lol!).



Although, we ARE an elite prep school, so maybe that is appropriate! :lol:

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Morgan Classical Prep.


Morgan = DD's middle name and my grandmothers middle name. I was very close to my grandmother before she passed, and education was very important to her. After raising two children, she went back to school and eventually earned her master's degree. She was still in school to the day she died.


Classical = well, we plan on using the classical model! :D


Prep = I liked the way it sounded as opposed to school/academy/any other choices. Plus, as DD gets older we will be focusing on college prep, and I wanted a name that could stay the same all the way through.

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We don't need one for reporting purposes, but sometimes I try to get teacher discounts at stores and the form requires a school name (you know, that's another good thread.. what stores offer teacher discounts?). We have been through several and none seem to fit. They sound too pretentious or something! I think I might have settled on one now, by picking an inspiring person and calling our school by that name. It will fit in with all the other "St. Something School" names, and won't sound like we are homeschoolers pretending to be an elite prep school (not that any of your names sound like that, it is just what my picks sounded like, lol!).



Although, we ARE an elite prep school, so maybe that is appropriate! :lol:


:001_smile: This made me smile. This has been my concern too for some reason.

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I though about it and couldn't find a fit- I really liked Dragon academy (but will never copy of course) DD1 wanted Opal Fire school and we were leaning to that when I really started to think about our family. We've always called the children "the monsters" and we are of scottish ancestry so I found a scottish monster we liked--cool but not gross or scary.


So basically we are called "Scottish Monster School"



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I have been thinking of a name too, although I don't need one for reporting etc. I think I will call ours "For this Child school at home" or something along that lines after the verse in the Bible "For this child I have prayed and God has granted me which I have asked of him" (totally paraphrased but I don't know the exact wordage). I have been blessed by surrogacy and adoption for 2 beautiful girls that I prayed for since I was a little girl!

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In NC we are required to name our homeschool when we send in our letter of intent. Some people I know name their school after their family for ex Smith Academy, I know another family who uses Rock Solid Christitan Academy. You could also make a statement of faith and name your school after that.

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I asked the kids to think of a name (we only needed it to register as a school at Scholastic for a warehouse sale). At the time, we had all of our seeds starting inside for the garden. Our name?


Seedling Academy.


I'm sure it will change as they grow older, but I think it's cute. The kids even made a sign so others will know the name of our "school." :D

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Our priest gave a homily on the feast day for the Holy Ascension recently and it was such a wonderful, inspiring message (and in it he specifically spoke to parents and their role in the lives of their children) that I emailed him later to ask for his blessing in calling our homeschool Holy Ascension Academy. :)

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