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I made a big mistake this morning

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I put eggs on to boil while I prepared for church. Evidently I forgot about them because we came home to a house full of smoke and blaring smoke detectors.


Luckily there was no fire. The house smells pretty bad but we have every window open and all of the fans are on high.


All of the pets are okay, too.


I feel terrible. :(

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I'm SO glad there was no damage and the pets are ok!!!


I've flooded our yard NUMEROUS times by forgetting to turn the water off, and I've melted pots right into our stove when I was steaming veggies and forgot to turn the stove off. I WAS home so we never had a fire.


It happens to the best of us. Don't beat yourself up.



Were the pets freaked out from having to sit in smoke and blaring alarms?

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I'm so glad there was no fire. What a blessing!


I started a fire inside my MIL's brand new stove a few years ago. I was trying to be kind and offered to cook lunch for the family while they all played outdoors with the children. My MIL had never let me cook for them before but for some reason that day she said yes, so of course I had to screw it up! I'll never live that one down. :D (On the plus side they always offer to treat us to a meal out whenever either of us visits)!

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ARGHHHHHH! Glad that it didn't progress any further!


Last Wednesday, dd11 put an easy mac n cheese in the m/w(which we've been using since the kitchen 'thing') - she didn't know but the bottom of the container was split and in a minute the entire kitchen and most of that level of the house was filled with gross smelling gray smoke. The scary thing was that the smoke detectors did not sound - so fortunately we discovered that the batteries need to be replaced.


We bought gel things and rock things at Bed n Bath and Home Depot to absorb the smell and we have bowls of vinegar everywhere. We have scrubbed the air filters that are not disposable and replaced the ones that are.


Glad no one was hurt!:)

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It's quite comforting to know I am in such good company. :)


I need to go find some of those things that Mariann found to help reduce the smell. The interesting thing is the kitchen doesn't smell but the rest of the house does.


DH (who is happily at work) is not angry with me. His response: "You REALLY want a new kitchen, don't you?"

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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I once set our porch afire by leaving the grill on high. Were it not for the dog, the whole house would probably have caught. What's worse, we had just signed a contract to sell it. Imagine that phone call... "um, you know that house you wanted to buy? Well, I burned it down today." :D

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I once set our porch afire by leaving the grill on high. Were it not for the dog, the whole house would probably have caught. What's worse, we had just signed a contract to sell it. Imagine that phone call... "um, you know that house you wanted to buy? Well, I burned it down today." :D



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On Good Friday I left a pot of garbanzos on the stove while we went to a State Park.


A neighbor called the condo manager because smoke was coming out of our house. He threw the pot on the porch and opened our windows. He caught it just in time.


The pot was ruined and the house was STINKY for days. The first day we went to a hotel. After a few days it got better.

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