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Kittens, kittens, and more kittens! AHHH!!!!

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Background: I volunteer at my local pet shelter every Sunday, and will eventually get more hours. Anyways, I was eventually convinced I needed to do more, so I am know a foster parent. We are fostering a mother and six kittens. I am freaking out!!!


They're wonderful during the day. They play, sleep, eat, play. They are adorable and funny and just wonderful to be around. I love them all so much, but night is when the trouble begins.


The first night I put the mom in the cage with the kittens. (Large dog cage and the animal shelter suggested this for the night time since my room is small and they would all huddle with me and I would most likely squish them). The mom freaked out. She cried, made a mess in the litter box (kicking most of the litter out onto the floor and into the water and food). So, I took her out and she slept with me on the bed. The runt cried constantly. She eventually quieted down but cried for about 2 hours straight, no exaggeration.


How can I get the kittens to sleep quietly? If that is even at all possible. I put a sheet over their cage so they can't see their momma, but the runt still cries.


Also, the mother doesn't seem to care about her kittens. They want to nurse, so she lets them for about 2 minutes and then walks away as they follow her crying. She sometimes won't even nurse them. They nudge her and dig under her and she just lays there. She also pushes them out of the way for food and attention. Is this normal mother cat behavior? I thought they were more protective.


The kittens are estimated to be about 6 weeks, and we will be keeping them until about the 23rd. The runt may stay with us a week longer, as she needs to be 2 lbs 2 oz to be put on the adoption floor. The mom will stay with us a week after the kittens leave to dry up.


Any suggestions on keeping the kittens calmer and quieter at night??



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Can you put them in the garage or bathroom? We used to put the kittens in the bath tub at night on a blanket (with the drain closed so they couldn't get caught in it). We left the bathroom door open just enough for the mama to get out and about.

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Can you put them in the garage or bathroom? We used to put the kittens in the bath tub at night on a blanket (with the drain closed so they couldn't get caught in it). We left the bathroom door open just enough for the mama to get out and about.


No. We own three cats and my cat already claimed his territory when the momma cat to the kittens got out.

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I'm not expert, but if they are about 6 weeks old, I imagine the mother is trying to wean them. If this had been on consistently they probably wouldn't have made it this far.


I have no advice on keeping them quiet though. Kittens can be noisy little critters!

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At 6 weeks I would certainly be introducing solid food to the kittens. Once they are able to get most of their nutrition through solids they shouldn't need Mom nearly as much.


I'd watch all of them carefully, though (especially the runt), to make sure they figure out how to get the food into their stomachs. You can offer a slurry in a shallow pan initially, so they can lap it up. Have fun cleaning them up afterwards :-) Don't go cold-turkey on the nursing though, they need to wean gradually.


Some kittens are ready for dry food very early. One of my current cats was ready to crunch dry food at 5 weeks (he was bottle-raised).

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I'm not expert, but if they are about 6 weeks old, I imagine the mother is trying to wean them. If this had been on consistently they probably wouldn't have made it this far.


I have no advice on keeping them quiet though. Kittens can be noisy little critters!

:iagree:At 6 weeks she is weaning them. Provide Kitten Chow for the babies.

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If the runt isn't settling down and mama isn't attentive he may not be getting enough to eat. You might want to try a little KMR. You can mix it with a little canned food or chicken baby food if he's eating solids.




My daughter and I were just reminiscing about taking care of our little orphan kitten. We'd planned to do it again but he never did go to that home we lined up for him, and is too feisty to trust with kittens.

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Oh, all the kittens eat solid food and wet food. I'm sorry I didn't clarify on that.


My mom suggested that the momma cat was weaning them, and I'm sure she is, but she just seems so cold towards them in general.


I know the runt cries at night for attention. She eventually falls asleep. I also know they don't all sleep through the night because they take about three hour naps at a time, play a little, and then nap again. There is just no way I can keep them out at night even though they fall asleep so nicely in my rocking chair.


Thanks everyone!

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I have heard of putting a clock( such as an old fashioned alarm clock) that ticks fairly loudly wrapped in a towel and a heating pad in with puppies. I don't know if this would work with kittens or not.



:iagree: Just don't set the alarm!!! :lol: I'd also suggest a very fuzzy blanket as a mom substitute for the night.

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I have heard of putting a clock( such as an old fashioned alarm clock) that ticks fairly loudly wrapped in a towel and a heating pad in with puppies. I don't know if this would work with kittens or not.


How does the heating pad thing work? Just put it on low and let them lay on it directly, or but a towel over it, cuz the heating pad say not to put on any cloth.

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Oh - might be better to skip the heating pad with little kitty claws. Some heating pads allow blankets to go on top, and others don't. I think that they should be warm enough just from each other's body heat. But I do think the clock might help. You'll know soon enough if it's a benefit or not.


I wonder if you could take the fuzzy blanket and put it on your bed first. Then after Mama kitty has spent some time on it and heated it up nicely, put it in with the kittens. Maybe put the runt right on the spot the Mama warmed up. The scent might be a comfort as well. Good luck!

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I actually found something that worked well.


I have a rocking chair in my room that they all adore. There is a little baby blanket on the rocking chair, pretty small, but they all seem to fit when huddled.


So, I took the blanket and put it in. It smells like them and momma, and not like the fuzzy blanket the shelter gave me to use which smells like, well, shelter.


The runt didn't cry last night, but the spunky one did, but she soon stopped. Maybe within 20 minutes. One slept in the litter box :glare: but other than that they slept in their little bed box all huddled together.


Thanks everyone for all the great suggestions. I have that old fashioned alarm clock idea ready if problems ever arise :)

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I think I'll having to be using that alarm clock idea sooner than I thought.


I went into work (volunteer) today and the coordinator informed me they tend to split up bigger groups once they eat by themselves, which they all do.


They will be finding another foster home for the three biggest ones so that the little ones will have a better chance at nursing and gaining weight. I know for sure once the 3 biggest leave the freaking out will begin :(


Oh, dear :glare:

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