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No vacation club

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No we don't take vacations either. Well, we did go to Disneyland a few years ago and I took the kids to MI last summer, but that was only 'cuz my dad paid for it. Otherwise we never would have went.


And I'll be honest, after the Disneyland trip, I needed a vacation from my vacation. Dh and I are just not always on the same page...

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No vacation here, either. Other than a few 3-day weekends, we have not taken a family vacation since 1996. Really. I was looking at the photos last week. A few years ago 2 dc and I went to Washington, DC and Virginia for 10 days to visit friends and sightsee before my dc went to a summer camp there. We had a wonderful time, but I wish it could have been our whole family.


My dh doesn't like taking all his vacation time in one lump. He prefers a day here and a day there. I prefer a 10 -14 day vacation. Oh well. I figure since he is the one working and I stay home with the children, he needs his refreshing the way he gets it best, in small increments spread throughout the year.


I sure would like a vacation, though. I am feeling quite stir crazy, driving the kids all over the place daily. We have more drivers than cars now. I can't even go away for a whole day or someone won't get to class at the cc, and 3 kids need to get to work and home, at different places, not even in the same city. Sigh. I need a vacation.

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Summer is too gorgeous here to go anywhere. We live by the ocean. So no, we're thrilled to summer at home.


We do day trips, however, to interesting local places.


And I get away during the dead of winter. I often visit my SIL, hold down the fort while she works etc. I do not like to be idle! :) I don't like sit -on- the- beach vacations!!

Edited by LibraryLover
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Anyone *not* going on vacation?


I feel like I'm the only one. So many people around are talking about their vacations they are taking or have just gotten back from.


We will not have a vacation this year. We simply can't afford it. I had to cancel my trip to see my sister because we can't afford it.


So I'm wallowing in self pity because we don't get vacation.


Anyone else in the no vacation club right now?


Yes, I realize to just be grateful for all I do have. Family is healthy, we are able to pay our bills, DH has a job, etc. I'm pouting anyway.



We've never really gone on vacation. To me vacation is a week (or more!) off of all my paying jobs. I go around the house in yoga pants and t-shirts and no shoes and no make-up. I sleep in late and every meal either comes out of the freezer or from a restaurant. I don't do laundry. We might go for a drive to one of the cities in my province and do something neat there, but that's about as "vacation" as we ever get.


That said, I don't really get the whole thing of spending a cr*pload of money to go someplace exotic or whatever for vacation. It has no appeal to me.

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We have only had one family vacation -- and that was 14 years ago. I remember because youngest ds took his first steps in the hotel room in San Diego. He is now 6'2" and doesn't remember anything about that trip.


Other than that, we haven't had anything other than a couple of long weekend outings.


No vacation in the works this year, either.

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