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Would you do the Hep B vaccine...if going to nursing school? nt

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A personal anecdote: I went to a medical school that was very progressive in vaccinating its students, and our class was the first to receive the Hep B vaccine.


Fast forward 6 years-I was a third year resident, 9 months pregnant with my first son, and got a deep needle stick, through a glove, with blood from a patient I knew had chronic hepatitis B. Thank goodness I had been vaccinated!


I wouldn't consider nursing with being vax'd for hepatitis B. There's a lot of it out there in the community.

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Yes, because of the risk of a needle stick or other exposure. I got called in one time by the base clinic for a bunch of medical tests because the technician who'd given me a flu shot accidentally stuck himself while going to dispose of the needle. I didn't have Hep B or HIV or any other blood borne disease but plenty of folks out there are infected.

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Yes for being a nurse. Although he received the first one in the hospital when I was on really good drugs after my c-section and didn't really realize what they were doing, I chose not to continue them with Schmooey because I wanted to do a somewhat delayed vax schedule with him. Our ped said I could drop that one, and she told me that it was originally developed to deal with the rising rate of Hep B in sexually active teens. They tried giving it to teens, it didn't work, so now they give it to babies. :glare:


I know it's not only a sexually transmitted disease, but that is the way my ped explained it to me when telling me why I could skip that one with Schmooey.

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DD is in paramedic school and it is a state law requirement for medical professionals. She can't work in the profession without it - though there is a waiver form - no one will hire her without the vaccine and the paramedic program won't accept students without it.


DD has severe vaccine reactions as in Life THREATENING. So, she gets vaccinated at the hospital and then we wait in the ER for the fun to begin. Fevers over 106, heart rates over 150, blood pressure that plummets after that, etc. It's a harrowing experience for us but she is determined to go into the medical profession and absolutely no facility in our area will hire without the vaccine. Next week she gets her last in the series. They have allowed us to spread them out more than most because of her reactions.


That said, I think for those who don't respond the way dd does, they are a good idea. Not for infants but given what medical personnel are exposed to, I think it is wise and this is coming from someone that has not let her other children have the Hep vaccine.



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Definitely.But won't give to my kiddos young.

Said as a nurse who was stuck 2 times. The first time I had to go through the whole immunoglubulin shots as well, post-stick. My series wasn't complete when I was stuck. :001_huh: Lovely. No matter HOW careful and how foolprooof the equipment is.. things happen. I was closing a self contained vacutainer system in a patient's home (home IVs) and the back end/the blunt stuck me (somehow my thumb slipped when I was collapsing it and it went my glove into my fiinger. And the patient had Hep C). Just peachy.

Edited by cjbeach
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