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Boys and earrings

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So maybe you would recommend a piercing/tattoo parlor for even ear piercing, rather than a mall kiosk? (Some of the mall kiosk ppl just use a gun.)


I know ppl have different opinions on the gun or needle thing, anyway.


Most people I know seem to think that the needle is better. I was really thinking that I'd rather them not pierce their own ears or have a friend do it though. I guess if they were really careful with sterilizing it might be OK?

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Sounds like you guys got a strategy that works for you, anyway.

(Actually boys wear them in both ears now.)


Back again so soon? Did you notice this thread was 5 months old when you revived it? Do you really have nothing better to do than hang out on a forum full of housewives asking about tattoos and piercings? Are you that lonely?

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Dawn in OH:


Sounds like you would prefer dh to participate in the earring decision.


But sounds like, too, he is quite happy for you to go ahead and decide. I guess to some extent such a decision can depend on how nice you think the new earring is likely to look.


Oh wow, I must have been really tired when I posted. Look at all the words I left out!


I already had a decision made on my daughter getting her ears pierced, which she has never even asked about. I was just curious to see what he would say if it were our son wanting his pierced.

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My girls were both 9 when they asked. That was fine.


My son has been asking to get his ear pierced since he was 4. At the time, I told him to wait til he was 10. Guess who is turning 10 in 3 months?


My main thing was that I needed to be sure he really wanted it. Well, he still wants it. So he'll be getting his soon.


Gender bias? Maybe a little.

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Grandpa pierced dd's ears at 2 months old and we stuck little diamond studs in them (Grandpa owns a jewelry store :)). For ds (7), I haven't thought of it. I guess.. I don't know. Maybe 13? Have to talk to dh. I know dh had an earring some time during his teens.

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So you're letting him do it, then.


So have you decided whether to do one or both his ears? This is often the choice, anyway.



He wants one earring in his left earlobe. I'm fine with it now.


I don't know if I would let him get both ears done. I would need another 6 years to think about that, lol.


I had these same internal issues when oldest dd got her belly-button pierced (which I agreed to when her grades soared up to As & Bs) and when youngest dd wanted the cartilage pierced on one ear. I'm ok with most things as long as they're well thought out.

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So do you like the idea of ds with earring(s)?


Anyway when dad has had them, it's maybe not unusual if ds eventually gets them, too, I guess.


You were banned, how the heck did you get back in??? What is wrong with you, that you need to hang out on a homeschooling forum? Aren't there plenty of tatoo/piercing boards you can hang out on?




Guys, do not respond to this person — he has been banned 3 times, and always posts about tattoos, piercings, and "young boys with long hair." He has, in the past, asked parents to post photos of their boys with long hair. He does not homeschool and has no reason to be on this forum — unless he's looking for pix of kids. :ack2:



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You were banned, how the heck did you get back in??? What is wrong with you, that you need to hang out on a homeschooling forum? Aren't there plenty of tatoo/piercing boards you can hang out on?




Guys, do not respond to this person — he has been banned 3 times, and always posts about tattoos, piercings, and "young boys with long hair." He has, in the past, asked parents to post photos of their boys with long hair. He does not homeschool and has no reason to be on this forum — unless he's looking for pix of kids. :ack2:




Thanks for the explanation, Jackie. I was wondering why this "person"'s posts were so bland - they are just paraphrases (and poor ones at that, IMO) of what others have said, as if to encourage people to write more.


In answer to the original question - like many other things, I encourage my DC to wait until I feel they understand any possible consequences of what they want to do; but if they are very anxious to pursue their course, the decision is referred to Daddy. That's just how it works here. FWIW, I don't mind boys and men with earrings, or other piercings, tattoos, long hair, etc. To each his own.

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