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dh has a cap on one of his FRONT teeth. He lost it recently!!! :lol: It fell out, and he had dd help him find it out in the garage. :lol: Thank heavens it happened when he was at home!!! It happened over the weekend. So Monday morning comes and he's got a full day at work. He decided to go to the dentist's office and sit there until they get in. After waiting 45 minutes, he impatiently called me and said he had to get to work. He said he was going to go to the store to get.......... GORILLA GLUE, glue it in and go to work.




What would you do if you were in my shoes? I yelled into the phone, "You're NOT going to do that!!!!!" and he truly couldn't understand why it wasn't a good option. Oh, and he's VERY intelligent. It doesn't sound like it, but he's brilliant. Brilliant with NO common sense. I wish I had his brilliance but I've got the common sense thing covered. :D


Just thought I'd share. For no particular reason. :D

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dh has a cap on one of his FRONT teeth. He lost it recently!!! :lol: It fell out, and he had dd help him find it out in the garage. :lol: Thank heavens it happened when he was at home!!! It happened over the weekend. So Monday morning comes and he's got a full day at work. He decided to go to the dentist's office and sit there until they get in. After waiting 45 minutes, he impatiently called me and said he had to get to work. He said he was going to go to the store to get.......... GORILLA GLUE, glue it in and go to work.




What would you do if you were in my shoes? I yelled into the phone, "You're NOT going to do that!!!!!" and he truly couldn't understand why it wasn't a good option. Oh, and he's VERY intelligent. It doesn't sound like it, but he's brilliant. Brilliant with NO common sense. I wish I had his brilliance but I've got the common sense thing covered. :D


Just thought I'd share. For no particular reason. :D


At least he didn't say Duck Tape!

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My uncle races hot rods. He and several guy friends wait all year long for one particular big race/show that is about 5 hours from home. They make detailed lists and intensive plans about what to bring for weeks ahead of the event. Unfortunately last year, one of the guys forgot his toiletries bag, so had no soap, shampoo, deodorant, etc.


His solution? He cleaned up each day with Windex!:001_huh:


He would take a few shop towels and a bottle of Windex, the using the old formula, wash as far down as possible, as far up as possible, and then wash possible. According to the guys, other than a slightly lemony, ammonia scent, all was well.


I for one certainly wouldn't try this at home!

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