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Outdoor fun , baths, and little kids


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I just wanted to get some advice from some other seasoned mommies . . . the weather is beautiful and the kids just want to play outside! (Yay!) They are at the age this year where they really enjoy playing together and they really enjoy . . . getting dirty!!! Today my son thought it would be fun to give his sister a "dirt shower". :D Dirt showers or not, it always proves to be a messy time. Messy enough that I don't want them laying in their beds or traipsing through the house afterward. They played in the mud all morning. I fed them outside and then brought them in for baths before rest time. I normally try and limit their outside adventures to once a day - before or after naptime. With them getting older and the days being so long, though, I feel mean for doing that. On the other hand, I don't really relish the thought of two baths per day. (And naps are a necessity here.)


How do you handle kids getting dirty and baths in your home?

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I let mine get REALLY gross before naps. They can get dirty on the clothes but no mud baths after naps/before supper so then we just need to wipe off with wipes. They have plenty of play clothes (well the girls do) so the laundry doesn't bother me.


How do I do this? We put bathing suits on after lunch or go on walks after/during a rain after lunch. After naps, they are to stay in the front yard and I encourage playing on the swing set or tricycles...


If, per chance, they JUST mainly get wet after lunch (hot day = just water play), we will wipe down (or just clean feet in bathtub) and they can have their gross time after naps and we will take baths at night!

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I was thinking you could just hose them off and towel dry them before letting them come back inside. I guess that depends on what they're wearing. Maybe they could wear a bathing suit/swim trunks. If they feel like wearing pants/shirt their swim attire they can take the other clothes off outside, hose off, towel dry and come in.

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I use the hose and a washcloth to get him tidy, he naps in his underwear, and then it's back into the stiff with dirt clothes to go outside all afternoon. Before bed, he takes a shower.


Costume changes and dry skin are my big problems, so Luke isn't allowed to change clothes a hundred times a day and I avoid soaping him up repeatedly.

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My kids are outside almost all day, and they get very dirty. Seems like more dirt = more fun.


We always have a hose ready and towels to go with it. Whenever they come in the house, they have to wash their feet in either the sink or with wet wipes that I keep by the door. If they are dirty enough, they have to strip down before they are allowed out of the entry way. Thank goodness my laundry room and extra bathroom are at the entrance!


Now if you ask about entry way rugs.....those are always atrocious.

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My kids play outside in the afternoon, evening hours. They come in and eat dinner, or bathe while I'm cooking dinner, then we eat, and then some family time. Maybe a movie. Then bedtime. No worries about extra laundry, no double baths and no extra water usage. That's what works for my family. During the weekends they are usually outside all day playing, or helping me in the garden, or that's when we do our errands. If they go outside too early, they just want to spend the rest of the day inside arguing and fighting with each other. Its easier for mine to burn that excess energy in the afternoon/evening for a few hours.

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We live in the city, so it's probably different for us, but we like to go to fun places where we can't get dirty in the morning... playgrounds, mostly, or museums, library, the indoor play area at the mall, anything to keep them busy and active. Then after lunch it's out to the backyard to dig in dirt and throw cherries at the fence (which is what the boys did today!).

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Why not install an outside shower? It doesn't have to be fancy - even just a hose hooking up to some vertical piping with a shower head on the end, or better yet, one of the hand helds. If you run the hose out in the sun, the water in the hose will be nice and warm - maybe even add an extra hundred or so feet to have more warm water available. I'd also suggest letting them play in swimsuits so clean up time is really easy. An outside rinse off shower, or if you enclose it and provide actual hot water, they can do a full shower and be clean for going inside. Hmmm ... maybe a 3/4 bath wouldn't be a bad idea to eliminate running through the house during the day. Just have plenty of shut offs so you can easily shut it down for the winter months. As long as you're doing this, maybe make it part of a cabana with a changing area, and as long as you've got the cabana, a pool might be nice.


... or you could just give them a hose to rinse off. :lol:

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