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Where to go Hiking in Northeast?

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We want to go hiking this summer with DS9, DS6.5 and DS3.5 in the Northeast US. We want to go on full day hikes but it can't be too rocky because we don't want to end up carrying our youngest. It would be nice if it was in an area not too far from the ocean and if the hikes were forested so we don't get too much sun but somewhere scenic and interesting. DH and I went to the White Mountain area in New Hampshire before we had kids and loved it. That would be a perfect trip if it wasn't way too hard for our youngest. Any other ideas?

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New Jersey has the Coastal Heritage Trail. It's 300 miles long in total with parts of it being marked for driving but there are walking/hiking paths periodically with lots of wildlife sanctuaries and historic areas. It would definitely not be a very strenous hike since most of the area is pretty flat.


I've only been to the Appalachian Trail in New York and New Jersey and all those had some pretty steep parts.


www.nps.gov has information on both the Coastal Trail and the Appalachian. You probably could find information on good family hikes at the website.

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Acadia National Park in Maine is absolutely beautiful. There are many different hikes you can do based on your ability. Our kids really enjoyed several hikes we took, one around Jordan Pond which we ended with lunch and the most heavenly popovers and lobster stew you can imagine. One hike was at the top of a mountain you can drive to and see the spectacular sunrise at the eastern most point in the US. We also enjoyed the hiking around our campground picking wild blueberries. A great memorable trip!

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Acadia National Park in Maine is absolutely beautiful. There are many different hikes you can do based on your ability. Our kids really enjoyed several hikes we took, one around Jordan Pond which we ended with lunch and the most heavenly popovers and lobster stew you can imagine. One hike was at the top of a mountain you can drive to and see the spectacular sunrise at the eastern most point in the US. We also enjoyed the hiking around our campground picking wild blueberries. A great memorable trip!




We LOVE Acadia! There are so many trails and so many different types of hikes, as HerdingCats noted. Truly something for everyone. It's one of the most beautiful places in New England and we've lived in here our entire lives.


You might want to pick up a book about hiking in New England from your library. We have several and we've found some great hikes in them.

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Acadia National Park in Maine is absolutely beautiful. There are many different hikes you can do based on your ability. Our kids really enjoyed several hikes we took, one around Jordan Pond which we ended with lunch and the most heavenly popovers and lobster stew you can imagine. One hike was at the top of a mountain you can drive to and see the spectacular sunrise at the eastern most point in the US. We also enjoyed the hiking around our campground picking wild blueberries. A great memorable trip!



:iagree:Acadia is STUNNING! We honeymooned there, hiking every day. We took a whale watch, ate amazing food, did some shopping, relaxed. It's one of my most favorite places. I cannot wait to take my boys there when they are a bit older.

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Hi! NY has lots of beautiful spots in the Adirondacks but...huge one here. Our state is in a budget crisis of major proportions....as in no money is left and the budget was supposed to be passed April 1! They have closed many of the state parks so before you come this way I would call ahead.... Its too bad and really I can't understand it myself, many of these places don't even have bathrooms so I don't quite get why they are closing to save money. :0) Politicians....ugh.

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Another vote for Acadia! Best vacation we ever had and we hope to go back next summer. We've been doing Boothbay the last few years, which we also love, but Acadia is just so stunningly beautiful. We had some great hikes there.

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