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nervous about selling curriculum to someone with zero posts...

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Anybody you sell to online will see your address. Whether they have 1000 posts or 0 posts you still dont know them any better. I would do it, but make sure they pay you first, then again we have a PO box so maybe it would be different if it were my actual address? I honestly do not know!


But in reality, nobody really knows anybody on here, unless you have met them. You can know about them, or how they school, but you still dont know them.. Just my 2 cents FWIW

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You could be honest and tell the person you prefer to sell to an established member of the WTM community.


I don't have a problem with this particular situation, but I've bought and sold curriculum for many years now, even on ebay. I may see regular posters here but they are still technically total strangers. Maybe selling curriculum on the internet isn't the best course for you. Is it possible to sell it locally, like from within a homeschool group or something?

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I don't understand what the risk to you is? The buyer paying with paypal is taking all the risk, aren't they? They are trusting that you'll ship the items. Maybe I'm missing something.


Because the buyer, if a scammer, can say the condition wasn't as listed (even though it was) and then file a Paypal claim. Paypal will freeze funds or refund the buyer leaving the seller without materials or the money. The seller is supposed to return the materials but that is done on their honor, which these people don't have. They can then trash your reputation, which can cost you transactions with legit people.


I know people who this has happened too, not just a 'what if'. The buyer completely lied about the condition to Paypal.



The only way I accept payment from a person I don't have a way of knowing a reputation of, is to accept either a Money Order (there are specific ones that I would consider) or a Personal Check with allowing time for it to clear.

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I usually ask what state an item is being shipped from because it gives me an idea of how long shipping takes. so far I don't think it has offended anyone. Also I just recently learned how to give feedback. You never know maybe this person has traded before, and feedback was not left. I still can not figure out how to leave feedback twice for the same person.

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