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I finally saw the new Dr. Who. :D We have seen all 5 episodes. From now on, I will have to buy them on itunes.


So far I'm enjoying the new series. I like Matt Smith, I think he's doing a good job. Even though he's young, he seems older. He seems like he has the makings of a good doctor. The new companion is decent too. She is not as bad as I had been reading about. I don't know how I feel about the new colors of the Daleks. But my kids say we now need new Dr. Who toys. They want the new Dr, a new sonic screwdriver (They noticed right away that the color changed, and quickly proclaimed that they now need new ones). And they want new, colorful Daleks.


I think the episodes have all had a good creepy factor.:) You know, the kind of things that seem scary right from the start, like the crack in the wall, the weeping angles (those statues are just creepy :D), and those carnival men (in the machines on Britian's spaceship).


What did everyone think of the 2 part angle episode? What do you think of River Song? I love her character, and I am full of ideas of who or what she is.

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My dd17 hates River Song. She doesn't like anyone that appears to be close to the doctor in an intimate way. I think she's definitely interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing them develop her character more deeply.


I was kind of shocked by Amy's behavior at the end of the 2-part. I certainly didn't see that coming though I totally understand the whole wonderment factor. I don't want to say much in case of spoilers.


I didn't think I'd like Matt Smith. I was ticked they didn't go with an older actor. They seem to be getting younger. It reminds me of Mork from Mork and Mindy! :D But I do love the way he plays the doctor. I'd say my favorite scene so far is the one in the first episode, at the end, when they flash the faces of all the doctors so far. It gave me goosebumps. Steven Moffat is a great writer and I wish he'd write more for this show, not that I dislike the other writers, but I'm a fan of some of his other work too.

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We don't have cable so we have been paying 3.99 an episode to download the HD version from itunes....worth every penny :D


I am an extremely big fan of David Tenant (my favorite doctor), but am really enjoying Matt Smith and liking the fact that these episodes are not nearly as melancholy as a lot of the Tenant ones were!


I am looking forward to learning more about River Song and seeing where that story leads.


Nice to know there are some Who fans here;)



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We don't have cable so we have been paying 3.99 an episode to download the HD version from itunes....worth every penny :D

OMG! OMG! This is awesome information!!! I had no idea we could buy the new episodes! We only get to see Dr. Who when it runs on PBS or when we buy the dvd sets. My family is going to be soooooo happy!! We love Dr. Who! Thanks for sharing! (and one more exclamation for good measure!)

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If you have a Wii and Netflix you can watch all the old Dr. Who episodes "free."


The new (2010) we haven't watched yet. Dh is is DVRing them and thinks we should have the first episode by tomorrow. He wants to watch them in order.


I got so sucked in to the last series, 5 years with Christopher Eccleston/David Tennant, that I'm looking forward to the Matt Smith ones with a bit of trepidation. I watched episode after episode like a junkie needing a fix. :lol:


Oh, and just for an FYI - don't watch Torchwood with the kiddos around.

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We are big fans here and have been enjoying this Doctor and Amy. I was quite worried that Amy would be Rose all over again so I am pleased to be wrong about that!! I preferred Ecclestone to Tennant and I am liking Matt Smith quite a bit - his face is so....alienesque!


The last two episodes were pretty intense....and we enjoyed reading this afterwards (spoilers, so read at your own risk). I am glad that the seasons are short!


Oh - I meant to add that we are not River Song fans here. I think the actress is doing a good job but we do not like her as written. She is arch and smug - yuck.

Edited by Liza Q
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OMG! OMG! This is awesome information!!! I had no idea we could buy the new episodes! We only get to see Dr. Who when it runs on PBS or when we buy the dvd sets. My family is going to be soooooo happy!! We love Dr. Who! Thanks for sharing! (and one more exclamation for good measure!)



Yay!!! I am glad that I could share the good news :D If you decide to go with the "regular and not HD" version they are only $2.99 an episode!


And as Parrothead mentioned, if you have netflix you can watch old episodes online or order the discs (we had to do that for Water of Mars and the season finale)


My husband has been working his butt off in grad school...so this has been a wonderful way to unwind now that his semester is over.



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We are big fans here and have been enjoying this Doctor and Amy. I was quite worried that Amy would be Rose all over again so I am pleased to be wrong about that!! I preferred Ecclestone to Tennant and I am liking Matt Smith quite a bit - his face is so....alienesque!


The last two episodes were pretty intense....and we enjoyed reading this afterwards (spoilers, so read at your own risk). I am glad that the seasons are short!


Oh - I meant to add that we are not River Song fans here. I think the actress is doing a good job but we do not like her as written. She is arch and smug - yuck.


Thanks for the link! I enjoyed reading it.

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Oh, and just for an FYI - don't watch Torchwood with the kiddos around.


I've only tried to watch it once. I was riding our bike (on a trainer) and decided to try out Torchwood. I turned it off after 10 minutes. I didn't like it. Too much s*x. I could put up with some things, but I want a good story and the s*xual stuff was distracting. I was glad the kids weren't in the room. :eek:

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I've only tried to watch it once. I was riding our bike (on a trainer) and decided to try out Torchwood. I turned it off after 10 minutes. I didn't like it. Too much s*x. I could put up with some things, but I want a good story and the s*xual stuff was distracting. I was glad the kids weren't in the room. :eek:


The last mini-series was very serious. I think after the 1st series, after you get used to Jack's constant innuendo, the stories are very clever.


But onto Dr. Who. I enjoyed Matt Smith from the very first moment. It's almost like he studied Tennant's mannerisms. Watching him that first episode, he actually looked like that body was new to him. I really enjoyed it. I think this season has been excellent aside from the Daleks. If I never see them again, it won't be too soon. My dh, who indulges my love of Dr. Who, thought the new colors were great. I didn't really care either way. :tongue_smilie:


I'm so glad they brought back the weeping angels. It explained a bit about the recurring crack, but there's still more to tell. I like River Song. Can't wait for that story. Who would the Doctor let that close to him? And I like Amy. I didn't like Rose, but I liked Martha and Donna.

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I watched the first episode starring Matt Smith with a lot of skepticism. I LOVE David Tennant and really did not want anyone else to try to replace him. Within the first 10 minutes of the episode, I was hooked. He is great! His mannerisms are wonderful. Thoroughly enjoyed the two-parter about the weeping angels. "Blink" is one of my favorite David Tennant episodes. One of my sons has a "Don't Blink" t-shirt.


Looking forward to all the future episodes with Matt Smith. Ten might still be my favorite, but eleven is a wonderful follow-on.



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I watched the first episode starring Matt Smith with a lot of skepticism. I LOVE David Tennant and really did not want anyone else to try to replace him. Within the first 10 minutes of the episode, I was hooked. He is great! His mannerisms are wonderful. Thoroughly enjoyed the two-parter about the weeping angels. "Blink" is one of my favorite David Tennant episodes. One of my sons has a "Don't Blink" t-shirt.


Looking forward to all the future episodes with Matt Smith. Ten might still be my favorite, but eleven is a wonderful follow-on.




I felt the same way and that's about how long it took me, too. I was really surprised at myself. It took me several episodes to get over the switch from 9 to 10 as I didn't know the Doctor did that (dh could have warned me). I adored Tennant and just couldn't imagine anyone else in the part. But I really like how Smith is playing it! And dd adores Amy. She likes her better than all the companions except Donna (me, too).


After reading through that link, though, I'm going to have to watch episode 4 & 5 a little more closely.

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