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Summer 2010 Reading Programs for free books

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Just thought I would post this in case there was interest. My kids will be reading regardless but free books is always a good thing!


Half Price books Starts June 1-July 31 and gives a $3 shopping card a WEEK for reading 15 minutes a day



Borders - free book for reading 10 books. Good until 8/26




Barnes and Noble - free book if you read 8 books- bring passport into store between 5/25 and 9/7





As a side note- I LOVE Half Price books. I love having their discount card and clearance section. I got about 50 books yesterday for $50!!! They were FIAR, Sonlight, Reference and readers for the kids. It was so much fun.

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Thank you!


I was thinking of starting my own incentive program over the summer. I don't really need to do this with Nathan as he reads all of the time, but Ben is another story.


Last year, we had such a hard time at Barnes and Noble because the only decent selections they had had already been read. I ended up letting my boys choose any books under $10 instead.


I'll have to check out the Borders selection. Update: They do have a better selection than Barnes & Nobel's last year.


I may still make my own incentive plan involving Legos (Ben's passion).

Edited by nestof3
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Just thought I would post this in case there was interest. My kids will be reading regardless but free books is always a good thing!


Half Price books Starts June 1-July 31 and gives a $3 shopping card a WEEK for reading 15 minutes a day



Borders - free book for reading 10 books. Good until 8/26




Barnes and Noble - free book if you read 8 books- bring passport into store between 5/25 and 9/7





As a side note- I LOVE Half Price books. I love having their discount card and clearance section. I got about 50 books yesterday for $50!!! They were FIAR, Sonlight, Reference and readers for the kids. It was so much fun.


My kids have gotten such great books through this reading program. I will buy out the kids' discount card to use on my purchases so they can combine their savings to get one more expensive book.

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Just wanted you all to know ~~~:001_smile::001_smile::001_smile:


Veritas Press also has a great summer reading program.

My kiddos participated in this last summer.

Here's the info from 2008/2009...below

I assume they will do something similar this summer.


Last year's reading contest was such a success that we decided to do it again. It was fun to see the children excited about reading and cashing in gift certificates for books of their choosing. Encourage your children to be a part of the contest this summer. It begins now and continues through September 15, 2009. Click here to download a reading chart if you would like to track your student's progress. We only ask that you as parents or teachers verify what the children have read, and then after they have met their goals, complete the online entry form. Please encourage them to read good literature, not just look for a book that meets the page count criteria.


Veritas Press Reading Contest Rules

1. Reading Quantity

a. K - 2nd Grade: 40 Easy Readers (ex., Frog and Toad are Friends)

b. 3rd & 4th Grades: 25 books at least 125 pages (ex., The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe)

c. 5th & 6th Grades: 25 books at least 150 pages (ex., Treasure Island)

d. 7th - 12th Grades: 25 books at least 200 pages (ex., The Fellowship of the Ring)


2. Entries must be submitted online by 5:00 PM EDT, September 15, 2009.


3. The first 250 submissions in each age division will be given a $10 gift certificate.

4. A drawing will be held from all submissions and will be announced in the October epistula.


There will be three winners from the drawing.

a. $150 First Prize

b. $100 Second Prize

c. $70 Third Prize

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Wah!!! We don't have Half Price books here! Sigh. :glare:


I was all excited because I thought it was half.com!:glare:


Check out your local bookstores. We have a couple that do summer reading programs too. I just never look into them in time.:lol:




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A couple of our local libraries even had free books as incentives last year, and dd participated in Barnes and Noble's last year. A friend let me know about Borders' program just last week, so we'll do that one, too. Another poster is right. The books in the Borders program do look better than the Barnes and Noble selections last year. Wish we had halfpricebooks!!!!


Thanks for the reminder about these programs.

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Yes, our library has a great one too.


A couple of our local libraries even had free books as incentives last year, and dd participated in Barnes and Noble's last year. A friend let me know about Borders' program just last week, so we'll do that one, too. Another poster is right. The books in the Borders program do look better than the Barnes and Noble selections last year. Wish we had halfpricebooks!!!!


Thanks for the reminder about these programs.

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