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Why do parents allow this????

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All I can say is that I am very thankful that dd has always had good dance schools. She has been to 6 in the last 7 years. Even hip-hop and jazz costumes have covered from throat to knee. Actually the ballet costumes have been the least modest.

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My 16 year old has been a competitive dancer for the past 12 years and some of the things we have seen are appalling. We've been lucky enough to be at dance studios that do NOT stick their kids in things like this or do moves like this. (we were at one studio until last year when it closed and we moved to a different one). We are in NJ which is not known for being conservative and I'm not extremely conservative but with jazz and hip hop especially (since so many of the moves are isolations) special care needs to be taken with music and costume choices. My daughters jazz dance this year is to "Son of a Preacher Man" and she wears a full coverage shirt and jazz skirt. She has never worn anything resembling a bikini on stage, at any age, nor would I allow it.


I find the skimpy, bikini type costumes very inappropriate (and we see them a lot) especially with sexy moves but I actually saw something even more disturbing recently. These were older girls and the routine had very violent moves - one girl was pushed around and dragged on the floor by the one boy in the routine. It did not seem to be making a statement or trying to raise awareness of anything it was just the way it was choreographed. And it won top awards.:001_huh:

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That the dance routine took place at a competition shows a lack of judgement on the part of the parents and coaches.


Putting it on YouTube shows an even greater disregard for good judgement. Then hauling it cable, where even more attention is drawn to the video, really is unconscionable.


These are real children. And they are being shamelessly exploited in the name of ratings. All the posturing is hypocritical. CNN is exposing the children more than any competition ever did. All the huffing and puffing of Dr Phil makes me sick.


And I, personally, am displeased to see it going even more viral on this forum.


We have developed into a culture of "outrage" that the media exploits. Our blood gets boiling, but we're all here watching it (me too unfortunately). Better, I think, to pull the plug, mind our own business, and let these little girls be.




This is exactally what I thougt while I was reading this thread. I didn't look at the link and I don't want to. Who needs that kind of image in their heads..who needs the thoughts of what pedophiles are doing with the video? It's all just fuel to the fire! Let it go and let those girls fade into obscurity. Talking about the parents judgment is neither here nor there on a forum that they will probably never see. All this debate is just to either puff our ownself up because we think we are better or to quiet our own roaring insecurities about our parenting choices. I know I'm gonna get blasted for that but oh well. I just think compalining about someone on a forum is bad form especially if you have no sort of plan to "rescue" all these poor little girls from their "stupid", "neglectful" parents.

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If that isn't pop culture I don't know what is.


They only get to hear songs that I have already heard. When I switch the station, if it's not something I recognize, it goes back to our regular station. There's no way I am letting them listen to a song like "Single Ladies" or "Low".

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My kids listen to the popular top 40 music and both girls do dance. Sadly that is the norm for these competitions. My girls do competitive dance but our Director does not allow bare bellies at all. There is a studio in Maryland that teaches their students to dance just like that but they aren't that good. I have to say though that they are amazing for their age. Their turns alone just astounded me. That's what gets your noticed-got your attention, right? Sad

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