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Step-Parenting Stinks, and actually Parenting isn't that Hot either

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So, spurred by a request for my 14 year old step-daughter (almost 15) to trade two days(two days that she'll be at her mom's house... really a very even exchange)... so I could go to a seminar... and having her tell me... "If I pay her she would".... I just think "Wow" this is a selfish kid! I mean, is this the same kid that is going to Israel with my Dad?? on a tour for a week and a half? That somehow we're probably going to be giving money for some of it... either to her or towards the trip.....


And, my 17 (almost 18) year old step-daughter is moving full time to her mom's.... and thinks that maybe she'll come back to the house for the weekends that use to be "ours"? She's doing this after the summer... (but when oh when will she get a job??) I really wish she'd go now so she could get her job hunting going... (or volunteering or SOMETHING)


And then my going to be 12 year old and 7 year olds....


Parenting just isn't my thing right now. I'm tired of angry, selfish kids.... who think that taking out the trash should bring eye rolling and snotty attitudes...


I want a mansion with servants (who are happy to be with me:)


Just thought I'd share.


On a more serious note, we're all pretty healthy... and tomorrow after I sleep... I'll be in a better mood... I'll stop griping... and I'll try to be pleasant to be around.



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I can relate. Sooooooo relate, lol.


I will say this, though...my oldest, my stepdaughter, went to live with her mom in the fall. Nothing to do with us, just that she had an opportunity to attend a great charter school and realized that she only had 2 years of high school/being a "kid" left and wanted to try that daily relationship with her mom that she'd not had.


This year she called me to wish *me* a Happy Mother's Day. Not a grudging one, or a reluctant signing of the card my dh bought. She called me, wished me a cheerful "Happy Mother's Day" and talked to me for half an hour about her plans for the summer, for college, for her life.


Hang in there. :grouphug: They will get there.



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Parenting just isn't my thing right now. I'm tired of angry, selfish kids.... who think that taking out the trash should bring eye rolling and snotty attitudes...



I don't have step-children, but I can so relate with the rude and ungrateful attitudes, etc. We've got it going on here in a bad way.

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"I once was that really selfish and snotty teenager. Trust me, it won't be long before they come around and see the selfishness. It will seem like forever though! LOL "



Me too. Only my stepmom got really fed up and ended up basically turning her back on me. I moved out at 17 and went through some really yucky, nasty times on my own because my own mom wasn't there either so now both sets of parents were out of the picture. My stepmom was very protective of her own things (including my dad) and saw me as...I dunno...an intrusion? It didn't help that I came there after a really horrid time with my own mom so she was getting a very defiant, angry teenager after having no kids at all. On top of being a regular teen with the problems that go with that, I was very ... well. You can imagine.


Not blaming my bad choices on anyone, just reminding you to be the more mature in the group :) and with compassion, and gentle instruction attempt to come alongside her.


It's hard I know. I dont' say it lightly.


My stepmom could have such a different life now. She couldn't have kids and she could have had a great relationship with me. It's ok now, but not a mother/daughter type love at all. What a missed opportunity she had no looking back.


Hang in, feel free to pm me for more info if you want. Basically, I'm asking you on your stepdaughter's behalf, to go the extra mile this stage will take. This kid, if you're her stepmom hasn't had it all peaches and cream, right? :) I remember still, at 17, after 15 years of being a divorced kid and never once seeing my parents kiss or hug or even be more than courteous, imagined my mom and dad being married. STILL wonder what that must have been like. It isnt' easy to be a child in this situation.

Love her, pour it on her. She needs you...


And my son has married parents and is still at times an angry, selfish kid :) Hugs to you in this stage of life. Perspective makes absolutely all!! the difference.

Edited by momee
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Don't give up yet; they aren't fully cooked. :D


:smilielol5: I love this!! I have one almost 20 yo and a 15 yo. They are really good kids and the 20 yo is almost fully cooked. BUT . . . some days I wonder what happened. Did they revert? Are we in a time warp? I'll just have to remember . . . they aren't fully cooked yet! Thanks so much!!



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