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What makes any day a good day for you?

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Just curious to see how others define a "good" day. For me it sometimes means that I have accomplished a lot and can see physical results of my labor (clean house, dc finishing school work, etc.). Other days it means that I was able to hold my tongue and not yell at anyone or I was able to "rise above" a situation that could have deteriorated quickly had I said what I really wanted to say:lol:!


What is it for you?

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Clean dishes, a day at the beach, feeling productive in my dd's education, good stimulating conversation, watching my garden grow, the smell of sunshine after a rain, my inexpensive horse vet who likes my dog, my boyfriend walking the dog before he leaves for work (or loading the dishwasher) while I sleep, watching my child defend the innocent (be it a bug or another child she is protecting), and just spending casual time with my friends and realizing how much they love me and how much I mean to them...these are a few of my favorite things. (When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad....I think of a few of my favorite things and then I don't feel so bad).

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That's easy, a good day for me is when I come to the end of it and realise I have been pain free, no migraine, no back ache, no cramps... these pain-free days are too few.


I have often told dh how much more I could accomplish in life without pain.:D


Well, what is causing this? As a nurse - I don't to see like serious debilitating pain and my heart goes out to you. Why are you in constant pain?

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Thanks for your concern, Karen. Sorry my post seemed a bit depressed! I had a migraine all day yesterday, so it was on my mind this morning.


Here's the list, just so you can see I am being taken care of and my docs have addressed these issues:). I am a migraine sufferer with just about all the triggers known to man. I've tried all the meds to no avail and am back to Excedrin Migraine. I also have a kyphosis of the spine which causes me a good deal of muscular back pain. I also have adenomyosis which causes a good deal of abdominal pain and leg pain. Hopefully I am only about 5 years from the next stage of life and then many of these issues will find some relief. Right now they all seem to be heightened and I am acutely aware of pain-free days.


Thanks again for your concern and I hope I didn't sound too depressing!! I really am a fun person most of the time!

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A good day is when I feel like I accomplished something. Mostly, if I was able to get at least one load of laundry done, cooked a nutritious hot meal and did my exercise for the day I feel pretty good.


I'm really sorry to hear about those who deal with health issues on a daily basis. My heart goes out to you.

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When I get a nap in the afternoon, and when I have a walk along the river with just the dog. These things allow me to cope with all sorts of life's day to day disturbances. Sometimes productivity feels good, but just as often, a lazy day is good, too.

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The times when I really feel that the dc (or a dc) and I have *really* connected. It's those times, scattered throughout the chaos that is life, that really light up my days. I also enjoy the feeling of having accomplished a great deal in the day, but those "moments" with the dc are really what count, for me.

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The times when I really feel that the dc (or a dc) and I have *really* connected. It's those times, scattered throughout the chaos that is life, that really light up my days. I also enjoy the feeling of having accomplished a great deal in the day, but those "moments" with the dc are really what count, for me.


I agree! I also love those homey, peaceful days when the phone or door bell isn't ringing, and I have no agenda other than spending time with my family. Sometimes I even love a rainy day. It makes me happy when I take the time to make warm, home-made play-doh for the kids. I echo those that said they feel it a good day when they get things accomplished. It also makes for a good day when I have the time to prepare a big yummy dinner.....especially when my hubby isn't expecting it and comes home from work to his favorite meal.

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