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6th grader

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What are your plans for your sixth grader? Next year I'll have a 6th grader and 3rd grader. I feel like I didn't require alot from my 5th grader this year. I know I should requre alot more independent work....just trying to balance the independence of an older child and requirements of a younger child. (B/C my younger child is not a strong reader, I do alot of read alouds - instead of just assigning them to my older child.)


We use SOTW - we'll be on #2 in the fall. We also use MUS, Latina Christiana, R & S English. I've always followed WTM recommendations for science. Although I start out great, I always end up just letting science slide - so I'm going to use Apologia Exploring Creation Series this year as our spine. (I think it will helpe me be accountable.)



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I have a 6th Grader this year...


English - IEW -- Saxon Grammar & Writing 5 (just the grammar portion) -- Spelling Power


Math - Chalkdust Prealgebra


History - Sonlight Core 100 (US History)


Science - Real Science 4 Kids Level 1 (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics)


Art - Various drawing books picked up at a local craft store


PE - Swimming, Tae Kwon Do, Baseball

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I have a 6th grader this year- and she did


-BJU English 6 (though we are changing for 7th)

-BJU math

-mom made health and geog (changing to apologia health and trail guides geog)

-I also made my own reading- we will be changing to lightning lit 7 and skills for literary analysis for 7th

-All American History vol 1

-Mystery of History vol 1

-Spelling Power (she finished it in Jan)

-Wordly Wise vocabulary

-Apologia Science



We did most of that for 6th grade and before, but from 7th on we are changing quite a bit

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This year I had 6th graders and another working at 3rd/4th grade level - I've been thinking I may have given them too much independent work this year as I had decided I needed to focus more on my younger dd - up till this year I'd been focusing mostly on my older two and she had just been coming along for the ride... anyway, this is what my 6th graders did:


LA: MCT Town (Grammar, Writing, Vocab, Poetry), Jamestown Best Short Stories, Editor in Chief

Math: Singapore 6a/b, Math Detective

Science: CPO Life Science, The Way Life Works, Science Detective

History: K12 Human Odyssey, The World in Ancient Times, lots of additional reading

German: Sat. School

Spanish: Spanish the Easy Way

Art: Outside classes for doing it, The Story of Art for art history

Logic: Grid Perplexors, Venn Perplexors

Music: both - chorus; dd1 - violin, orchestra; dd2 piano

PE: dd1 ballet; dd2 skating

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My upcoming 6th grader will be doing the following:


MFW's Exploration - 1850 for Bible, Science, History, Music, Art

ILL - third section

Writing Strands 4 (finishing up, then beginning WS 5)

Saxon 7/6 with Saxon Teacher cd

Prima Latina Christiana/Latina Christiana I


Can't wait!

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Here is the plan so far:


Math: Math Mammoth (finish 4, do 5, and start 6) this is what we have let slide somehow

LA: SWO E and F, Voyages in English 6 (only Grammar), writing the WTM way with a little Writing Tales thrown in, Literature ala WTM and SL

German: Rosetta Stone Level 2, German School once a week

History: finish SL 6 and start SL 7

Science: WTM with lots of kits and experiments from How .... Works Series

Logic: Mindbenders

Art: Monart Class, reading Usborne Internet Linked Art Enc

Music: Piano Lessons, this year we'll be reading through the Mike Venezia Artist books

PE: Karate and whatever else comes along


That's it!



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I'm curious - how much of your work do you expect your 6th grader to do independently? Do you give a weekly notebook with lesson, daily assignments or do you still do alot of one on one?


I just want her to be prepared and develop good study/work habits - which I don't think I've done a very good job teaching yet.



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Religion: Old Testament with Deacon at church,liturgical calendar, et c.

Math: Singapore (below)

Latin: Lingua Latina (below)

Logic: undecided

History: continuing the American History series below and back to Greek

Science: undecided

Memory: Continue with more poetry, documents, et c.

Writing: Continue to write across the curriculum (a la writer's jungle)

Violin and Riding Lessons to continue


We still want to add a language this year. I was thinking of German but it doesn't seem to be working out. Then, when my daughter discovered that CAP offers Greek for Children, she's kind of in for that. We'll see.

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My rising 6th grader will do the following:


History/Science/Bible/: HOD's CTC (which uses Apologia Zoology 3 as a spine for Science, and covers world History from creation to Christ for History)

Reading: DITHR

Language Arts: R&S English 5 (all of it, not as written in CTC), R&S Spelling 5

Math: CLE - finish math 5, complete math 6 by the end of the year.

Foreign Language: Le Francais Facile

Electives: R&S Health 4/5, R&S Music 6, Typing Instructor for Kids, Art in co-op

P.E.: TKD, track, soccer


My 6th grade son is about 95% independent. Most of what I do with him is discussion (Bible, English lesson, Read aloud, he reads to me, etc) The rest, he does on his own. On a typical day, I spend less than 20 minutes working with him unless he has a problem or some specific questions.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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Next year for 6th grade, my dd will do the following:


LA: Classical Writing, Rod & Staff, Omnibus 1 (1-3 secondary books)

Math: Horizons with MEP & Singapore supplements

History: self-designed program with Grueber/Miller books as spine & lots of literature

Science: The Elements by Ellen McHenry, Exploring Creation The Human Body (if time)

Latin: Latina Christiana II, moving to Henle

French: Tell Me More, French Smart, with books, audio CDs, DVDs

German: OSU German I, Tell Me More

Greek: Hey Andrew Level 3, moving to Elementary Greek

Spanish: Calico Spanish Level 1

Art, Music & Shakespeare Study

Extras to attempt to fit in :confused:: Lollipop Logic, Philosophy for Kids


This year we've done school 4 days per week with only Math and a Latin quiz on Friday. This coming year I foresee we'll be moving to 5 days per week which is fine for grade 6.


I've tried to make my dd more independent this year. She does very well if I give her a list to check off. If she doesn't have a list, even though she knows what she has to do, she seems to get lost and, seriously only gets about 1/4 completed! I find it bizarre but it's the way it is at this age. A list it is!

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Here's what we've done this year:



Lof/Dolciani pre-algebra

Megawords 1, R&S English (grammar only)

Writing was a struggle - ended with WWE 3

Art of Argument

FMoMA w/ The story of the Middle Ages (Harding)

1st semester: Science Matters

2nd semesters: Biology/anatomy (Exploring the World of Biology)

Religion: Study on proverbs

Art: didn't go as planned

Music: (see above):glare:

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This will be his return year from a terrible (my opinion; not his) ps year.


MCT language (grammar, vocab, writing, poetry)

R&S Spelling

TOG Y4 (history, lit, writing, geography)

Singapore Math 6 A&B

Science: considering Rainbow with older brother or may let him choose from God's Design for Science topics)


He will do Spelling, Science, and much of TOG on his own.

Edited by Wendy in ME
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This is my tentative plan for my upcoming 6th grader. Hope it helps.


Bible: Awana T&T Yr. 4


Math: Rod and Staff 6


English: Rod and Staff 6 and AAS 4


Latin: Finish Getting Started With Latin and LL1 or FF1


History: BJU 6 w/SOTW and Sonlight 6 readers


Science: The Elements and Bite Size Physics


Music: Violin and Piano


Art: How Great Thou Art


Typing: Typing Instructor Deluxe


P.E.: Swim Team

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