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For those who enjoy backpacking/hiking

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Great video.


I hope he hasn't left yet because I don't see an emergency kit: heat retention blanket, safety matches, extra food. What about a compass, map and small first aid? I'm certain he just didn't think about showing those. I realize I'm advocating the use of narcotics, but I always take some lortab when solo. If I twist or break something, I know a few of those will get me out.


About the compass, I remember one trip I did I thought I'd be cute and take a short cut through the woods. I decided, as it was only a quarter mile, that I didn't need to use my compass. After about fifteen minutes of walking I started to get concerned only to land right back onto the trail from where I began; I had walked a complete circle. I have done a lot of backpacking and that was a very eye-opening experience for me.


Is taking the food in those boxes? That's a lot of weight and and takes up a lot of room. I always transfer my food to ziplock bags and vacuum seal them to save space.


And my goodness, is he trying to kill a bear with that knife?:001_huh: A leatherman works quite well as a knife and for emergency repairs.


If it's hot, he's going to lose a lot of salt. I did an 18 day solo trip once and was eating bullion cubes straight because my body was so depleted of salt. I would recommend electrolyte powder or something like that.


Make sure he tells you exactly where he'll be and don't worry, he'll do great and have a blast. What a great experience for him.

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Great video. Very interesting and sounds like he'll have a great time. I like how he mentioned to the ladies that sometimes guys get spooked out in the woods too.


Also, as my grandmother would say ... he's easy on the eyes too. :001_smile:

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Great video.


I hope he hasn't left yet because I don't see an emergency kit: heat retention blanket, safety matches, extra food. What about a compass, map and small first aid? I'm certain he just didn't think about showing those. I realize I'm advocating the use of narcotics, but I always take some lortab when solo. If I twist or break something, I know a few of those will get me out.


He's gone. Yes, I he mentioned the first aid kit. A heat retention blanket is not necessary because it's been warm on the App. Trail in VA. He slept without one for three days in late Feb. when there was snow on the ground.


He has a trail map and compass.


Is taking the food in those boxes? That's a lot of weight and and takes up a lot of room. I always transfer my food to ziplock bags and vacuum seal them to save space.


No, he took the food out of the box.


And my goodness, is he trying to kill a bear with that knife?:001_huh: A leatherman works quite well as a knife and for emergency repairs.


He likes weapons. He also has a small one hooked to his boot. He's taken it on the last three 3-day trips.


Make sure he tells you exactly where he'll be and don't worry, he'll do great and have a blast. What a great experience for him.


Thanks. We have his day-by-day plan. His route also crosses over Skyline drive a few times, and there's even a convenience store he could have access to. He's hiked parts of it before on shorter trips.

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Okay, now you have to email me a pix! LOL This is his fourth time on the App Trail, but it is his longest and his first solo.


Oh, and considering Aaron considered joining the Army (instead he's getting a criminal justice degree and going into law enforecement -- he'd like FBI). Does your sons like to paintball too? Aaron plays woodsball and gets really into the strategy.


Dawn - it looks like he's ready to go. I hope he has a great time. My kids want to do part of the Apalachian Trail, but so far I'm holding them off.


Your son looks SO much like my second son, it's weird!

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Thank you so very much. Everyone was surprised I actually 'let' him go on the trip. I do tend to be a little smothering at times, but it's better than the cross-country motorcycle trip my husband took when he was 19 -- well, maybe. :)



Great! I bet he'll have lots of good memories! (Even if things go wrong - those make good memories too if enough time goes by . . .)


He's adorable!


Hope he has a great time!


What a nice kid! I hope he has a great experience.


Great video. Very interesting and sounds like he'll have a great time. I like how he mentioned to the ladies that sometimes guys get spooked out in the woods too.


Also, as my grandmother would say ... he's easy on the eyes too. :001_smile:


Awesome job!!!!


What a confident' date=' articulate son you've raised! :)


So how much sleep are YOU going to get the week he's gone? :lol:


I hope he has a fabulous trip!!![/quote']


That's awesome. We're transitioning from car camping to backpack camping. It is awesome.
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I thought he would. He looks and sounds a thoughtful and intelligent young man. I'm sorry if I sounded alarmist, but I guess I'm used to hiking in areas that are pretty far removed - and we have big Grizzly Bears here.:tongue_smilie:


I'd love to hear how his trip went when he returns. At times, I pine for the days of being footloose in the wilderness with a backpack, fishing rod and nothing but time. I'm quite looking forward to introducing my kids to the joys of backing; we'll be doing our first trips this summer.

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