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How long have I homeschooled?... and you?

MIch elle

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has me asking myself, "Where has the time gone?!" When people ask us if we've "always" homeschooled, I assume they mean from kindergarten, and I say "yes," that's all we've ever done and we love it! So, my oldest is now in 6th, which means it's been 7 years! How can that be?:)

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I usually say "we've always homeschooled." It's hard to say exactly when we began formally schooling her. When I taught her to read? When we did our first Kumon workbook? :confused:


If pressed, I'd probably count only the years that she would otherwise have been enrolled in public school, including kindergarten. Although K is not technically required in our state, it is universally available and I've never met a kid who goes to school who didn't attend in K. So...

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My ds has never been enrolled in public or private school either, so I count from when we began "formally" schooling, which was Kindergarten. This is our 4th year of hs.

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