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Can you all pray for my father in law?

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My husband's father is very very ill. He is 70 years old and not in good health at all. He was admitted to the hospital last night with sepsis. The doctors have not been able to figure out where the infection originated. They are worried that the heart valves that he had replaced three years ago are the source. He is on three different IV antibiotics. He is weak, and he is talking like this is the end. That is not like him at all, so we are very worried!


Please pray for him. He has fallen away from God in the last several years, and more than anything we would love to see him turn back to God. Of course, we want to see him healed of this sickness too!


Also, please pray for my sweet husband. He is an only child, and his mother died when he was 12. So besides the girls and I, his dad is all he has. As you can imagine, they are very close. Patrick is so sad right now. I've never seen him like this. It is breaking my heart.


Thank you for your prayers!!

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The doctors have found that Bill has enterococcus, which is a bacteria, in his blood. Enterococcus, when in the blood, kills >80% of people in his age group. He is truly blessed to be alive. We will find out tomorrow if the bacteria has invaded his prosthetic heart valve. He is looking at around six weeks of IV antibiotics when he is discharged. It will be a long road, but we are so thankful.

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