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Is there a cure for Sharpie?

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DD was "coloring" our moving boxes with a Sharpie and managed to draw a big black swipe across her favorite rabbit shirt. I've sprayed it with stain remover and am washing it with warm water (warm rinse).


Is there anything else I can do? I've reconciled myself to the fact that it's now an "inside only" shirt, but I'd like to save it if I can.



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Yeah, I'm bummed (she doesn't really care yet but she will). Her Grandma gave her the shirt. She loves the shirt. She wants to wear the shirt ALL. THE. TIME.


And, yes, I know I shouldn't have let her have a Sharpie, especially while wearing something special. She's been so good about the move but yesterday she got overwhelmed and letting her color gave her a sense of control over her environment. She was participating (helping me label the boxes) and that helped.

Edited by Hopscotch67
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Mr Clean Magic Eraser took the sharpie art off our couch (and the hardwood floor, and the wall, and the window, and the TV). I have not tried it on clothing however.. Have you gone to their website to see if they have any suggestions?

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A few years ago, ds got hold of a Sharpie and used it on the sheer curtains of a rented house. The owner was preparing to sell the house and we tried to replace the curtains, but it was cost prohibitive. We ended up soaking them in OxyClean and scrubbing them on and off for 40 hours. It took a long time, was a pain, but did get it out! Hopefully you find a remedy that works!


I have also successfully used OxyClean and Shout together to get any stain out. Spray on the Shout, put on some OxyClean, spray on more Shout until you get a paste. Use a toothbrush and scrub for a bit, then run it through the laundry. Sometimes you might need to repeat this, but it has always worked on all our stains.

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