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Twisted ankle

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I stepped off the back porch wrong last night & oh! what a bad idea! I've sprained an ankle before, but this is *awful.* I have no idea what I'm going to do w/ the littles for the...how long is this going to last? Dh had to practically carry me inside the house.


It was feeling...numb, at least...last night after a couple of hrs w/ frozen veggies. But this AM, it's hurting pretty bad again. Last night I could kind-of put a little wt on it; this AM, I wouldn't dream of it. :tongue_smilie:


It's lovely hs planning time as long as the pain is low enough that I can think & dh has the dc. I'm afraid tomorrow is going to stink. :001_unsure:

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You might have broken it. Go get an xray. :grouphug:


*groan* It kills me to think of paying for xrays! I already feel stupid for stepping of the porch as if it were still there, LOL.


And to make it worse, he'd have to take me. So...the kids would either come along or stay w/ somebody. No chance of hiding the fact that I can't walk on air that way. :blush:


It really seems like *I* ought to be able to tell if it's broken, just by the amt of pain. Although...I guess going that way, it still doesn't look good. I couldn't even tell dh why I was lying in the grass when he found me there--it just knocked the wind right out of me. Now I'm all complainy. :tongue_smilie:


I think I'm going to need leashes for the dc. :lol:

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I only have one toddler to deal with. Aside from that, I feel your pain. Literally.


I fractured my cuboid bone and sprained my ankle nearly two weeks ago. The actual foot feels much, much better right now. The ankle, not so much!


I had a cast for a week, and now I have a cam walker. After a week of no weight bearing, I'm just beginning to add weight on that side. I'm getting around better, but I still can't carry anything (hands full with crutches!) or do much picking up around the house.



I've been able to rely on my big kids to help pamper me and occupy the little, but my house looks like a bomb went off in it and I'm being generous in calling our school days 1/2 days. :glare:


If you don't take care of it properly, you won't heal properly, and it will be more trouble in the long run.

By the way, my pain didn't kick in until about 8 hours later, when I was begging for drugs!


I'm here if you want to start a private pity party, lol! ;)

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I stepped off the back porch wrong last night & oh! what a bad idea! I've sprained an ankle before, but this is *awful.* I have no idea what I'm going to do w/ the littles for the...how long is this going to last? Dh had to practically carry me inside the house.


It was feeling...numb, at least...last night after a couple of hrs w/ frozen veggies. But this AM, it's hurting pretty bad again. Last night I could kind-of put a little wt on it; this AM, I wouldn't dream of it. :tongue_smilie:


It's lovely hs planning time as long as the pain is low enough that I can think & dh has the dc. I'm afraid tomorrow is going to stink. :001_unsure:


I did the same this last Friday... I sprained mine playing basketball with dh and the kids (what was I thinking?!?) I did the 48 hr. ice (20min on and off) with a bag of peas to keep the swelling down. I am now able to walk on it carefully with a brace, but it still hurts 9 days later. I'm wondering if I should see a doctor... but I don't want to spend the money if it is just a sprain, but if it is more severe then I really should have it looked at. Does anyone know a "rule of thumb" that could help me determine if I need to see a doctor or just nurse it back to health myself?

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I stepped off the back porch wrong last night & oh! what a bad idea! I've sprained an ankle before, but this is *awful.* I have no idea what I'm going to do w/ the littles for the...how long is this going to last? Dh had to practically carry me inside the house.


It was feeling...numb, at least...last night after a couple of hrs w/ frozen veggies. But this AM, it's hurting pretty bad again. Last night I could kind-of put a little wt on it; this AM, I wouldn't dream of it. :tongue_smilie:


It's lovely hs planning time as long as the pain is low enough that I can think & dh has the dc. I'm afraid tomorrow is going to stink. :001_unsure:


I know how you feel- I'm not one to head off to the dr either. And I have had many severe sprains in my life! I feel your pain.


If I were you, and really didn't want to go to the doctor- I would try to get some crutches. My local grocery store "rents" them for free- you put down a $30 deposit, and you get the entire deposit back when you return them.


RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) as much as possible. Ice for 10-15 minutes at a time, then remove the ice. Wrap the ankle in an elastic bandage (not too tight) to keep the swelling down.


You really should go to a doctor, though- to rule out a break. Even if it's only sprained, you can get a boot which will completely immobilize your ankle and still let you walk on it. My podiatrist told me to put on my boot and wear it for 2 weeks whenever I sprain my ankle- this helps the ligaments to heal properly. If you walk on a sprained ankle, the ligaments will stretch out more and not heal properly.


Some doctors will just tell you to walk on the sprain as much as you can, but according to my brilliant podiatrist that's really not a good idea. My dd severely sprained her ankle pole vaulting and we went to urgent care to rule out a break when it wasn't healing in 5 days (she could not put any weight on it even in the boot.) The urgent care doctor pretty much told her the boot was "overkill" and she was being a whimp. Thanks for the x-ray, dude- we'll just ignore your feedback.

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I think BOTH of you, Aubrey and Jill, should go to the doctor! It's worth it to know for sure whether it's broken or not, to help it heal properly, and get the support it needs! You CERTAINLY don't want this to be a lifetime problem!


I'd watch your kids if I lived close enough! See if someone can watch the kids, and someone else take you in for x-rays! I wish you both well!

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You won't neccessarily know if you broke it ... When dd was about 5 months old, I broke a bone in my foot. (I was just walking and all of a sudden couldn't anymore :glare:) Long story short ... I went to the podiatrist, and after looking at my x-ray he asked how many other times I'd been in a cast. :confused: Never. I've never broke any bone before. He told me he could tell that I had broke my foot numerous times before by the scarring. I had no idea. I had never been in enough pain to visit the doctor for a hurt foot before. Something to consider ...


Hope your foot feels better soon.

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I agree it's time to go to the doctor. If it is only a small fracture and you keep using it you can damage it further.


I did that last summer. I feel in the grocery store on some water. I had to go to the ER and they said it was only sprained. So I went home and kept walking on it, even though it didn't feel right and hurt like crazy. About four days later it just gave out while I was standing, and I heard a loud snap. I couldn't breathe it hurt so bad and I couldn't stand up. I went to the hospital for even more x-rays, and they discovered a large break. I had to go to the orthopedic surgeon, with both sets of x-rays, he said there had been a small fracture that they missed on the first x-ray, and that because I kept using it the pressure caused it to break even further.


I say definetly go to the doctor and find out if it's broke!

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Oh, Aubrey, what a bummer. I would go to the doctor. Even if it is not broken, there could be ligament damage.


I have twisted my ankle many times and my parents never took me to the doctor for that. There are times I probably should have gone. Now, my ankles twist very easily and I am wary of uneven ground. Nothing like spoiling a new linen suit in front of one's boss by twisting one's angle on a small pebble. Good thing there were no video phones back then.

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We went to Care Now. You know the weird thing where you feel fine as soon as the dr walks in the room? She could turn, press, move my foot fine. Almost nothing she did hurt. Suddenly, it could bear a little weight. I walked around a little.


So we decided not to do xrays. I really wish she would have told us if they were necessary, but I don't think they're allowed to do that. Anyway, when the guy came back in w/ the brace, he sat down to put it on & said, "It's obviously not broken" w/out knowing that we hadn't done an xray. Dh was really reassured by that; I'd like to be, lol, but he went on to say that if it is broken, it's probably just a hairline fracture, & those don't always show up on xrays at first anyway.


We went to the Goodwill on the way home to get crutches. I stood in line behind one lady for over 10 min while she decided what she was going to get & what to put back. When it was my turn, I told the lady I had books (of course) & crutches. She rang up the books, gave me my total, & I realized she hadn't charged me for the crutches. So she went to add them, & there was no price tag.


"I'm sorry," she said. "W/out a price tag I can't sell those." :001_huh: She couldn't call her mgr because the lady who'd taken so long to check out had come back in--& received a call on their phone. So she took the guy in line behind me, knocked the crutches over (on accident), & kept going.


Mgr finally shows up & says, sorry--no sticker, no sale. I convince her to go back & see that *all* the crutches are priced the same--I just want the pair that fits me. She finally comes back again, w/ another one to ring up & makes a big deal out of what a sacrifice it is.


Jeepers. I almost wish I'd just taken them for free. :tongue_smilie:

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