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Overheard at the Doc's office

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Today we sat in the waiting room of Cincinnati Children's Hospital for an OT appt for my DS. As we sat there we were forced to listen to 3 women (all came in together) discuss (very loudly) the ages of when they started their monthly cycle and become sexually active. Of course they were very graphic. My poor DS was so embarrassed. There was no where else for us to go to avoid them.


It seems to be trend lately for women (at least around here) to discuss delicate matters such as these in public. Am I being overly senstive because I have a son?

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If my dh was there, I would have tried to engage my son in some kind of conversation, my body blocking his view and maybe some hearing, and would have spoken kinda loudly myself to try to distract him. Then again, my dh does not like confrontation. If it were just me, I would say, "really? my son can hear you! could you not talk about that right now?!?!" :001_huh:;) but that's just me...sorry to hear that (for you and your ds)

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Um, EW. Totally inappropriate. *I* don't want to know about that, let alone have my son hear it. The topic of monthly cycles (not their beginnings and certainly not anything else) came up today when I was at the park with my mother's group, and we discussed it in hushed voices while the kids were playing on the playground equipment. When one of the mom's sons came over to ask for a drink, the topic immediately changed. I couldn't imagine talking about that in front of a child. Yeesh.

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I don't think you are overly sensitive. As a mother of three boys this would have ticked me off and I might have said something. I get just as ticked about inappropriate clothing- at of all places- church where it seems that cleavage galore is A-OK. But that's another subject.

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No, you are not overly sensitive. I think they were rude. If they want to have that discussion, that is their business, but they should not have made it anyone else's business!


Exactly! I notice a trend to discuss what should be confidential on cell phone conversations as well. Those are just things I do not want to hear while I am picking out my produce or sitting at a waiting room and neither should you or your dc.

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Ewww! I would have grabbed your son's hand and said, "come on honey, let's sit over here where you don't have to listen to these women share their life stories." and I would have proceeded to move as far from them as we could. How ignorant and rude.


Once, I was a server at a restaurant and there was a table of people (4 people) talking VERY loudly about vomit. The tables beside them finally complained. I don't know if the people thought there were funny or what, but the manager finally just asked them to leave. People baffle me.

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Exactly! I notice a trend to discuss what should be confidential on cell phone conversations as well. Those are just things I do not want to hear while I am picking out my produce or sitting at a waiting room and neither should you or your dc.


Wonder if they think that just the people on the other end of the phone can hear them. I have noticed this too and I try REALLY hard to make sure I never do this!

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