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What curricula have you tried and HATED?

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BJU LIfe Science 7. Really hated it!! Too heavy handed, too dry, etc.


Saxon math 3. Too scripted


LRTEG - I wanted to like this program. I really did. I probably dislike it more than hate it. It just fell really flat


CW Homer B - too much!!!


Abeka anything - too much! I did like Abeka 5 grammar, but I greatly edited what we used. I cut so much out that it was not really worth the money


GWG 4 - too repetitive. I should have skipped 4 and gone into 5. Bored dd silly


BF Jr. High American - I loved it! Dd hated it!!


Making Math Meaningful - no solutions manual, just answer key. Very different approach which made teaching it very different


BJU Math 4 - awful! Dd had to do Saxon 54 the following year to make up for it


TT 5 - awful!! did not fit dd learning style


SOTW 1 - sorry, just couldn't stand this one. Loved SOTW 2 and will be using SOTW 4 next year, so not flames please.


MUS - just did not fit learning style of dc.


BJU Lit 7 - poor lit choices, made questions fit the answers they were searching. Just didn't flow. Seemed more like busy work than actual learning


Hey Andrew! - youngest liked this program, but oldest did not. I think it was too "babyish" for my oldest.


THere are probably more my oldest will remember. I'll ask her and do a followup post :)

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:iagree: ACE should be OUTLAWED (IMHO:blushing:)






Absolutely!!! I used it as a child, like another poster. I used it in 5th and 6th grade at a private school. I moved back into ps BEHIND my peers because of that garbage. I look back and can't even believe my parents had to pay for that school. I sat in a cubicle all day and only got up in order to grade my own work!!

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I find it so interesting that what works, and works AMAZINGLY well for some, is on other peoples most hated list! I think over half of what I LOVE has been on this as peoples most hated list! Very interesting how different familys learn so differently! I think that awesome actually!!!!! :)


We hated Abeka. We both had tears by the time we finished. I had to push myself to finish it for the whole year! I felt like I was torturing my child.


We love Sonlight. We will read more pages in the books if the kids want to go on. Have a love/ hate with the SL language arts.

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100 EZ Lessons.

Saxon Math (K-2)


These are both good programs, if you have children for whom they are a good fit. They were not a good fit for us.


Things I'm glad I never tried? Sonlight... I can't imagine having to read 2 pages here and 1 page there. It would drive me NUTS.

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Absolutely!!! I used it as a child, like another poster. I used it in 5th and 6th grade at a private school. I moved back into ps BEHIND my peers because of that garbage. I look back and can't even believe my parents had to pay for that school. I sat in a cubicle all day and only got up in order to grade my own work!!



:001_huh: really?? :001_huh: That is cruel and unusual punishment to a kid! :001_huh:

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LLATL....you can see in my siggy that we are "using" it. Really I think we have about given up on it all together. I am looking forward to starting PR in the fall with DD. DS is enjoying workbooks, so I might pull out my Sing, Spell, Read, and Write workbooks for him.


So far that is all, but we have only just begun!

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I'll bite. Things that didn't work well for us at all:

Singapore math for my 2nd daughter

Most of Calvert. I did like the reading and writing for 1st and 2nd grade, 3rd and up were totally horrible. We did like CHOW and that's about it. I agree with one other poster, to high of a price for what you get. For the most part Calvert was a total bomb.

K12's math, music, art. Also not a fan of the upper level LA.

BJU's math past 4th grade

Miquon. As much as I wanted to love it and understand it I didn't and could never use it as a core math program. Ever!

Christian Liberty. Loved their spelling and reading books. Just to much writing in the lower grades.



Other than that I think I like some of the things that were mentioned as "Hated" here.

Saxon math works well for my daughters, as well as CLE math

100 EZ lessons I've taught 3 out of my 4 so far with it and they are reading well. It really was a good starting point for them. I'm beginning to slowly use it with my 3.5yr old.

We've used Prima Latina and LC 1 so far and it has worked for us. My girls don't love it but they also get a lot out of it.

CLE LA has also worked well for us as well. My girls seem to need a lot of repetition in this area.

Apologia sciene has been the best for us at least. Its a thousand times more interesting than the science we've had from Calvert and K12, and even BJU.

Liked BJU for K-4th (for my oldest)after that something happens to it and I just don't know what.

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We haven't been at this too many years, so I haven't run into anything *yet* that we just hated. But, I've seen LOTS of stuff out there that I'm sure we would hate if we tried. Wouldn't be fair to list those. The only thing we've tried that absolutely didn't work for us was SOTW volume 1. My children thought it was dull, and I didn't like reading about the pagan gods and beliefs to such young children. I talked about that in another thread.


We used Apologia Astronomy last year. The only thing about it that I didn't like was that her "logic" she expresses to "prove" her belief in a young earth was often very illogical. I'm not sure what I believe on the topic, but even my 1st grader often said he didn't think she made any sense. But, I definitely would not say we hated it. We actually enjoyed the program quite a bit. Just my 2 cents.

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How about a kid one?

I bought ds Christian Liberty K when he was 5. We used it for 2 days...On the 3rd day, I went to take it out and use it. It wasn't in his school box. I asked him if he knew where his Math book was. He said, "I threw it out."


I didn't belive he would really do that, so I continued looking for it...:001_huh:


It didn't turn up, so I asked him again and he said "It was boring, so i threw it out."


Thank God it was a cheapo!


We had a nice talk about not throwing books in the trash without asking Mommy first...and I quickly bought him something more interesting....at least he didn't toss it in the trash!!!:lol:



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How about a kid one?

I bought ds Christian Liberty K when he was 5. We used it for 2 days...On the 3rd day, I went to take it out and use it. It wasn't in his school box. I asked him if he knew where his Math book was. He said, "I threw it out."


I didn't belive he would really do that, so I continued looking for it...:001_huh:


It didn't turn up, so I asked him again and he said "It was boring, so i threw it out."


Thank God it was a cheapo!


We had a nice talk about not throwing books in the trash without asking Mommy first...and I quickly bought him something more interesting....at least he didn't toss it in the trash!!!:lol:




:lol: Funny!

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