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Unemployment on the boards

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Is it getting better? I know for a while, it seemed like someone's dh was losing his job every week or so. Lately, I see a lot of threads where people are moving (to Tx, lol) for new jobs.


Are things really looking up? Are these mostly already-employed people making lateral moves?


ETA: This was a poll until the busy server ate it.

Edited by Aubrey
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We are one of the new-to-Texas group, and with us, it was a combination of things. His previous company was in trouble and doing rounds of layoffs. The job market in St. Louis is not good. He was offered a slightly better position with a raise and better benefits, and we jumped at the chance.


Praying for anybody unemployed or making these kind of life-changing decisions. It isn't an easy choice to make.

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My hubby is on his second day of work, but unfortunately they can't make it permanent yet. The company is owned by another company and trying to obtain funding from them is a long and arduous task. It's good that he is doing real work in the field he wants. It is good that they do want to hire him full time. It is not good that work is on a day by day basis. It is not good that we don't know when he'll be home. I don't suppose he'll find out until knock off time. Thankfully he has somewhere to stay so he doesn't have to pay accommodation. Anyway, I'm looking at housing in the township we want to move to, but the rent is quite a bit more expensive than here and as much as I hate this house, I can't decide whether we should move or not. I'm not even sure how to decide, and being the Capricorn that I am, I really hate that!


So, things are looking up here and dh is really happy. Being the fussy broad that I am, though, I won't be happy until proper paperwork is signed!



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I received my lay-off notice last week. DH's work schedule has been super slow and he has been enjoying lots of time at home. He finally has the time to work on the honey-do list but now we have no money.


We are very happy we are debt free(as of March 1, 2010). It helps ease the pain -- but only a little.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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My daughter (31 y/o) and her dh are/were high school teachers in Salem County, NJ. NJ has a new governor, and while his cuts are making him unpopular with various groups, I do see what he is trying to ultimately achieve.


At any rate -- sil was notified last week that his contract will not be renewed -- he did have tenure as a high school chemistry teacher - but he is now applying everywhere.


DD will learn at the end of this month if she will be non-renew; she is a high school physics teacher.


They would both love to re-locate to Virginia where there are teaching jobs, but they have a home that would need to be sold in NJ and the cost of that with rent someplace new, is just not feasible for them.

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... have been since the middle of December. My hope was (at least for now) to get back on at Wal-Mart as a cashier. They just recently (in the last week or so) lifted the hiring freeze. They still have to get authorization from the personel office to hire a couple of new cashiers. I've looked elsewhere besides and have found nothing. I haven't even had any interviews.

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My husband is a carpenter in MI. He got laid off about 6 weeks ago. Needless to say, there is not a lot of hiring here. We are hoping he will be able to find something without us having to move. Although I must admit, I am not sure why we live in Michigan. I guess it is because of family and the beauty of the countryside. It surely isn't anything else.

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I hope the best for everyone. My hubby got laid off June 30, was home a few months, went to KY for 4.5 months and now has been home for 2.5 months. We managed to keep bills up through all this, but now are desperate. There is NO way we can pay all our bills anymore.




Been there. We moved to FL for a low wage job (thought it would be more), then he worked another low wage job, and then he got his current job. It is stable, offers great benefits, but the pay is low (about $22K per year, which is better than the other two jobs.) We're adjusting to our "new normal" and realizing this is just the way things are going to be until the dc are older.

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