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Reading (4th grade and up)


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I am really confused about what to do for reading for my almost ten year old son.


He is a fluent, advanced reader...


I have Drawn Into The Heart of Reading. We used it last year-

I am wondering if there are any comparable options.

I have six children and not a lot of direct teaching time for each individual student...

so DITHOR is not getting done right now. Plus, in my son's words, he doesn't like having to search all over the house for the books for the program...

DITHOR books don't really stay on the shelf- guess I'd have to hide them in my room....


I am considering CLE fifth grade program.


I also meant to dig up my copy of WTM and see what is recommended.


Please talk to me,

What do you do for reading?




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For my 4th grader, I assign a book which she reads through. Sometimes we will talk about what she is reading, and she often likes to tell me anyway. When she finishes that book she makes a notebook page about it which involves writing a narration/summary and perhaps drawing a picture to go along with it. That's it. This is pretty much what is outlined for this level in WTM.


She also has free reading at other times. No reporting is required from this free read time - it's just for fun. :)

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I do a mish-mash.


I have the kids do CLE reading for comprehension practice. I believe test taking is a skill and a useful one, so it's good practice. It also covers a lot of literary terms, etc. and covers me for standardized testing. The kids love it. It's short and to the point.


I also assign books on a regular basis. Lots from the 1000 Great Books list, the SL reading list, the BF reading lists. Just great things to read. Some fiction, some non fiction. Some harder, some easier. Some long, some short. I have them narrate or do simple reports on them. You can find lots of free book report forms online to get the process going. Sometimes (the 3rd/4th grader) I have them just journal about what they liked, what made them think, etc.


I monitor trash reading. I don't mean real trash - I just limit the kid beach reads. :) Right now the kids are reading the "How to Raise a Dragon" series. Fun - but not profitable for my kids. So with that they're assigned a biography, some SL reads and some science stuff. They still read a ton on their own - but it's like veggies - more is better than less. I also think my regularly assigning stuff keeps them grounded and responsive to my picking books for them into the future.


Occasionally I'll break out a reading comp program. A friend gave me the Logos Chronicle of Narnia set, so I've used that in the past. I think next year I'll do one Progeny per semester. Nothing major - just a little more directed thinking and a little more writing.


I also like them to have fun. This week we did book reports - with puppets and filmed for family movie night. Lots of fun and they learned about the books and some video editing.


ETA - There is no way I could monitor all my kids read or track it. I just keep lots of lists around and highlight them as we go - and hope they're getting lots of great stuff!

Edited by Kayaking Mom
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For my 4th grader, I assign a book which she reads through. Sometimes we will talk about what she is reading, and she often likes to tell me anyway. When she finishes that book she makes a notebook page about it which involves writing a narration/summary and perhaps drawing a picture to go along with it. That's it. This is pretty much what is outlined for this level in WTM.


She also has free reading at other times. No reporting is required from this free read time - it's just for fun. :)


This is exactly what we do and dd9 has really taken off in reading. She can chose what she wants to read as long as it is on or above level. She is reading through the Little House on The Prairie series right now and loving them. At the beginning of the year there was no way she would read a book that size. She had followed a reading program in school where she had to read what she was assigned and she hated it. If I dont love a book I will never get through it. Now she is developing a love for reading books!!!!!

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We don't do anything for reading, except read. Dd will tell me about the plots and characters of books she really enjoys (she had a blast, telling me about The Sisters Grimm books and The Mysterious Benedict Society).

She listens to history read alouds and other read alouds (right now we are reading Fever, 178-, and the first Harry Potter) and often we summarize where we left off the day before and maybe predict what will happen.

Next year will be a little different, as 5th grade starts logic stage and involves more writing about reading. But so far, I've never felt the need to have a program for reading (beyond the phonics/mechanics of learning to read).

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You could do the old, "read and write a book report" idea. But, that still leaves you searching for age appropriate books in various genres. With my oldest, I used BJU reading. For 5th grade, it is one hardback book and an activities guide. Many do not like a program like BJU because it is not considered "real" literature, rather excerpts or stories written by their authors. But, everything you need is there and the stories and varieties are quite good. You could do all the activities or tailor it to meet your needs. Sometimes we did BJU without using the guide at all. It just depends upon what your goals and needs are at the time.

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I highly recommend CLE reading 5. It's only 16 weeks if done 5 days/wk. You could easily assign whole books for enjoyment during the school year while using CLE reading. CLE reading is easy but NOT the lightunits. Be prepared to help at first with the LU's or your dc might hate it. After some initial teacher help, CLE reading is very easy on the teacher!


We tried DIHOR and dumped it - too much work for very little benefit.

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This is what I do. First of all, I have a ton of books, mostly purchased at yard sales andthrift stores. So, when switching gears I bring all the related books up from our shelves in the basement, and switch them out with the books we had up here. It keeps the reading interesting and they don't have to look at the same books. They are welcome to go down stairs and look- but we all know that is a lot of work! ;)


Also, I have them help me in this process. I only have three kids, so they each get to choose pretty much an entire shelf, if they want to.


The other thing is, we keep shelves in their rooms. If they have a series that THEY like, personally, then it goes in their room. Or if they just want to keep certain books in their, it's fine.

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We don't do anything for reading, except read. Dd will tell me about the plots and characters of books she really enjoys (she had a blast, telling me about The Sisters Grimm books and The Mysterious Benedict Society).

She listens to history read alouds and other read alouds (right now we are reading Fever, 178-, and the first Harry Potter) and often we summarize where we left off the day before and maybe predict what will happen.


This is pretty much how I have handled it for third garde, and how I will for fourth. I do come up with a short list of books to "assign" but generally I just let him read, and we talk. I like the idea of a notebook page at the end of reading as a brief summary, so I may adapt that.

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Thanks so much!


Like I wrote, this particular son is advanced- and it is really difficult to keep him supplied with books- especially ones that meet our family's standard.

He reads books like The Hobbit, Little Men, etc.

He just finished Kidnapped- which he managed to make his way through- even with the more difficult language.


I really like the idea of an illustration and summary aka narration for reading.


I like DITHOR- but it is just not getting done and there is no way I can facilitate the projects. We have to work hard to get their main HOD projects done.


CLE is still intriguing me.


Still pondering...

I so appreciate you all!


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