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Please share elementary "school day schedule"

Jenny in GA

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I would love to see what other people's school days are like: What you use, how long you typically spend on it, what's done together and what's done independently, and what the other kids are all doing.


For example:


9:00 - 9:30 -- I work on First Language Lessons 3 and Writing With Ease 2 with my third grader.

Meanwhile, my three year old is watching TV in another room, and my first grader is in her room reading Bob Books.




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I would love to see what other people's school days are like: What you use, how long you typically spend on it, what's done together and what's done independently, and what the other kids are all doing.


For example:


9:00 - 9:30 -- I work on First Language Lessons 3 and Writing With Ease 2 with my third grader.

Meanwhile, my three year old is watching TV in another room, and my first grader is in her room reading Bob Books.





Here is a link to our general schedule. It hardly ever happens just like that, but it gives you a general idea.


In terms of an actual school day I cataloged a day last week and what we were doing for the whole school day and put it on a video so others could see an example of what a homeschooling day was like.

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I have a 3rd grader and a first grader:


(Times are approximate)


History (M*W)/Science (T*Th)-Time Travelers Revolutionary War CD as a spine and adding in a bunch of reading/NOEO Chemistry I; we do these subjects together for 30-60 minutes


Magnus and I work on MCT while Thane does Headsprout and ETC (30 min.)


Thane and I work on ORGTR and AAS while Magnus does Phonetic Zoo & ETC (20-30 min.)


Math-Working through MM together along with lots of games and math books (20-40 min.)


Thane and I work on WWE and FLL while Magnus does something on the computer...Mindbenders, Keyboarding ect. (20 min.)


Mangus and I work on IEW and Thane does something on the computer...Mindbenders, Keyboarding, ect. (30-45 min.)


In a perfect world, Magnus and I work on LFC while Thane plays.


We are done by lunch time. :001_smile:

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Hmmm, this is hard as our varies a bit from day to day.

We start at 10

I do read aloud with everyone til about 10:20 (bible, history read aloud, health)

-then my 9yr old watches math while 8yr old does language arts, 6yr old is doing her science, math and bible reader, 4yr old is doing her worksheets

-then 8yr old watches her math, while 9yr old does her math workbook, 6 and 4yr olds are still doing the same thing

-then 8 yr old does her math workbook and I do spelling w/ 9yr old...6yr old and 4yr old play together in their room

-then 9yr old does her language arts while I do spelling with the 8yr old

*if there is any 'dead' time for the older 2, they are writing in their journal

-after those are done, I do 'together school' with the older 2 (they do the same level of science, history, geography etc) this takes us 20-30min

- when the older 2 are done, then I do L.A. with my 6yr old which takes about 15min

-when I am done w/ the 6yr old, I do a bit of phonics w/the 4yr old if she wants to


All this time my 2yr old is rotating between having 'blanket time' (he gets a special box of toys just for this), swinging in his swing that daddy made for him in our school room door way, reading with a sister, or watching a video. Sometimes he also has a snack at the table.


We dont really say 'we do this at 10:30 and this at 10:45 because sometimes the lessons are shorter or longer.


We are typically always done by noon though sometimes they have to finish up math after lunch or we do spelling after lunch if the morning school took too long (we start clean up and lunch prep at noon)


hope this helps!

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10:00--we get started. I have all subjects for each dd bookmarked, any copies made, and they are all stacked. I let older dd pick the order she wants to go in. The only consistent thing is that she works on handwriting or finishes her math while I work with younger dd. I have younger dd do any coloring, cutting, pasting things or ETC primers while I work with older. Younger dd eventually gets to get down to go play.


Once they do school, violin, & clean room-- they can watch some tv or play computer. So far, today, younger dd has made it there and older hasn't. She went to her room for a bit for bad attitude, did violin, we stopped for lunch and are going ouoxide for a bit. She will finish when we come back in. We have activities, most days, starting around 3:00.


Each evening, younger dd reads a BOB book and older reads for 15 minutes to daddy or me. I do-read alouds before bed.

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We are "afternoon" schoolers. It just works better for us. Here is what our day looked like yesterday:


10:00 Girl Scout field trip. We belong to a hs troop. This was an awesome field trip on meteorology at out local news station with a meteorologist.


11:30 home for lunch.


12:00-2:00 (roughly):

2nd grader did independently: R&S phonics 2, R&S English 2, R&S penmanship 2. This takes her less than an hour.


while I worked one on one w/my Ker. We worked on R&S 1st reading and phonics for about 2 hrs.


when 2nd grader finished her independent work, she worked on coloring her illustrations for a book she is making for the PBS contest.


2:20 went to the park to meet some P.S. friends that are out for spring break. Played outside for over an hour.


4:00 went to the library to finish for the day.

Ker finished her R&S worksheet that went with her lesson for the day.

Ker and I did a couple of math worksheets together (fractions and addition.) Everything she does requires me sitting and working with her.


I went over 2nd grader's math lesson with her for about 15 min. (R&S 3) It was a non speed drill day, and she only has to do the evens in her text, so it took her about 30 min. Could have been shorter, but she was distracted by kids in the library.


5:00 done w/schoolwork. I read a couple of picture books to Ker. Then both girls played on the computer games for about 30 min.


6:00 home at last, and done for the day. DH did bedtime reading from the library books we picked up.


******** I feel compelled to add that this is our usual time frame for work, but the subjects change. There was no science (besides the field trip) or history/geography or music because we don't do those on Mondays. Each day has different subjects assigned. Also, my 2nd grader did independent reading that I didn't put in there. At the library and at bedtime. That happens daily too.

Edited by 2_girls_mommy
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We have a rhythm to our day which varies at times. I am block off mornings from Monday to Thursday for schoolwork year round. And this is what a typical day looks like:


Sometime between 7 and 9, my children wake up. My oldest plays on the computer for about 1/2 hour and my youngest talks to us. They both dress and eat a protein-rich breakfast.


School starts between 9 and 10 depending on how fast we are moving. I work with my oldest first while my youngest plays or works with the Rainbow Rock CD or Starfall.com site.


My oldest does:

1 notebooking page about a grammar concept

grammar exercises or composition work (OM 5)

1 page of Lively Latin

SWR marking words or spelling test

OM History or Science part of a lesson

Singapore Math lesson


While I work with her sister she does independent work which includes:

1 notebook page of problems from Rod and Staff 4 for review

1 lapbook piece

1 page of copywork or writing out her composition

1-2 worksheets for spelling


With my youngest, I work one-on-one:

listen to her read an easy reader

phonics lesson

main lesson (math, science, history or language arts activity)

Singapore Math & Rod and Staff math

Lapbook piece (currently we are working on a project instead of a lapbook and listening to a story)

We are also making notebooking pages for all the Egyptian Pharaohs starting with Ka (pre-history).

Read Aloud (OM 2)


After school we have lunch. Each day of the week we do something different in the afternoons:



Tuesday--fold clothes & trash/play at home, 4-H twice a month

Wednesday--fun project day, riding lessons (in warm months)

Thursday--clean house

Friday--play group/errands


After our activity, we usually have some time before dinner and we just hang out and the girls play or work on creative activities on their own. I keep art supplies and drawing books on hand. On fun project day we may paint or work in clay or even just play a board game. It is a time to just bond.


We usually have dinner sometime between 5 and 7. After we clean up the kitchen, feed pets and get the house ready for evening and bedtime. We often watch TV together in the evenings. Usually it is the History or Discovery channel but on Tuesdays we have been watching "The Biggest Loser" together. Now that the weather is getting warmer we may ditch this time for long family walks instead.


Then it is time for everyone to get ready for bed. I read a chapter in our read aloud and maybe part of another book. Then we all go to sleep.



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Here's our schedule for 1st and 3rd:


8 - 8:15 Devotional (both)

8:15 - 8:45 Memory Work/Copywork (15 min) then Spelling w/ mom (3rd)

Spelling w/ mom (15 min) then copywork (1st)

8:45 - 9:15 Math Facts (3rd) / Math Lesson w/ mom (1st)

9:15 - 9:45 Math Lesson w/ mom (3rd) / Math Facts (1st)

9:45 - 10 Snack

10 - 10:30 Reading (3rd) / Shurley & Reading w/ mom (1st)

10:30 - 11 Shurley and Writing w/ mom (3rd) / Break (1st)

11 - 11:30 Work on Writing Lesson (3rd) / Read w/ mom or break (1st)

11:30 - 12 History or Science (both)

12 - 12:30 History or Science Notebooks

12:30 - 1 Lunch

1 - 1:30 Music/Art

1:30 - 2 Latin (3rd)


Keep in mind that this is the schedule up on my wall. It doesn't always happen. We are pretty consistent with our morning schedule but after lunch we often get sidetracked (which is why we are only 1/3 of the way through Latina Christiana :tongue_smilie:)



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I have a K, 1st and 3rd right now..


We dont have a time frame really.. We wake up, do chores, have breakfast, clean up breakfast...


9am-Start My Fathers World. I do all portions for the day at this time. So today we did Bible, a state page, science. We skipped the experiment as I forgot to purchase needed items and we didnt do music or art.


About 10am-The kids start thier assignment sheets. Big kids do Math, Spelling or Phonics, Handwriting, and assigned reading from our history studies. While they are doing that I work with my K on Phonics, Explode the Code, Handwriting, and MUS.


11am. By this time most are done with school. I spend a few minutes checking thier work to see if they understand and explaining wrong answers. They correct things if they need to..


11:30- I make lunch and eat my lunch.


12noon- The kids eat at the table while I read aloud. Then after that its free reading and listening to classical music while the 3yo and baby nap.


1- we are completely done for the day.. Babies are napping still but the bigger ones can play quietly.

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I don't know if it's my kids maturing or what, but I was constantly overwhelmed by fitting it all in, and then suddenly, we got into a groove and this year has been great.


This is what my elementary kids do:


9-11 is rotating time w me.

Ds9 gets up before me and usually already has his CLE LA lesson, phonics/spelling workbook lesson, and cursive practice done for the day. So I start on RightStart math with him while ds5 does whatever he wants (reading, drawing, a craft, etc) and dd7 starts on her independent work. (Which is the same as ds9's except she also does math mostly on her own and reads her SL reader silently).

Then ds9 takes a break and has a snack while I do RightStart w ds 5.

Ds9 reads me his reader (at his insistence, he won't read it to himself) and then we do WWE.

Ds9 can go do what he wants while I do WWE, phonics, and FLL w ds5. (He's almost 6 and he insists).

Then I check dd's stuff and do WWE with her.


After that we do history or science all together, we switch days.

We also go over our current poem we're memorizing for several 5 min periods throughout the day.


We've been done by 11:30 or 12:00 every day. History takes longer on the days we do a notebooking page or minibook for our lapbook.


I have LFC here and will probably start that soon, alloting 30 minutes a day, bringing our day to 3- 3 1/2 hours which I think is still reasonable. We do read alouds at lunch time while they eat and sometimes more at bedtime. When we have history crafts, I leave the supplies out for whoever wants to do it and they make it while I make lunch or during quiet time, they don't usually need my help.


In the fall I want to add history and science for youngest ds, and am hoping to rotate days and have it take only an additional 30 min a day if we use SOTW 1 and casual science exploration.

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We school in the afternoon. Our mornings are for outside play, doing our own thing and Morning Time (read alouds--Shakespeare, Greek Myths, nature stories, etc.)


We start school at 1:00 and that is the last time I think about time until 5:00. My two oldest start with math. My oldest dd then moves on to CW--some days she can do this on her own, other days she needs my help. If it is a CW alone day then I work with grammar with my ds (9). My ds then does copywork, cursive and spelling (which I do with him.)


After CW, my dd does spelling and grammar(with me) independent reading and she writes a chapter summary for her reading.


While the two olders are working, my youngest entertains herself, usually by making forts (her latest passion.) When I am no longer needed with the olders, then I do reading, math and writing with my youngest.


When the basics are done then we move on to history or science. We do these subjects via block lessons. Right now we are doing history--Natives. We spend about an hour and a half on this which brings us to 5:00. Our learning time draws to a close.

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*waving* Hi Julia. :)



Here's how an on-schedule day goes around here:


Everyone has eaten, dressed, and is ready to start by 9:00


We do math first, then move on to penmanship, Spelling, Latin, Grammar and Writing. My 5.5 year old does her math, Explode the Code, and practices her handwriting while I'm waiting for the older two to finish each subject.


We're done by 11:30 with these subjects most days.


Then we have lunch and do our reading/memory work time. I read from history, literature, the Bible, and other AO selections. The kids review verses, poetry, hymns and other memory work that wasn't related to math or Latin.


Then at 1:00 it's rest time for 1.5-2 hours. I chill, nap, read, fold laundry, etc. They listen to books on CD or read most of that time.


Then things are pretty much free until 4:00 when we do a clean up time, art projects, and music practice. Then I start dinner around 5:00.

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