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Do I need to mill my own flour?!?

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I have a lovely group of friends here who all mill their own flour with their nutrimills. They love it. The flour is very good. But is it worth it for me to buy the mill? Are the health benefits that significant? I've listened to the Bread Beckers CD and it all sounds very convincing but it's an awful lot of money...


So, any thoughts?

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Oh, yeah, you do. There is NOTHING like a loaf of bread that a few hours ago was several cups of wheat berries. :-)


I do have to say that bread made *in a Bosch* from fresh-gound wheat berries is like heaven in your mouth.:D I can go from wheat berries to 4 or 5 loaves of heavenly tasting bread in less than two hours. Yummo.

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I feel redundant - YES! It's worth it. Nothing tastes like fresh bread made with freshly milled wheat. I have a bread machine that makes my dough. If I grind the wheat and put the dough in there and make the two loaves of bread, it takes me about 10 minutes of work. The rest is waiting. If I use the other recipe I have (from Jean in WI from these boards), I can make 6 loaves at once. It takes about 20 minutes of my time. The rest is waiting.


I buy my wheat berries through a food coop - Country Life Natural Foods. See if they deliver near you. I think I pay $0.60/pound for organic. I buy 50 pound bags.


I grind my wheat in my blender - it's a Vita Mix. I don't know if that would be more economical for you to buy than a Nutramill or not. It is VERY loud, but my mom and dad bought it for us for Christmas. Free is good!!


I now make all of our own bread, pita, and tortillas. I'm looking in to pasta too.

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Pancakes as health food? Absolutely! Cookies too:tongue_smilie: (hey, its' better than the refined flour and hydrogenated oil in store-bought cookies) I made graham crackers too for the longest time (haven't in a while).


The vitamins are lost as the flour sits on the shelf. You want to mill the flour and eat the bread w/in 72 hours for the maximum nutrition. My family can down 3 loaves in a day! I have a VERY old kitchen mixer...it works fine to knead the bread.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE hard white wheat berries!!! (Prairie Gold- YUMMY)

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I think it's worth it! I don't have the Nutrimill though, I have the Kitchen Mill from the Urban Homemaker website. I got it two Christmases ago and still love it! This past Christmas I got a Zojirushi bread machine to go with it, so making homemade bread is sooo easy! I agree that once you get used to the freshness of flour you've milled yourself, there's no going back!

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Ok, I'm convinced :001_smile:


Thank you for all of the responses!


I made a batch of rolls from the freshly ground flour today and they were SO MUCH better than the rolls I make from store-bought whole wheat flour!


Another question for the hive...how do you slice your homemade bread thin enough for sandwiches? Do you use a bread slicing guide? Electric knife or regular knife? Any brand suggestions?


Thank you!!

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I also have the Pampered Chef bread knife and it works very well. I also turn the bread upside down to slice it. It makes it easier to see how wide the slice will be. A bread guide would be nice so all my slices were even. I can always tell which of my kids sliced the bread last.

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I too understand all of the benefits of freshly-milled bread, but reality says I just don't have time for one more thing. Not to mention, I don't have the storage space for buckets of wheat berries and a mill. So the solution I stumbled upon is to buy freshly milled flour from Great Harvest Bread company. They grind their flour everyday. I buy it once a week, store it in the freezer, and call it good!

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