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How do we get around this kind of thing? - more food concerns

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Of course I went to the How Many Insect Parts In Your Food website that someone posted in another thread.


How does one get by without eating bugs, rodent hair or poo? Should I make my own peanut butter, grind my own flour and make my own ketchup? I'd spend all of my time in the kitchen. Do I just not eat any packaged foods?


Then I have to ask: where does yeast come from? Is it possible to grow it myself? How do I make my own baking powder? What do I do for coffee or tea?


I think I'm going to make myself crazy trying to make sure what goes into my body for nutrition is safe.

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I don't think a few extra-curricular sources of protein will kill you now if they haven't already, LOL, so please don't go crazy over it. Yes, one way to eat cleaner would be to buy fewer pre-packaged foods. That's not always possible for most of us.


You capture yeast from the air around you, by the way. Leaving a container of apple cider open on a table somewhere overnight is generally sufficient to start it working toward becoming hard, for instance. Some folks set rising bread dough on a sill next to an open (screened) window to catch native yeast. I think this generally works out well.

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Even folks who ate whole foods they produced themselves on the farm had to put up with extra-curricular protein. It's part of life. Bugs get into food, and so do rodents.


My dad has told stories about his father in the early 20th century--they didn't have much to eat, so when the flour had bugs, it got eaten anyway.

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Having traveled into a third world culture, a lesson I had to learn was not to ask what I was eating if it might bother me.


Knowledge can be power. Yes, but that power can cripple us if it causes us to spend all our time worrying over what we cannot control. And, if we can control it, is really worth all the time it takes to manage the situation?


Deciding what battles are the most important can be very difficult.


I hope you find a balance that works for you.

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Even folks who ate whole foods they produced themselves on the farm had to put up with extra-curricular protein. It's part of life. Bugs get into food, and so do rodents.


My dad has told stories about his father in the early 20th century--they didn't have much to eat, so when the flour had bugs, it got eaten anyway.

What? don't you all just eat the bugs and be grateful for some extra protein?

we live in a rural area,and have a self sufficient lifestyle, we eat bugs all the time. I have found it best to not look at my food to closely, the broccoli WILL have caterpillars in it, no matter how carefully it is washed. the flour WILL have weevils in it, no matter how I store it.


I would rather eat a few bugs than a heap of pesticides.

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You've survived this long.

Use it to empower yourself in other ways.

"Oh drats, the dog just sneezed a few inches away from my steak. Oh well, I ate rat and roach in my toast for breakfast - this can't kill me."


Or....."Oh great! The baby just backwashed in my lemonade. Oh well, I ate roach parts in my chocolate bar this afternoon......the baby's stuff won't kill me."


(Did you know - that some people speculate that chocolate allergies are actually allergies to roaches and their feces.....and that "pure" chocolate is ok for them?!)


But really - if you can eat a dead mammal (cheese burger) what's a little weevil in your rice or wheat? Just today my son sipped my water (he's had a snotty nose for a week) and my best friend made a face.....I said, "Look, I've been eating roaches and rat parts all day - what's a little baby mucous?"


I know - I'm gross.

But if I didn't think like this - I would never have let a boy french kiss me EVER!!!!!!

To say nothing of reproduction!!!!!!! Now THAT is gross!!!!!


But see - because I've always known about the rats and roaches - it doesn't bother me at all to mate!!!!

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What? don't you all just eat the bugs and be grateful for some extra protein?

we live in a rural area,and have a self sufficient lifestyle, we eat bugs all the time. I have found it best to not look at my food to closely, the broccoli WILL have caterpillars in it, no matter how carefully it is washed. the flour WILL have weevils in it, no matter how I store it.


I would rather eat a few bugs than a heap of pesticides.


Hahaha, you've just reminded me of the time I was eating at my parents' house and we were having burgers. They have a huge garden and we eat a lot of produce. I opened my nice hamburger, and there in the very center, curled up on the garden lettuce, was a very fat and happy grub worm thing. :ack2: But on the whole, yep, we're used to it.

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Hahaha, you've just reminded me of the time I was eating at my parents' house and we were having burgers. They have a huge garden and we eat a lot of produce. I opened my nice hamburger, and there in the very center, curled up on the garden lettuce, was a very fat and happy grub worm thing. :ack2: But on the whole, yep, we're used to it.


I once found a baby earthworm in a salad at a mom and pop restaurant that bought their organic lettuce locally. I took it outside and set it free in a safe good spot. I thought to myself that the salad must be really healthful to have an earthworm in it!!!!!!!

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