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S/O 25% obese-What do people in other countries eat?

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I have always wondered how much electricity could be generated if treadmills were set up to generate electricity instead of consume it. Wouldn't it be wonderful to see a gym set up to be a little power plant and every one's work outs to be the source behind the power!



Every Olympics, I say we are going to do this. We will get rid of the couches and hook up exercise bikes to the TV. If we don't move, the TV doesn't go on. I think this would make our family a lot more fit.:).


We used to take ds to a Bali's Fitness for rock wall climbing. It used to crack us up to see people circling the parking lot, trying to get a close up parking place....at a gym. Like the walking into the gym didn't count :lol:.


Now, at our Lifetime Fitness, where dd and I rock climb, we have to circle the parking lot just to find a spot. Of course, if we would just leave the house 15 minutes earlier, we could park at the Target next door and walk over, but, alas, we are always a couple minutes late despite all efforts to the contrary.

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I am reading this thread and getting depressed. We eat a mostly whole foods diet. Cook from scratch most of the time, and, if we don't, it is low sugar, high fiber, whole grain foods without additives. We eat a lot of veggies and fruit. We try to control portions of meat (but I need my protein.) We don't drink soda (except for a rare treat.) We don't have ANY high fructose corn syrup on the house - I banished it about 15 years ago. If the ingredients in something contain things that are an effort to pronounce, I don't buy it.


And I need to lose 30 lbs and can't get anywhere. I have been on weight watchers for almost 2 weeks and I want to bite someone's head off. I am hungry, irritable and just plain foggy headed. I totally blew it at a homeschooling conference this weekend because I needed to be alert and personable in order to give 2 presentations and sell books.


I now know that my portions are out of whack, but when do I stop feeling hungry, weak and tired all the time?

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I am reading this thread and getting depressed. We eat a mostly whole foods diet. Cook from scratch most of the time, and, if we don't, it is low sugar, high fiber, whole grain foods without additives. We eat a lot of veggies and fruit. We try to control portions of meat (but I need my protein.) We don't drink soda (except for a rare treat.) We don't have ANY high fructose corn syrup on the house - I banished it about 15 years ago. If the ingredients in something contain things that are an effort to pronounce, I don't buy it.


And I need to lose 30 lbs and can't get anywhere. I have been on weight watchers for almost 2 weeks and I want to bite someone's head off. I am hungry, irritable and just plain foggy headed. I totally blew it at a homeschooling conference this weekend because I needed to be alert and personable in order to give 2 presentations and sell books.


I now know that my portions are out of whack, but when do I stop feeling hungry, weak and tired all the time?


I could have written your post. Food from scratch here. Lots of fruits and veggies. No HFCS. We walk 45 min. every day. I'm overweight. But like you (I think from other posts), I have thyroid problems. I'm thinking that has a lot to do with it.

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I am reading this thread and getting depressed. We eat a mostly whole foods diet. Cook from scratch most of the time, and, if we don't, it is low sugar, high fiber, whole grain foods without additives. We eat a lot of veggies and fruit. We try to control portions of meat (but I need my protein.) We don't drink soda (except for a rare treat.) We don't have ANY high fructose corn syrup on the house - I banished it about 15 years ago. If the ingredients in something contain things that are an effort to pronounce, I don't buy it.


And I need to lose 30 lbs and can't get anywhere. I have been on weight watchers for almost 2 weeks and I want to bite someone's head off. I am hungry, irritable and just plain foggy headed. I totally blew it at a homeschooling conference this weekend because I needed to be alert and personable in order to give 2 presentations and sell books.


I now know that my portions are out of whack, but when do I stop feeling hungry, weak and tired all the time?


TOTALLY clueless on this but I thought when someone went on Weight Watchers, they ate Weight Watchers food (majorly high-processed)...


I just finished reading Eat-Clean Diet Recharged! (Reno)

You may want to look into it...I have not tried it but I am going to try to convince my hubby:001_smile:

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I thought when someone went on Weight Watchers, they ate Weight Watchers food (majorly high-processed)...



Not at all. WW is about learning proper portions, and balanced meals. You *may* go with WW food if you want, but you won't learn how to eat properly that way.


You can eat almost anything with WW as long as you control your portions and don't eat it all the same day. :)

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I am reading this thread and getting depressed. We eat a mostly whole foods diet. Cook from scratch most of the time, and, if we don't, it is low sugar, high fiber, whole grain foods without additives. We eat a lot of veggies and fruit. We try to control portions of meat (but I need my protein.) We don't drink soda (except for a rare treat.) We don't have ANY high fructose corn syrup on the house - I banished it about 15 years ago. If the ingredients in something contain things that are an effort to pronounce, I don't buy it.


And I need to lose 30 lbs and can't get anywhere. I have been on weight watchers for almost 2 weeks and I want to bite someone's head off. I am hungry, irritable and just plain foggy headed. I totally blew it at a homeschooling conference this weekend because I needed to be alert and personable in order to give 2 presentations and sell books.


I now know that my portions are out of whack, but when do I stop feeling hungry, weak and tired all the time?


I'm always amazed at how similar our physiology is. I too cook the way that you do and cannot seem to lose weight whether I exercise or not. It's extremely discouraging!!!


By the way, I did not notice you blowing it at the conference this weekend. I was glad to see you and wished I could have had more time to chat with you. You didn't seem irritable or foggy headed to me at all.



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Did y'all see the Baby Blues comic from (in our papers) yesterday?




I think it points to how much as changed in our culture concerning our cars. Now, I realize that many live in areas where walking is simply not an option, but I'm talking about those of us who live where we can walk -- and don't. The schools in our areas actively discourage bike riding and walking to school. Bizarre.


This actually drives me NUTS about my step sons. (well one has been out of school for a bit but it used to bug me about him to) We live across the street from the house I grew up in, which is WELL less than a mile from the high school. It was the junior high when I went to the school (which to me is even worse cause that means I was much younger when I went there) we walked home every chance we got, it was (dare I say it) FUN. NOW my 18 year old step son would rather wait an hour and a half for someone to come pick him up then ever consider walking home even on the sunny days!


Yet I AM THE ONE THAT CAN NOT seem to lose weight (ARGHHHHH)


I am looking seriously into the elimination of corn. I never realize how many products it is hidden in but I did know it was not great for us. Anything you can chew and have it 'come out' looking like it was never touch CAN NOT be good for you! (it sure can taste good though) :001_huh:


I am off to watch this interesting Jamie Oliver show now though.....

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I never got anywhere with weight loss except the time period when I got very strict on limiting carbs from pastas, breads, cereals, milk, sugar, etc. (white foods, basically). I haven't been keeping it up the past 3 years due to time constraints with my boys, but I look forward to spending more time on myself as they get older and more independent.

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I have always wondered how much electricity could be generated if treadmills were set up to generate electricity instead of consume it. Wouldn't it be wonderful to see a gym set up to be a little power plant and every one's work outs to be the source behind the power!


We used to take ds to a Bali's Fitness for rock wall climbing. It used to crack us up to see people circling the parking lot, trying to get a close up parking place....at a gym. Like the walking into the gym didn't count :lol:.



I haven't read all the posts yet so I don't know if anyone mention this but you know you make a great point. The treadmills at my gym have tv's connected to them, wouldn't it be great if you had to walk to make the tv run? You want to watch that show? better get moving!

(for the record I mostly use the gym on bad weather days, the best thing I ever found was a group called stroller strides. For the most part we work out at parks with our babies in the strollers) I LIVE for outside days. I WISH I lived in an area that is more 'walker' friendly. About the only thing within walking distance is now a strip mall filled with pawn shops and strip clubs. I don't live in a bad area, they just snuck in! It used to have a grocery store and I did walk there from time to time.

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I think one of the problems for me is that I don't know how those other generations ate. What, exactly, do people mean when they say whole food/real food/truly made from scratch. Do you mean baking your own bread from your own milled grain or fresh veggies from the store (they don't seem that healthy and nutrient rich to me) or fresh meat or do you mean stuff you grew from your own garden? To me, made from scratch is baking the cake from the box myself vs. store bought or using Bisquick for pancakes rather than buying frozen ones.


I don't have recipes for anything truly made from scratch - wow, so much to learn . . .



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I'm always amazed at how similar our physiology is. I too cook the way that you do and cannot seem to lose weight whether I exercise or not. It's extremely discouraging!!!


By the way, I did not notice you blowing it at the conference this weekend. I was glad to see you and wished I could have had more time to chat with you. You didn't seem irritable or foggy headed to me at all.




Joy, we are definitely kindred spirits. The only reason I was not foggy was that I was "on" - as in adrenaline - also, I ate a lot more food than I did all week, probably the reason why I couldn't finish the presentation until 2 the day I was leaving:).


WW was a desperate gasp to not do down the road of type 2 diabetes. I am borderline right now (after years of suffering with hypoglycemia.) This getting old really stinks. (I wanted to use a stronger word, but I thought y'all wouldn't appreciate the need for eye bleach.)

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I did not read all the responses, but here is my 2c.


We moved to the US about 10 years ago and within months DH and I put on a good amount of weight. There are a few reasons for our weight gain:


1. I used to cook from scratch and in the US it is cheaper and easier to buy convenience food.

2. Treats and snacks are found in most homes here, chocolates, chips, cake mixes and so on. Before we only had those things on special occasions.

3. We ate more fresh fruits and vegetables, it was much cheaper than it is here.

4. Food here is less flavorful, thus you tend to eat more of it to feel satisfied.

5. Restaurant portions are huge here! When the kids and I go out we order one meal and have left overs.


I am sure there are more reasons, but that is all I can come up with now.


I do believe the rest of the world is starting to eat like the US though and the weight is catching up with them. If you checked the figures of the rest of the world, you will see an increase in overall weight there as well.

I just wanted to find this post easily.
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Corn is one of my migraine triggers so I am really good at finding it. Baking powder has corn starch. Many low fat or reduced fat yogurts have corn start to thicken them. Many times "natural flavor" is derived from corn. Silk Soy milk has corn. Most vanilla flavorings and extracts have corn. Cold cuts often have corn ingredients them - dextrose, corn syrup, food starch, or caramel coloring. If malt or malted something is listed as an ingredient but doesn't specify that its barley malt, then it is most likely derived from corn. Confectioner's sugar has corn starch.


Dextrin, maltodextrin, dextrose, fructose, malt, malt extract, vegetable mono- and di-glycerides, sorbitol, xanthan gum -- these are just a few of the ingredients derived from corn that are common ingredients in food that I can't eat. Check your shelves. Especially for that dread natural Flavoring - its corn. I'm pretty sure.


Hey the barn owl just got up and turned around. :)

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Ellen, why not take a look at Dr. McDougall's diet? You can e-mail him for free (dr.mcdougall@dr.mcdougall.com) with any specific questions you may have. I've always gotten a response right away.


There are a lot of testimonies (video and written) on his website of people who have lost weight and regained their health. It might be worth a look.


I have looked at his stuff. Too many carbs and not enough protein for my physiology. If I am hungry and irritable on Weight Watchers, I'll be a raving, starving maniac on his diet. I'd also be passing out regularly from hypoglycemia if I ate that diet.

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For tips and recipes on eating whole foods, or just healthier on a budget try this website http://heavenlyhomemakers.com/ She shares lots of tips and recipes for how she feeds her family non processed foods on a budget. It is full of useful information. I know not everyone here is Christian, so be forewarned that this site is from a Christian perspective- although I am sure you could tell by the title. ;)


From In Defense of Food, by Michael Pollan:


With the rise of industrial agriculture, vast monocultures of a tiny group of plants, most of them cereal grains, have replaced the diversified farms that used to feed us. A century ago, the typical Iowa farm raised more than a dozen different plant and animal species....Now it raises only two: corn and soybeans. This simplification of the agricultural landscape leads directly to the simplification of the diet, which is now to a remarkable extent dominated by -- big surprise -- corn and soybeans. You may not think you eat a lot of corn and soybeans, but you do: 75 percent of the vegetable oils in your diet come from soy... and more than half of the sweeteners you consume come from corn. (pp. 116-117)


Generally, when looking at the labels of any pre-packaged food item in a supermarket, anything on the list of ingredients that is difficult to pronounce, or ends in "ose" or "trin", comes from corn.


Pollan also talks about how the livestock we eat are now fed mostly corn, even though it's basically a poison to them. So we're also getting "corn" if we're eating meat products that have been raised on corn. (Unless you're buying organic grass-fed-only meats, that is.) Fish farmers are now training tilapia and salmon to eat corn as well, even though corn is by no means a natural food item for fish. He takes the idea of "you are what you eat" one step further: you are what what you eat eats, too.


Someone further down recommended watching Food, Inc. I second that, and I also recommend Michael Pollan's books, The Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense of Food.


Speaking of food... time to go plan where I'm planting tomorrow's snap peas and other spring time things. YAY! :)


Thanks to you both!

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Our wealth allows us to eat a lot more food than most other countries. Wealth allows fast food, junk food, large portions, a full grocery cart, a full pantry and a full frig. Even the poor in America are wealthy compared to other countries. The homeless in America can go to a soup kitchen or shelter or a church for food.


Many people in other countries will eat a piece of bread and cup of tea for breakfast, a good chance of NO lunch, and then have rice and beans/veggies for supper.


Even in weathier western nations people just eat differently. The food is quality not quantity. And homecooking is eaten more than fast food.


Just my opinion.



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