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Dr. Hive? What would you do?

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Tuesday night I had another stroke like episode. I'm pretty sure it's not a stroke and doc didn't hospitalize me but got me a neuro appt for Fri morning. At first, I couldn't walk at all but can now hobble pretty well. I had no grasp but can do a little for a short time now. Typing is a little frustrating with one hand. I'm in a lot of pain, but am more capable so glad about that part.


I'm having low blood pressure (it's been like 83/60 to 90/70 since last night...odd as I usually stick right around 140/95) and shortness of breath. Some dizziness and visual disturbance and nausea. This just doesn't seem related though it started at the same time (but the bp is consistently low now and even sitting at puter is causing shortness of breath).


my doc office isn't open today but I thought of calling answering service just to let her know that though left side wise I'm doing better, the above has gotten worse. Figuring she'll tell me what to do if anything?


It kinda sounds like a need a cardiologist, not a neurologist?


What would you do?

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I would definitely go to the ER. You are having too many symptoms to wait, IMO. I would be very nervous because heart problems are just so potentially dangerous. I would choose to err on the side of caution.


Kim in TN (used to be in NV)

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With a blood pressure that low I would think you have some internal bleeding going on. What's your heart rate?

This is NOT something I would be writing to us about. Me - I don't like most doctors (or the whole medical establishment in general) but you need to GO NOW to the ER.

As a nurse, I can tell you this, you do not want to pussyfoot around with something so serious. I know there are special stroke drugs that only work within a short time of the appearance of your symptoms.......find out about them when you get there AND THEN you can write us.



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hopefully, you're no longer at the computer and are either in an ambulance or in an ER (NOT MD's office). This ol' paramedic is agreeing with everyone else. Your recent symptoms (nausea, shortness of breath, etc) are not usually signs of a TIA (the "little" strokes you mentioned), but can be signs of some sort of acute heart problem. I'm not saying you're having a heart attack. I am saying that undiagnosed heart disease is the number 1 killer of women. Please get this looked at today! No, NOW! Remember...time is muscle. Good Luck!

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Just wanted to thank y'all for the advice.


I'm back in normal range for a little while now and feeling a bit better. My left side is even better and the only other symptoms I'm having is some pain and shortness of breath. I do get nauseas if I walk more than several feet. Not sure if that is due to pain or what.


I'm to go back to hospital if my symptoms return and of course follow up with my reg doctor and the neurologist.


Hopefully they can figure out what this is. I was only 31 when I had a small stroke (CVA) and now am only 33. I do have a few autoimmune disorders but generally, I feel too young to be falling apart. It's frustrating!


I just wanted to update and say thanks,


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another update if anyone is interested....


First, mostly, I'm doing great. A good limp, some imbalance, some pain with moving leg and arm but significantly better. Neuro test shows I'm in normal range of difference between left and right side though the pain and how it FEELS is quite different.


Blood pressure was still normal this morning. Resting pulse is fluctuating a little more than they'd like.


Only real symptoms I'm struggling with is breathing (still short of breath, painful) and nausea if I stand too long.


Doc (neuro) is thinking TIA or seizures and so I have to have an MRI and EEG. He took bloodwork also.


Doc also got onto me about not taking the synthroid (I know, I know). He also wants me at an endocrinologist to deal with it because the levels have been so wild.


He also wants me back at the cardiologist and to get to an internist. He practically forbade me to go back to where I have been going doc wise. He said to ONLY see people with an MD after their name as my issues are too many and too complex.


He is sure I'm depressed because I didn't remember the name of the place I had the sleep study and because I've not taken the synthroid consistently of late. He didn't even give me points for knowing the phone numbers of each doctor I see and such. Sheesh. :willy_nilly: I tried to convince him that I'm really feeling quite well and that considering all the activities I do and do with plenty of joy (tyvm), I'm doing well. I agreed that I need to take better care of myself though. But he's not gonna convince me I am depressed. I know what depressed is!


Anyway, so hopefully we'll have some answers soon.

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