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Questions about WWE


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I'm looking at the WWE samples and descriptions and have some questions.


It looks like the instructor text breaks things into chunks giving a full example for the first week of a section and then instructions to repeat the process for X number of weeks using your own materials, followed by a new full example and instructions, and on it goes through the four years. Is this correct?


If you are using the instructor text only, do you find the program easy to implement? Is there much planning involved, or do you find it easy to choose on the go?


Has anyone tried doing the program with the instructor text but ended up switching to the workbooks? If so, why?


Has anyone started with the workbooks but then switched to the instructor text only? If so, why?


Is there anything you *don't* like about this program, whichever way you're implementing it? (I see lots of positives, so I figure the negatives might tell me more!)


Thanks in advance for your feedback! :)

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I'm looking at the WWE samples and descriptions and have some questions.


It looks like the instructor text breaks things into chunks giving a full example for the first week of a section and then instructions to repeat the process for X number of weeks using your own materials, followed by a new full example and instructions, and on it goes through the four years. Is this correct?




If you are using the instructor text only, do you find the program easy to implement? Is there much planning involved, or do you find it easy to choose on the go?


Not using the instructor text.


Has anyone tried doing the program with the instructor text but ended up switching to the workbooks? If so, why?


Yes. I switched b/c the first time I tried to find a suitable passage from books DS was reading or interested in, it took too long. At the time I had a little baby and a Ker so time was at a premium.


Has anyone started with the workbooks but then switched to the instructor text only? If so, why?


Is there anything you *don't* like about this program, whichever way you're implementing it? (I see lots of positives, so I figure the negatives might tell me more!)


I don't like how the workbook is arranged. It wasn't so much of a problem w/ WWE1 and 2 but WWE3 is HUGE. And i hear WWE4 is even larger. I had to cut the binding to make it useable for me. I separated the teacher pages from the student pages and had them bound.


Thanks in advance for your feedback! :)


you're welcome.


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Yes. I switched b/c the first time I tried to find a suitable passage from books DS was reading or interested in, it took too long. At the time I had a little baby and a Ker so time was at a premium.



Ah, well that's a bit of a reality check. I have a (soon-to-be) Ker and a little baby. So basically, if I use the workbooks this might actually get done. :lol:


Thank you! :)

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I think the instructor text is great for explaining the philosophy of the program. It's also great if you want to move quickly through the lower levels with an older child who doesn't need a year at each level, but could use a little brush-up. For instance, I used only the sample lessons for grades 3 and 4 in the text with my then-fifth grader so he could cover the topics but at a faster pace (since he didn't *need* all that time along the way).


But for doing the levels at level? The student workbooks are *tremendously* convenient. And you can skip the instructor text if you like. Even with condensing lessons and moving more quickly through the level (for my younger child), it's *much* less work for me than finding appropriate passages would be. I also like that it uses books we *wouldn't* necessarily do at home. Sometimes dd is more willing to go pick up a book from which she has read an excerpt in WWE than she would be to take *my* suggestion for a new free-time reading book. ;)

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Yes I would agree that the textbook would be convenient when going through it w/ an older student - hadn't thought about that.


Also :iagree: about being introduced to books we might not have otherwise read!


It's so pick up and go w/ the workbook. Even on our busiest, doctor-filled days, we can get WWE done. And we discuss grammar concepts with it, work on handwriting so it's multi-functional.

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If I could tag along here with a question - the children don't actually work out of the workbook, do they? IOW, if I have 2 kids doing WWE1, I'd only need 1 workbook. We had a bit of a blow to our finances yesterday, so now I'm trying to reconfigure our educational system.

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If I could tag along here with a question - the children don't actually work out of the workbook, do they? IOW, if I have 2 kids doing WWE1, I'd only need 1 workbook. We had a bit of a blow to our finances yesterday, so now I'm trying to reconfigure our educational system.


They do work out of the workbook. *But* you can buy the student pages only for a second child, or even just use your own notebook paper rather than writing in the workbook. (We do this anyway because the lines are so large in the workbook.)

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I'm looking at the WWE samples and descriptions and have some questions.


It looks like the instructor text breaks things into chunks giving a full example for the first week of a section and then instructions to repeat the process for X number of weeks using your own materials, followed by a new full example and instructions, and on it goes through the four years. Is this correct?




If you are using the instructor text only, do you find the program easy to implement? Is there much planning involved, or do you find it easy to choose on the go?


I find it very easy. We are on WWE2, for the first 3-days you are using the same text. Narration, Copywork from that narration and then dictation of the same. We just use whatever we happen to be reading and narrating from that day. It could be STOW, FLL, additional history reading we had done that day or something from a book we are reading (we are reading the Narnia series right now). The same for the 4th day, which is narration and dictation.


Has anyone tried doing the program with the instructor text but ended up switching to the workbooks? If so, why?


I'm leaning towards doing the workbook next year for WWE3. For two reason, my son's favorite part of WWE are the scripted sections and our schedule won't be as rushed next year. We did two years of FLL and WWE this year. *phew* We skipped quite a bit of WWE!


Has anyone started with the workbooks but then switched to the instructor text only? If so, why?


Is there anything you *don't* like about this program, whichever way you're implementing it? (I see lots of positives, so I figure the negatives might tell me more!)


No, It works well with my son and I'm very happy. He seems to have taken a step backward in narrating, but that isn't an issue of the program. LOL


Thanks in advance for your feedback! :)



Edited by Tam101
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If I could tag along here with a question - the children don't actually work out of the workbook, do they? IOW, if I have 2 kids doing WWE1, I'd only need 1 workbook. We had a bit of a blow to our finances yesterday, so now I'm trying to reconfigure our educational system.


Permission is given at the front of the book for copying the worksheets for use within your own family (but not outside the family). As others have stated, a notebook or your own writing paper may be used.


I did not purchase nor read the text (covering the four year program), just the workbook, and plan to use it for three of my kids. It is a good investment. The workbook is very "open and go", which I am all about these days...

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Ah, well that's a bit of a reality check. I have a (soon-to-be) Ker and a little baby. So basically, if I use the workbooks this might actually get done. :lol:


Thank you! :)


I have a K-er , a toddler and a baby so I just ordered the workbook , though sometimes I prefer to select my own texts . I trust SWB though :) and can still to chose my own as an axtra supplement.

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We started the year using only the textbook. It didn't really take me longer than 5-10 minutes to pull passages out each day. I normally searched for it while DS was doing something on his own. I thought it was pretty easy.


BUT.... I came across a workbook with the student pages missing for only $5 and I bought it with a few other items from the seller. WOW, it is so open and go now - it almost feels wrong that it is so easy! ;)


We love the program, it is simple, gentle, and now ever so effortless on my part. :)

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I'm looking at the WWE samples and descriptions and have some questions.


It looks like the instructor text breaks things into chunks giving a full example for the first week of a section and then instructions to repeat the process for X number of weeks using your own materials, followed by a new full example and instructions, and on it goes through the four years. Is this correct?

Yes, only the workbook has selections for every day.


Has anyone tried doing the program with the instructor text but ended up switching to the workbooks? If so, why?

I got the Instructor text first but I didn't want to look up new texts for each day that fit each specific need for the day.


Is there anything you *don't* like about this program, whichever way you're implementing it? (I see lots of positives, so I figure the negatives might tell me more!)

If I knew then what I know now, I would have only ordered the workbook. The text book is more work and you don't need it if you have the workbook.

Thanks in advance for your feedback! :)



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I have the workbook as well as instructor's text.


I like the workbook as it's so pick up and go BUT I don't use it very regularly. I am finding that it's easier to do a narration using the books the kids are already reading be they from history, science or fiction reading iyswim. That goes for copywork and dictation. I have their full attention when they are reading something they are interested in. However, they do like the excerpts in WWE. It's just that sometimes they roll their eyes if they are tired when I say it's WWE time. Often we will be just finishing up lunch or something and one of them will start reading and i'll grab some note paper and a pencil to start their narration/copywork.


I do like the excerpts in WWE. However, I like the Charlotte Mason thing about using whole books.



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I'm looking at the WWE samples and descriptions and have some questions.


It looks like the instructor text breaks things into chunks giving a full example for the first week of a section and then instructions to repeat the process for X number of weeks using your own materials, followed by a new full example and instructions, and on it goes through the four years. Is this correct?




If you are using the instructor text only, do you find the program easy to implement? Is there much planning involved, or do you find it easy to choose on the go?


It takes me about 5 minutes tops to find a passage. Sometimes the dictation passages following her guidelines can be tricky. For example, if I were pulling a passage from a history text and I'm supposed to find a passage with an exclamation point...I probably will have a difficult time.:tongue_smilie:


Has anyone tried doing the program with the instructor text but ended up switching to the workbooks? If so, why?

I have not done this.


Has anyone started with the workbooks but then switched to the instructor text only? If so, why?


I have done this. The main reason is that I found that the guidelines in the instructor text said one thing, but then the workbook's passages were much more difficult. No clue why. My kids were struggling with some of dictation passages in WWE 2 due to the length and the language used. When I finally looked at what the instructor text said to use for dictation passages at that point, they were WAYYYYYYYYYYY shorter.:confused:


So I sold my WWE 2 workbook and am now just using the instructor text. It is not difficult at all. I will admit that it's not "pick up and go," but like I said above, it takes about 5 minutes to find a passage. I do it either the night before or that same day.


I kept my WWE 1 workbook. I like the introduction to different books that we are getting. But I'm considering giving it up as well and just doing what SWB recommends in the first place - using the guidelines with the history/literature/science that the student is already doing, rather than having a separate "writing time." I want it to be incorporated into what we are already doing.


Is there anything you *don't* like about this program, whichever way you're implementing it? (I see lots of positives, so I figure the negatives might tell me more!)

The ONLY ONLY ONLY thing I can think of is that it *seems* like the child isn't doing enough. But after hearing SWB's lectures, and knowing where she is coming from (as a professor), I trust her.:D

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Now see, if I hadn't already ordered this afternoon I'd be back to indecision again! lol!


The CM approach of using whole books also speaks to me. I really would love to just do this using our history and science and literature selections. But... and this is a big but... I've been guilty of falling behind in planning these days, despite the best of intentions, so I think open and go will be a help. And then maybe once we get into a habit it will feel easier to use our own selections.


Ok, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. (Before I go and try to cancel/change my Amazon order. lol!)

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I'll post a little brag about this curriculum. I started my ds8 in WWE 1 at the beginning of this year, since I had not yet done any "writing" with him. One of the selections was from Alice in Wonderland, and he was so intrigued he asked to read the book. I happened to have a leather-bound, gilt edged edition of the book passed down from my grandfather in mint condition. I pulled it off the shelf and his eyes got HUGE and said "you'd let me read this?" and i said of course, as long as his hands were clean. :tongue_smilie: He devoured that book, and I have to say, that ever since then, he has been a reading machine, and most of the book selections come from the "teasers" that have been in WWE. When there is a selection that he likes, he can't stand that there isn't more to read, so he begs me to get the book for him. One of them was from Misty of Chincoteague by Marguerite Henry, and that has led him to read two of her other books.


BTW, we did find that WWE 1 was too easy and have since jumped to WWE 2, which he has declared to be just right for him--not too hard, not too easy.


He has read: Alice in Wonderland, Misty of Chincoteague, Stormy, Misty's Foal, 2 of the Mrs. Pigglewiggle books, and is now reading Misty's Twilight, another of the Margueruite Henry books.


For us, the workbooks have been the best way to go, but I have also taken suggestions from the different weeks in the textbook and chosen selections from his science and history books for him to copy.

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Kirstin, I look forward to you being right! :D


Rene, the hard copy of the workbook is almost $5 cheaper on Amazon than the ebook version from PHP.


Kelly, that's so great! I guess I should make a point to look ahead and have the reading selections on hand.

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Kelly, that's so great! I guess I should make a point to look ahead and have the reading selections on hand.


I would suggest having a way to get them quickly, if you are buying them, or checking them out from the library (no love lost if he doesn't go for the selection). He doesn't react that way to every one...Pippi Longstocking, for instance doesn't hold a lot of interest for him. :001_smile:


I sometimes can't tell which ones he's going to love. I think the Wizard of Oz piqued his interest, but there wasn't a hole to fit it in, as he was reading something else at the time.

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I just wanted to thank everyone again for the WWE advice. I ordered the worktext, which arrived Tuesday, and we've happily sailed through the first week of lessons. My daughter has been absolutely thrilled with it so far, and it has been exciting to see just how naturally strong she is with writing from dictation!


I will say that I wish the instructions were spiral bound and perhaps sold separately from the actual student pages. The lines on those things are HUGE. We're using a notebook with 8mm lines instead, and I've already pulled the book apart and set the student pages aside.

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