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How many of you on here have Hypertension?

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If you do,


1. How old were you when you were diagnosed?


2. What medications are you on, and how long have you been on the same medication?


3. How often did you have to change medications before you got on the right ones?


4. Are you happy with your Blood pressure readings now? And what is your average BP readiings now?


5. How oftern do you take your BP? and what kind of BP device to you use?


6. How often does your Dr want to see you?


7. What is the single most thing you have found to keep your BP under control besides your medications?(besides dietary changes and salt elimination).



I am 42 and was diagnosed with HTN last September. and I am still learning so much about it. Thank you for sharing.

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If you do,


1. How old were you when you were diagnosed?


About 42 or 43


2. What medications are you on, and how long have you been on the same medication?


I don't memorize my medication. But do take a diuretic with the other medicine.


3. How often did you have to change medications before you got on the right ones?


About 2 times.


4. Are you happy with your Blood pressure readings now? And what is your average BP readiings now?


It is fine now. 120/80 ish


5. How oftern do you take your BP? and what kind of BP device to you use?


I am lazy and don't take my BP. When they were trying to get the medicine right, I took it every day.


6. How often does your Dr want to see you?


about 6 months.


7. What is the single most thing you have found to keep your BP under control besides your medications?(besides dietary changes and salt elimination).


I'm sure if I lost weight it would help.


I am 42 and was diagnosed with HTN last September. and I am still learning so much about it. Thank you for sharing.



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If you do,


1. How old were you when you were diagnosed?


2. What medications are you on, and how long have you been on the same medication?


3. How often did you have to change medications before you got on the right ones?


4. Are you happy with your Blood pressure readings now? And what is your average BP readiings now?


5. How oftern do you take your BP? and what kind of BP device to you use?


6. How often does your Dr want to see you?


7. What is the single most thing you have found to keep your BP under control besides your medications?(besides dietary changes and salt elimination).



I am 42 and was diagnosed with HTN last September. and I am still learning so much about it. Thank you for sharing.


I was diagnosised the first time in my mid 30s but I pooh-poohed them because I simply didn't believe it was possible. I was young, thin, healthy, ate right and had no reason to have high blood pressure. I told them it was high because I was at the doctors. Doctors always stress me out and it causes my blood pressure to go up. That worked for about two years. By then my doctor knew me well enough to know that was not the problem.


The prescribed meds a few times but I never stuck with them because I just didn't think I really needed them. Then my blood pressure got higher and it started spiking pretty badly every time I was in pain which was frequently because I am a chronic pain patient. So I started taking them regularly but I wasn't happy about it. Then my mom died of a heart attack at the age of 60 and I went in for the full workup. I take my meds regularly and I don't even grumble. I make sure I never run out and I never forget to take them.


They tried two or three different kinds before we found one that worked well and didn't cause any side effects. I took that for a couple years and then changed insurance companies and they didn't want to pay for that one so it took another year to find another suitable alternative. I just changed insurance companies again but they seem to be ok with the choice so I don;t have to change again.


I have been taking blood pressure meds for five years or so now. I currently take 160 mg of Diovan once daily. My blood pressure stays right around 130/90 which is still a little high but my doc seems ok with it given my other meds. It still spikes when I am in a lot of pain and he doesn't like that so much but we try to keep the pain down. I walk, eat right and take my meds. I actually have to worry about keeping my salt levels up because of another med I take so I do have to have blood work done at least twice a year and more frequently if I am having problems.


One of the things I like to grumble about though is the fact that my hubby is almost 100 lbs. overweight. His cholesterol and triglycerides are very high. Both his mother and father have had heart attacks. Everytime we take his blood pressure with the machines in the stores it runs about the same as mine (which is high) but they don;t have him on meds. Because everytime the doctor takes it, it is perfect. I think he must meditate before the doctor takes it so it is low because he doesn't want to take meds. Doesn't seem fair to me. If I have to take them then he should too. :glare:

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]If you do,


1. How old were you when you were diagnosed?


Early 30's. I had HPT after my youngest was born and was borderline for years.


2. What medications are you on, and how long have you been on the same medication?


Very low dose Atenolol


3. How often did you have to change medications before you got on the right ones?

Just once. The previous medication had an annoying cough side effect that I just couldn't shake.


4. Are you happy with your Blood pressure readings now? VeryAnd what is your average BP readiings now?120/60


5. How oftern do you take your BP? 2 to 3 x weekand what kind of BP device to you use?Wrist monitor and local pharmacy


6. How often does your Dr want to see you?Every 6 months


7. What is the single most thing you have found to keep your BP under control besides your medications?(besides dietary changes and salt elimination).I haven't found anything to help beside the medication



I am 42 and was diagnosed with HTN last September. and I am still learning so much about it. Thank you for sharing.

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I have it and it ticks me off!;)


I had it in my early 20's during my first pregnancy and then again in my mid 30's with my 4th pregnancy.


Just before my 40th birthday I was diagnosed. It seems hereditary for me. My grandma had it for years and eventually died of kidney disease as a result last summer. My mom and her brother have it as well.


I'm on 100mg of toprol a day- 50mg in the morning and 50mg at night. I'm also on a diuretic and take a garlic supplement as well. I've been on toprol since June but recently upped it from 50 to 100mg.


I'm not happy with my bp readings now. I still average in the 130/90 range and it goes higher all the time.


I take my bp several times a week with a battery operated cuff at home.


Right now I'm seeing my dr. every three months since my bp is not well under control.


So far nothing has worked for me...not even my medication.

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I was diagnosised the first time in my mid 30s but I pooh-poohed them because I simply didn't believe it was possible. I was young, thin, healthy, ate right and had no reason to have high blood pressure. I told them it was high because I was at the doctors. Doctors always stress me out and it causes my blood pressure to go up. That worked for about two years. By then my doctor knew me well enough to know that was not the problem.


The prescribed meds a few times but I never stuck with them because I just didn't think I really needed them. Then my blood pressure got higher and it started spiking pretty badly every time I was in pain which was frequently because I am a chronic pain patient. So I started taking them regularly but I wasn't happy about it. Then my mom died of a heart attack at the age of 60 and I went in for the full workup. I take my meds regularly and I don't even grumble. I make sure I never run out and I never forget to take them.


They tried two or three different kinds before we found one that worked well and didn't cause any side effects. I took that for a couple years and then changed insurance companies and they didn't want to pay for that one so it took another year to find another suitable alternative. I just changed insurance companies again but they seem to be ok with the choice so I don;t have to change again.


I have been taking blood pressure meds for five years or so now. I currently take 160 mg of Diovan once daily. My blood pressure stays right around 130/90 which is still a little high but my doc seems ok with it given my other meds. It still spikes when I am in a lot of pain and he doesn't like that so much but we try to keep the pain down. I walk, eat right and take my meds. I actually have to worry about keeping my salt levels up because of another med I take so I do have to have blood work done at least twice a year and more frequently if I am having problems.


One of the things I like to grumble about though is the fact that my hubby is almost 100 lbs. overweight. His cholesterol and triglycerides are very high. Both his mother and father have had heart attacks. Everytime we take his blood pressure with the machines in the stores it runs about the same as mine (which is high) but they don;t have him on meds. Because everytime the doctor takes it, it is perfect. I think he must meditate before the doctor takes it so it is low because he doesn't want to take meds. Doesn't seem fair to me. If I have to take them then he should too. :glare:


If he's overweight, the machines in the store are too tight for an accurate reading and it will be higher than it really is. The doctor will be using a larger cuff and will thus get an accurate reading.

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I think I might get this diagnosis and it's scaring me. I have had high bp ever since my son was born in 8/04. Today at the dentist (they take it there:confused::001_huh:) it was 140/90. I'm concerned and going to track it at home same time each day, hoping it was an anomaly. If not I will run, not walk, to my doc.:(

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1. How old were you when you were diagnosed? 40's


2. What medications are you on, and how long have you been on the same medication? Diazide


3. How often did you have to change medications before you got on the right ones? 3-4 because I kept having side effects. I wish the doctor would have started with the diuretic I'm on now because I'd taken it previously for an ear condition and tolerated it well. She added it to one of the other meds and when I removed that med due to side effects, it turned out to be enough on it's own.


4. Are you happy with your Blood pressure readings now? And what is your average BP readiings now? Yes, 134/72 is typical.


5. How oftern do you take your BP? and what kind of BP device to you use? Since it stabilized I don't check frequently anymore. My new doctor and I wondering if I really do have HT or if it was just the combination of my taking an antihistamine/decongestant along with too much caffienated soda. Once I cut those out it settled down but I still take the diazide for my ear so we really don't know.


6. How often does your Dr want to see you? It was frequent while adjusting meds, then every 6 months, now 1x per year.


7. What is the single most thing you have found to keep your BP under control besides your medications?(besides dietary changes and salt elimination). Cut out caffiene and diet changes that keep my allergies controlled, such as eliminating dairy, so I don't need the decongestant as often.

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Hugs to all of you who have HTN.


Like some of you, I am also angry I have this. But it also runs in my family as well. Both parents have it, with my father having a cerebral aneurysm at age 49 due to unDX HTN.(Still living at age 68 now). Grandmother DX in her 40's as well.


I am currently 10mg of Lisinopril and 12.5mg of Atenolol. I never got the cough from Lisinopril, so that is good.


The thing is, I have been on the regiman now for about 2 months, and all of a sudden my average BP went from low 120's to low 80's, to now about 135ish over 85-88.


My Dr's office said they are not concerned. Unless it spikes into the 140's and mid 90's.


This happened before. I was on .5mg of Lisinopril, was good for a bit, then my BP went high again, then they upped me to .10mg and it was good again for a bit, then it got higher AGAIN, then she added to 12.5 atenolol, it was was good AGAIN this time for a few months, and it seems to be creeping again.


And funny thing is, for WEEKS it is good, then BLAMO, the next day it isn't and then it seems to stay like that.


My before morning med check this morning was 135/84. High for me.


The thing is, I went in last Thursday to have her check it and it was 118/80.


And I checked my BP machine with hers and it matched. So I don't know what is going on, and I don't want to call and go in AGAIN.


Those store machines all read different to. And who knows when they were calibrated last. But 2 different store machines had my BP at 134/77 and the other at 124/82.


I guess I would feel better if my BP was consistently below 130 and below 80.


So I don't know if I should call again or what.


Oh, and my husband? Here as well. His BP runs 133/95 and they do not have him on BP meds either, and has high cholesterol, trigs, and is about 50 pound overweight. I don't get it.


I could stand to lose about 10 pounds myself, but I am not grossly overweight. I just have bad genes I guess:confused:

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1. How old were you when you were diagnosed? 24


2. What medications are you on, and how long have you been on the same medication? Lisinopril, an ACE inhibitor. I have been on this medication for almost five years.


3. How often did you have to change medications before you got on the right ones? We tried beta blockers and calcium channel blockers, several of each, before finding that an ACE inhibitor was best for me. The side effects and the ineffectiveness of the previous two were horrible.


4. Are you happy with your Blood pressure readings now? And what is your average BP readiings now? My readings now are as good as they seem to get (130/85). Much better than my non-medicated state (190/110).


5. How oftern do you take your BP? and what kind of BP device to you use?

I take my BP once a week or so. I use a digital BP monitor. When I first began checking my own BP, I regularly took the device to my doctor appointments to make sure I was using it correctly, and that it was accurate.


6. How often does your Dr want to see you? Now I see him every year. When I was first diagnosed I saw him every six weeks or so. While we were struggling to find the right medication (over the course of several years) I saw him about every six to nine months.


7. What is the single most thing you have found to keep your BP under control besides your medications?(besides dietary changes and salt elimination).

Not a single thing, unfortunately.

Exercise and a clean diet are important in making me feel better and be healthier overall, but nothing I have tried has positively affected my blood pressure.

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I could stand to lose about 10 pounds myself, but I am not grossly overweight. I just have bad genes I guess:confused:


I have often wished that lowering by blood pressure was as easy as losing a few pounds. Then I remember that my diagnosis and my worst days were at a time when I was, at 5'10", just 135. :glare:

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I just got back from my annual well woman exam and my bp was way high...like 160/96. It's been tending on the high side the last few years, but not like this, and no one has really said anything about it. But today my ob/gyn recommended that I purchase a bp monitor cuff and keep a log for two weeks, then go to see my regular doctor. So I stopped at Walgreen's on the way home and bought one. I am scared. Back in January I had a "sugar scare" and had a glucose test...normal, but high side of normal. No question that I need to lose weight. It's the magic bullet, right? (Although I know that many have high bp at a normal weight. But I am sure mine is related to my weight). The bummer is that I've been exercising regularly since January and I did not expect this at all.


And while I feel like it's my fault for not taking care of myself better, what's done is done and I can only go forward from here. I'm hoping that if I go to my doc in two weeks about it, that he'll let me try lifestyle/losing weight changes before any medication is prescribed.

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I DID...but don't...


I was in my late 20s. Not positive exactly as it was watched for many years (borderline)before it was officially high.

I have never taken meds.

Readings are normal (to low) now.

Doc sees me every 3 months for a different medical issues (recently went from 5 weeks to 3 mo).

Diet and exercise are my only changes.

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Guest Katia

Just saw this thread after reading another one about high blood pressure, and wanted to chime in with my bit of information:


Being obese does not = high blood pressure.


I have weighed between 250 and 270 for the last 25 years, and my normal blood pressure is 110/72.


What you eat (the type of foods) is, I think, a bigger issue than how much of it you eat when it comes to blood pressure. And exercise is key as well as reducing stress. All those factors come into play...and pain.....and sensitivities to meds like NSAIDS......and illness/infections.......


It just bothers me that if one has high blood pressure their excess weight is automatically seen as the problem and it's just not so.


Ok, off my soap box. :D

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If you do,


1. How old were you when you were diagnosed? 46 after giving birth to twins -- PIH - pregnancy induced hypertension.


2. What medications are you on, and how long have you been on the same medication? Right now: Toprol - 100mg day; hydrochlorathiazide (don;t know the dose - one pill once a day) -- I've been on those two for almost two years; Prior to that, I was taking Novasc and Toprol but we are finding this current combo more effective.


3. How often did you have to change medications before you got on the right ones?First change: three months after dx, Toprol was added. The next change was 9 years later.


4. Are you happy with your Blood pressure readings now? And what is your average BP readiings now? Yes; 114/76 - sometimes even lower;


5. How oftern do you take your BP? and what kind of BP device to you use? I do not take it -- I have a cuff, but I will not use it - the thought of using it makes my pressure spike.

6. How often does your Dr want to see you? Every six months.


7. What is the single most thing you have found to keep your BP under control besides your medications?(besides dietary changes and salt elimination). Consistent physical activity -- walking, etc, getting enough rest.


I am 42 and was diagnosed with HTN last September. and I am still learning so much about it. Thank you for sharing.



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