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What is with this kitty?

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This is kind of a long story, but here goes....


We have a kitty who came indoors for a while but who had to go back out for various reasons. The only reason we let her in to begin with was we felt sorry for after a particularly rough winter. Now... this is really a barn kitty, and she had no indoor manners. I think you also can't teach an old cat new tricks either. (Or, maybe it's that you can't really teach cats anything).


She never really seemed to want to be inside anyway. She was in and out a lot. When inside, she would make a stink of the place, even though we were very patient and kept reminding her of the litter box. We also tried to catch her before she needed to go, so we could scoot her outside to use whatever spot she was used to using to do her "business." She also had a terrific habit of spewing up hairballs the moment she would come inside. She was also periodically nasty to our two regular indoor kitties (both very, very mild-mannered neutred males). One can only take so much, I suppose. I finally got tired of it all and said she had to stay outside.


The problem is she now sits outside for long periods of time just meowing up a storm. Maybe it's spring approaching and she's getting "heat-y?" I don't know. At any rate, I do not know what to do with her now. On the one hand, she's still a little creature, and while we will continue to care for her, she just can't come back inside. On the other hand... well, what to do about the yowling? I've never ever had a barn kitty like this. They aare all quite friendly, and always come running to us, but none ever camp out on the doorstep like this (then again, none but her ever got special indoor privileges before either).


I would appreciate any insights -- especially if you have barn kitties or outdoor kitties.

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Well, yowling sounds like heat but I would think if that's the case she would be out prowling. We had one female that wasn't fixed and she would sit out the window yowling to get out and make a break for it any chance she got. I have never seen a cat meowing to get int though. Maybe make her a cat house for outside? I am also of the opinion that you can't really teach cats much of anything, far too indepent minded for that.

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My guess is that she wants attention. We have an outdoor kitty that has never been in because he is really a stray that has taken up residence in our shed. We had him neutered and have been feeding him and getting him shots for a few years, but can't bring him in because our other cats try to fight with him through the screen door. Like I said, this cat has never been in our house, but he sits on the porch crying at the door. He won't come in if we offer, but wants us to come outside and spend time with him. He likes human companionship, but only outside and he generally doesn't allow anyone to pet him either. We sit outside and read and he will rub against our legs, but he runs off if we try to pet him. Occasionally, he will allow you to pet him, but not very often.

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Maybe you should ban her from the yard. That seems to work at keeping cats away.



Ah... I see your attempt at clever. But I don't mod my farm yard. And that hasn't seemed to work here, so why should it work on my kitty?

Edited by Audrey
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My guess is that she wants attention. We have an outdoor kitty that has never been in because he is really a stray that has taken up residence in our shed. We had him neutered and have been feeding him and getting him shots for a few years, but can't bring him in because our other cats try to fight with him through the screen door. Like I said, this cat has never been in our house, but he sits on the porch crying at the door. He won't come in if we offer, but wants us to come outside and spend time with him. He likes human companionship, but only outside and he generally doesn't allow anyone to pet him either. We sit outside and read and he will rub against our legs, but he runs off if we try to pet him. Occasionally, he will allow you to pet him, but not very often.



You may be on to something there. Maybe she got used to all our hollering at her at every 5 minutes and misses the attention. I suppose I could go out every now and then and shout "no kitty! bad, bad kitty!" at her. :lol:

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