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Pay it forward

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So, DH just went to McDonald's for dinner for DD and I. When he came home he said, "yeah, so....your dinner was free". Huh??


Apparently a woman came into McDonald's this morning and paid for all the drive through orders for the day.....so my dinner was free!


Talk about putting a smile on my face!

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Once I received a coffee drink from Starbucks in this manner. The previous customer "overpaid" and asked that whoever turned up next not have to pay.


But to pay in advance for an entire day's worth of customers ?!?! If you all are "praying people", lift her up for a month, at least !

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How Sweet! Once I was in Portland Oregon to pick up my daughter from the airport and had some time to do some Christmas shopping at the mall. I went into the food court and was trying to figure out what I wanted for lunch when a sweet little lady came up to me and asked me if I wanted to have lunch with her...she had extra coupons for a free lunch and just wanted some company. I said sure, and had lunch with her...it was so sweet! I need to look for ways to do the same.

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I'll never forget when a woman in a hurry behind me in line at the grocery store paid for my $53 in groceries. I was going to have to put some items back, and I was spending my birthday money on food because DH and I were both unemployed and we'd been turned down for food stamps...she spared me having to do either of those things. I was 8+ mo. pregnant, and had brought the baby stroller to carry the groceries home in a cooler because it was a 1 mile walk each way in triple digit temperatures and we didn't have a car. Needless to say, we were in a rough patch. That act of kindness made my day! It uplifted me when I really needed it.

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We have had so many stories like this. Right before dh's first deployment we were visiting him at his training site. We went to a nice steakhouse for dinner and when we asked for our ticket we were told someone had paid for our meal. Dh has had people pay for his gas more than once without telling him. He was at wal-mart during Christmas buying all of the kids bikes and a little old lady came up behind him and handed him cash to help pay for the bikes. It makes me cry every time. And reminds me to look for ways to do the same.


ETA: My favorite moment was at dinner at Pappasito's in Dallas. There were a few soldiers in there eating dinner. I called the waiter over and asked if I could pay for their ticket and he laughed and told me to get in line. 5 other people had already offered! Good people in this world!

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My son, in college, came home one day and told me that someone had paid the bill for him and his friends at Denny's. Between classes, ds and his friends went for late breakfast. There were 6 of them. A man came to their table, and ds and his friends were concerned that may be they had been too loud or something and the guy was mad. The man told them that they seemed like nice young men and that he wanted to buy them breakfast. While he paid their check, the man's mother sat with them and chatted. Ds said she was in her 90's and was really fun to talk to. The man came back, got his mother, told them to have a nice day and to tip the waitress well.


My son was amazed that anyone would do that for him and his friends.

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