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s/o dining table schooling

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You know, my children and my husband were all shocked that I posted pics of our school area when it was not tidy. :glare:


I told them you all home schooled too and would understand. :tongue_smilie:


The pictures did, however, inspire me to clean up all the mess and dust...all for naught b/c it's been clean for 20 whole minutes and the dc have trashed their desk again...sigh...now they know why I just posted the clutter pix, b/c its always cluttered until school is over for the day and I kick everyone out and into their bedrooms for homework!

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Guest aquiverfull

Oh yes we definitely understand..lol. My dd usually works at the kitchen table and occasionally does her reading on the couch. However, her books seem to end up all over the place. When school's over she walks away and leaves them there. I'm always on her about picking them up. Don't even ask about the rest of the house..lol. While we do school the youngers seem to destroy it.

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I thought it looked pretty good! What does that tell you about my house?! :001_smile: We do school at the kitchen table and the living room. There are always stacks of stuff. I've learned to live with it. I finally got to the point where I will actually have people over and not constantly apologize. This is our life now, deal with it.;) I now judge our days by what we learned. Interestingly enough, the good days always end with a big mess.:001_smile:

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Well my house isn't destroyed at all. Ever.






I have actually not photographed or videotaped cute antics because the room they are happening in is embarrassing.

I lost my coffee to the screen on that one!


I clicked on your link in that thread and looked through the school setup, while the back of my mind was thinking "hmmm... glad I'm not the only one whose house looks like that..."



I'm so glad there is a place where I can "share" my mess! I feel suddenly redeemed!:D


Tell him if it was clean, that would mean you didn't use it, and that would mean that you didn't need it. A used area is a messy area. We love it!! Makes the rest of us feel human as well. :tongue_smilie:
I may have to use that...I wonder if I can convince dh that applies to my closet too...the next project to tackle!
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Oh my goodness, no, I don’t think any of us were judging you over a little bit of a untidiness. While I can be the queen of clean, I definitely am all a flutter with the clutter. (in certain spots:glare:) LOL. Ack! Yes, let’s not talk about closets or storage areas. Okay? I am pretending they do not exist right now. :scared:

I thought that it was very big of you to jump up from the WTM screen and snap candid shots. Thanks for sharing. You have a lot of children, so I would expect things to look a lot worse than they did.

I am sure that we all know how it is with children; they seem to destroy things almost immediately. Especially those little boys! Although I have a nine year old girl that could compete with some of the messiest kids out there...:rolleyes:

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Oh my goodness, no, I don’t think any of us were judging you over a little bit of a untidiness. While I can be the queen of clean, I definitely am all a flutter with the clutter. (in certain spots:glare:) LOL. Ack! Yes, let’s not talk about closets or storage areas. Okay? I am pretending they do not exist right now. :scared:


I thought that it was very big of you to jump up from the WTM screen and snap candid shots. Thanks for sharing. You have a lot of children, so I would expect things to look a lot worse than they did.


I am sure that we all know how it is with children; they seem to destroy things almost immediately. Especially those little boys! Although I have a nine year old girl that could compete with some of the messiest kids out there...:rolleyes:

Oh, I didn't feel that way at all :) I know this place is a home school sanctuary! I honestly thank the Lord for The Forums. Sometimes, they are the only place that understands :)

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Well, I often find that the days the house is the messiest are our most productive and happiest days. So, sometimes when dh comes home and is not happy about it I say, "But we had such a good day....."


So, I'm just going to assume that picture represented a good day at your house.;)


You can tell your family I'm really impressed with how hard you all have been working.


Believe me, I get it.



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