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Exercise thread

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Where has the exercise thread been? Am I just not seeing it?



I have a question. Those who exercise in the morning when do you eat? I'm not hungry when I first get up, and I don't feel well if I eat and then work out. I also know that working out without breaking fast is not good. What can I eat when I'm not that hungry, and won't fill me to the point of me not working out well?

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A lot of athletes and morning work-outers eat 1/2 to a whole banana 15-20 minutes before working out. The amount depends on how much you're working out. The idea is not to crash, of course. Just make sure that you have something with protein (or lots of good amino acids which would be my preference) and sugar immediately after (skip the sugar if you wait 20+ minutes).

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I like to eat breakfast then get into my homeschool routine for about 2 hours. Then I do my workout while dc do seat work, chores, break, whatever our day calls for. After the workout, I shower and review where we are in our daily work. Lunch is awesome because I've worked out and ready for it!

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Where has the exercise thread been? Am I just not seeing it?



I have a question. Those who exercise in the morning when do you eat? I'm not hungry when I first get up, and I don't feel well if I eat and then work out. I also know that working out without breaking fast is not good. What can I eat when I'm not that hungry, and won't fill me to the point of me not working out well?


I do a quick morning workout before breakfast 4 days/week. About 20 minutes with weights.


I think it's good to eat first if you have a long workout, but I don't think the food would get to my muscles in 20 minutes anyway. I do eat before longer workouts, but I don't do them as early.

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I'm just trying to get back into some sort of routine. I'm playing around with what will work. It's hard with a 15 month old!


If I work out in the house he climbs all over me. During nap time we do a big chunk of lessons because it's so much easier to get it done when the baby is sleeping.


So if I get up and work out first thing, I can run in the back yard while the baby toddles around and plays, and I can keep an eye on him. The only problem with that is I have to watch out for dog poop piles while running.


I think a granola bar or banana is a great before workout snack.

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I'll have a regular breakfast at or around 7 and then I run around 9/9:30/10.


On days like today when I swim, I'll grab a paper cup with cereal in it and munch that on the way to the pool. Then eat a regular breakfast when I get home, still eating around 7.


Carbs are the quick fuel which is why I choose it.

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My typical before-workout meal is more like a snack. lol I'll eat:


Yogurt w/fruit and piece of whole wheat toast

Cottage cheese and piece of fruit

Hardboiled egg and granola bar or toast

Peanut butter toast and some fruit


Stuff like that. This is 1 hour before I go to the gym, when I go in the morning. (Not often! lol Usually I go in the afternoon or evening, 2+ hours after a meal.)

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