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Facebook - can you remove a pic someone else posted?

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Someone else posted a pic of my dh. I'd like it removed. It's not a harmful picture, but this person should not have posted this. My dh does not like fb, and doesn't want to be on it.

So, I have sent this person a message (we are not friends). If this person does not remove the picture, can I remove it somehow?


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From the Facebook Help Center:


There's a photo of me on Facebook that I want taken down.

View the photo and click the "remove tag" link next to your name. It w...

View the photo and click the "remove tag" link next to your name. It will no longer be linked to your profile.


Remember that you can only tag your friends. If you are having problems with someone constantly tagging you in embarrassing photos, just remove them as a friend (from the Friends page).


If you don't want the photo to be shown at all, please talk to the person who posted it. They should be respectful enough to remove unwanted photos. Unfortunately, Facebook CANNOT make people remove photos that do not violate our Terms of Use.




You may want to check the terms of use, but I think the only photos that violate the terms are offensive photos.



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Yk, people really need to understand that this is a whole new world. People will take pictures at concerts, plays, ballet recitals, family reunions, Church gatherings, homeschooling conferences etc. Your name might not appear, but these photos will be On The Internet. They Will Be On Facebook.


Keep your shirt buttoned and your pants zipped. Keep your tongue in your mouth. That's about all you are going to be able to do. Tell your kids.

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Yk, people really need to understand that this is a whole new world. People will take pictures at concerts, plays, ballet recitals, family reunions, Church gatherings, homeschooling conferences etc. Your name might not appear, but these photos will be On The Internet. They Will Be On Facebook.


Keep your shirt buttoned and your pants zipped. Keep your tongue in your mouth. That's about all you are going to be able to do. Tell your kids.


And for the love of all that is holy, WEAR UNDERWEAR!!!!

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From the Facebook Help Center:




You may want to check the terms of use, but I think the only photos that violate the terms are offensive photos.




Thank you. I guess it was dh's dear sister who then tagged me, as she forwarded it to me - she thought it was funny. :glare:


I DID get a response back from the original poster, who did state the pic would be removed. YAY!


Oh... I could really enjoy being kept out of the drama of some things.

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And make sure it's clean and has no holes! :lol:



Exactly. People take pictures of Every Single Thing and then Forward Them To Facebook.


Next time you are sitting around a resort pool, make sure no boobs are hanging out, and don't yell like a crazy person at your kids. Someone with an iPhone or whatnot, will find it hilarious and forward it to all their friends. On Facebook. On The Internet. Maybe stop whacking your kids in the Walmart parking lot. That could go on The Internet as well.

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Exactly. People take pictures of Every Single Thing and then Forward Them To Facebook.


Next time you are sitting around a resort pool, make sure no boobs are hanging out, and don't yell like a crazy person at your kids. Someone with an iPhone or whatnot, will find it hilarious and forward it to all their friends. On Facebook. On The Internet. Maybe stop whacking your kids in the Walmart parking lot. That could go on The Internet as well.


I would like to enter this website into evidence as exhibit A:


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Yk, people really need to understand that this is a whole new world. People will take pictures at concerts, plays, ballet recitals, family reunions, Church gatherings, homeschooling conferences etc. Your name might not appear, but these photos will be On The Internet. They Will Be On Facebook. .

I think a major part of my reaction was my wifely claws coming out (which is an incredibly RARE event). The pic was not offensive itself. But this was also not a group photo, which I would have understood.


IMHO, there should potentially be more thought before pictures are posted, and for that matter, taken. Simply because the technology is available doesn't mean it should be used without wisdom.


Keep your shirt buttoned and your pants zipped. Keep your tongue in your mouth. That's about all you are going to be able to do. Tell your kids.


You mean you should do :001_smile: or :coolgleamA:, as sometimes :ack2: or :001_tt2: (or more than that) may later cause some of :banghead: or :cursing: ?




And for the love of all that is holy, WEAR UNDERWEAR!!!!


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I think a major part of my reaction was my wifely claws coming out (which is an incredibly RARE event). The pic was not offensive itself. But this was also not a group photo, which I would have understood.


IMHO, there should potentially be more thought before pictures are posted, and for that matter, taken. Simply because the technology is available doesn't mean it should be used without wisdom.




I don't know what his own sister could have posted that was so awful , but sibs don't always have good relationships, so anything is possible. It's good she took it off, so maybe she doesn't hate him?


At any rate, could it have been worse? I mean, check out MrsM's link re Walmart. These days we all have to think carefully about not posing in compromising situations. Your dh probably learned a good lesson, and at least its gone.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Yk, people really need to understand that this is a whole new world. People will take pictures at concerts, plays, ballet recitals, family reunions, Church gatherings, homeschooling conferences etc. Your name might not appear, but these photos will be On The Internet. They Will Be On Facebook.


Keep your shirt buttoned and your pants zipped. Keep your tongue in your mouth. That's about all you are going to be able to do. Tell your kids.


This made me think. Is this (Facebook) the new "community" of which I have often lamented the loss in the past? Is this what I wished for? It reminds me of the small town where I grew up. There are definitely good and bad aspects of community.

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And make sure it's clean and has no holes! :lol:


About 25 years ago, my Dad got into a very bad motorcycle accident that sent him to the ER. As the nurses were trying to get his pants off, he realized that he was wearing the oldest, holiest underwear he had. He begged the nurses not to tell his mother - they laughed quite a bit over that one!

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If her dh doesn't have a facebook, then he cannot be tagged. You can't remove a photo someone else posted.


This is not so. I have a friend who does not have a FB account and she is on picture posted by someone else, and she is tagged. This is one of the things I really dislike about FB. You have 0 control over what's on there even if you don't have an account.



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This is not so. I have a friend who does not have a FB account and she is on picture posted by someone else, and she is tagged. This is one of the things I really dislike about FB. You have 0 control over what's on there even if you don't have an account.




Your friend is identified in the picture, but tagging means that someone can click on her name and find her and/or other pictures of her.

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