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The end of an era. The 17 year old informed me she will be moving to WA in the fall.

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Both the 17 & 18 year old will be graduating this year. The 18 year old moved out when she was 17 as did the two before her but for some reason, I am just not ready to let this one go. I am sure part of it is that she is my last homeschooler. The youngest two go to PS and probably always will so I won't be a homeschool mom anymore. Another problem though is that while this dd is more of a go getter than her older siblings were, she seems to have less of a plan. The others had a place to live lined up, a car, a job, educations plans and such. Her plan is to move to WA, get a job, a place to live, a car and go to commnity college until she can establish in state recidency. I have no doubt that she can do this (she is a child who can just will things into existance) but I would certainly be more comfortable with plans that were a little more concrete. And why WA? We don't have any family in WA? And it is so far away. What's wrong with TX, TN or GA? Where we have family and she is close to home.

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If she wants to pop in for a warm welcome, tell her stop by and say hi!


(And I'll call you with reports!)



Seriously though, I can't imagine. I have my head in the sand that my oldest is almost 17. And she has a large streak of adventure in her. We always thought she would attend the state uni that is close to my in-laws. She would go to school with her cousins (best of friends) and live with her awesome grandma and auntie and uncle. Recently, we were informed that this plan now sounds boring. Sigh.


I guess I better get ready, too.

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I feel bad for you. I want to throw some advice your way to pass on to her though ok?


I left college to move to WA state. About killed my parents. I wanted a year off. I went. I had a friend's mom who let me come to her place so I did have a place to stay already. I too planned to go to school out there. Imagine the shock I received when I showed up ready to apply to be told that preference is given to state residents. So much so they have a point system and it's darn near impossible to just show up and go. The community colleges are stuffed full b/c if you get a 2 year degree the 4 year school will accept you into the major of your choice. :001_huh: What was I to do? I also found it harder to get a job. To wait tables you need a food handler card and it cost money to get. You had to study and pass a test! :001_huh: I found my entire experience to be frustrating. I left after 9 months to go back to my home state to finish school. (parents very happy!)


I love WA state. So much so dh and I moved there right after buying a house in NC, lol. He had a job so we left! But it is more expensive than other places in regards to housing. We had a tiny apartment in a Seattle suburb that cost as much as our house back in NC! It's just not a show up and get started kind of place. So having lived there twice I really want to caution her. Does she know anyone there? A friend who will commit to letting her stay for 3 months until she can get on her feet? Has she called the community colleges to find out if they have room for her? I did go to school in WA on my second time living there. A new CC had opened up and I got in and took classes easily. But we were state residents by then.


I hate to see her dreams get caught up in all the crud. Support her moving. But make sure she HEARS your advice. It's up to her to take it. But you are still mom. Offer it. It may fall on deaf ears. But offer it. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


I will say this: my year off school was a learning experience. I had to get a job, find an apt, and survive on my waitress tips. I had fun. Lots of fun. but it was hard. And that is what led me back to school to finish. I realized I needed school to have a better life. Hopefully she will too.

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. The others had a place to live lined up, a car, a job, educations plans and such. Her plan is to move to WA, get a job, a place to live, a car and go to commnity college until she can establish in state recidency.


When I moved to WA, my sole plan was a place to crash until I could get a job and place to live. I drove out with my Great Dane in a 61 GMC pickup.

My niece moved out here with even less. There are lots of safe and friendly places....where is she planning on going? Many people get out a map and look for the place that is the farthest from where they are, and WA gets a lot of such travelers (I have met many). Our climate is very different from FL and the SE, and that alone brings many.

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